Emilia stared at Ling Mo, blinked her eyes, and said with a chuckle, "That's me, I captured the most important hostage here."

"Really, not to mention whether you can kill me, even if you catch me, you are sure you can get out of here safely"

Ling Mo looked for the zipper on the back of Emilia's dress, Emilia did not stop him, Ling Mo said, "I'm getting paid in advance."

Natalita snorted softly and said, "Answer the question."

"Remove the needle first, it's a distraction, you don't know, I'm prone to gibberish when I'm not paying attention."

Emilia really threw away the needle that pointed the needle at Ling Mo's eye. Perhaps in her opinion, such a threat was of little significance. If there was an accident, she only needed to use light force to crush Ling Mo's body. throat.

Although he said that he has been strengthened many times, and his external defense is already very strong, Ling Mo is not very willing to try to see if his eyes can block this.

He knew one thing later on. In the twilight world, the vampires in that world had a strong sense of defense, and the kind of rifle bullets that hit him would be fine...

However, at that time, Lenate used a material to press: the ancient dagger, which is now in a poor angle, left a long wound on Heidi's neck. Therefore, in the hands of the strong, even a A piece of paper can also kill.

Is Emilia weak? Compared to Ling Mo, of course, she is not as good as him, but her own strength is not bad, and there is no absolute gap between the two. Ling Mo definitely does not want Emilia to give her eyes. Come on, it must be painful.

"Let's go back to the first question, Ling Mo, this is my name, I know it might be a little troublesome for you to pronounce, so let's get used to it"

, The palms lingered behind Emilia's back, and for the time being, I didn't do too many things that might make her disgusted. Ling Mo said, "I don't represent anyone. Your secret has not been known to others, and to most people, your existence is still just a legend."

"Then how did you learn about the blood race?"

"It's enough to read a book, my people, I just killed a vampire recently, unfortunately, he seems to be your historian, this is a responsible guy, since your origin, all the secrets are hidden in in his records."

This is of course nonsense, but when Emilia heard Ling Mo's explanation, she believed most of it, and a trace of regret flashed in her eyes. If she had known that historians were a hidden danger, exile would not make much sense at all. Killing is effective.

Unfortunately, the decision to exile the historian was made during Victor's reign, and she didn't pay much attention to the news when she woke up.

Having said that, she didn't actually think about exile, but she still knew a little bit, as if the historian knew something bad for Victor before he was exiled.

"Where's Lucian?"

"That's right, he was the one who attacked you, not some distant relative who looks alike. Are you curious about why he is still alive to give you a hint, who once told you that Lucien was dead and brought back the evidence? Who is qualified to influence the task that greets you today"


Emilia hated, "It can only be him!"

"Even if we were ambushed, the escort team didn't come to rescue. The only person who could affect the action of the escort team was Klein, the bastard! He has been playing with Lucien. We all underestimated him. It was restless a hundred years ago!"

When she was ambushed at the time, she didn't have the time to think about it, but now that she is safe, Emilia doesn't need Ling Mo to improve too much. After a little thought, she can think that Klein is the most suspicious object.

"You asked for it."

Ling Mo said.

"What did you say!"

"I said, you brought it on yourself"

, sneered, looking directly at Emilia with angry eyes, "Loyalty, this is the most ridiculous lie, the so-called loyalty is just not enough chips for betrayal."

"After so many years of stability, it's more than just ordinary blood clans who are slack. You elders are too. You always think that your subordinates are loyal to you, and you never dare to betray, or even don't care about betrayal, because you are confident that your strength is enough to settle the trouble."

"Even if Klein has Victor's support, this century is your ruling period. You can take away all of Klein's rights with just one sentence, but you didn't. You acquiesced to him to continue to manage the manor. , Your acquiescence allows him to gain more rights, and your departure leaves him unchecked. Unrestricted rights breed ambition, and ambition encourages betrayal."

"Ambition grew little by little, and finally a cowardly villain found the courage to contact the enemy to ambush the elders of his own clan!"

"Look, it's not at all a loss for you to be ambushed by a werewolf this time."

Emilia calmed down, "Maybe, maybe it's our mistakes that made today's consequences."

"Since I'm not dead, no matter what

Whether it's because of luck or your calculations, I have a chance to make up for it."

Ling Mo supported Emilia's waist and heard the words: "Do you think I will give you this chance?"

"If I'm not mistaken, it's you who got caught."

, Emilia smiled, slowly lowered her head and approached Ling Mo, and said softly: "Maybe what you said is true, maybe it is mixed with lies, it doesn't matter, your memory will not deceive people, memory, It's hidden in your blood, and I'll see it myself."

"Don't worry, it won't hurt, it will be over soon."

After all, Emilia's eyes flashed with sharpness, and she suddenly accelerated to bite Ling Mo's carotid artery! However, Emilia didn't see that, while she was doing this, Ling Mo put on a prank. The smile, without dodging or evading, let Emilia bite down.

Once, there was also a vampire who wanted to do this to Ling Mo, and then she had a toothache for a while. This time, Emilia faced the same problem and bit down with the utmost strength. The image of the artery being bitten open and blood gushing out has already emerged.

However, these fantasies suddenly stopped at that moment, and the pain came from the roots of his teeth: this feeling was like an ordinary person biting on a stone with the greatest strength, it was really painful and painful.

Emilia's expression froze, unable to bite.

Chapter [*]

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Chapter [*] Sense of Security

"Ha ha"

Ling Mo caught a glimpse of Emilia's expression, and finally couldn't help laughing. Taking advantage of Emilia's turn over to make the two change their positions, he looked down at Emilia and said with a smile: "You should really look at yourself. The expression on his face right now is so cute."

"Amelia, let me teach you how to bite."


Emilia hadn't reacted from the shock just now, and when she heard Ling Mo's words, she didn't know why, but then she understood, as if the two of them had suddenly changed their identities, and she, the vampire, had become each other at this time. of prey.

The speed was so fast that Emilia only had time to turn her head to the side to see Ling Mo rushing on her neck, and then, a tingling sensation came from her arteries! Emilia opened her eyes instantly, not only Just because he noticed that his blood was draining, he deeply doubted who the two of them were actually the vampire! "Enough, stop! You will kill me!"

Emilia struggled hard, her blood was draining, which was almost equivalent to her vitality, Ling Mo was drinking her blood, just taking her strength and life little by little! Moreover, she had not fully recovered. .

Ling Mo has now confirmed one thing, the blood of the blood clan is actually more delicious than the blood of animals or humans. If the owner of these blood is a powerful elder of the blood clan, it is even more incomparable with ordinary blood.

When he switched himself to another state, in fact he suddenly discovered that he didn't just look like a vampire, along with it, he could use blood as food more efficiently like a vampire, and this kind of The source is more efficient than normal food supplementation! Even though Emilia was still there just now: transfusion of normal blood, but that...the blood was absorbed as soon as it entered, and did not remain at all, and now exists in Emilia's blood vessels. , only Emilia's own blood, and now, this blood is being taken away by Ling Mo.

After a long time, he let go..., wiped the stained blood, Ling Mo exhaled, and recalled: "I should have tried this a long time ago, sorry, it's too delicious, I almost couldn't help but kill you. ."

The wound on the neck that was bitten by Ling Mo quickly recovered, but there was a large amount of blood left there. Emilia stared at Ling Mo and murmured: "In people's eyes, we are monsters, so what are you? A monster in a monster's eyes?"

"Maybe it can have a negative effect and a positive effect."

, Ling Mo rolled over and lay down beside Emilia, looked sideways at her who was weak again, and said, "Have you... suddenly realized how funny your threats are?"

"You've been playing with me."

Emilia said in a hoarse voice, such a strength is like a predator that surpasses vampires. Now that I think about it, the threat that I thought was dominant before was like a joke.

Moreover, Emilia is now even more worried that Lingmo directly treats her simply as food, which is the most terrifying.

Ling Mo turned to the side, grabbed Emilia's cheek and made her look at him, did you just find out, An Xin, you can't escape."

"Now, should we redefine the primary and secondary relationship?"

It was fine when I left the manor, but the car was halfway through and it started to rain again.

The second Serena only felt distraught, because this time she was technically running away.

Taking the risk: Awakening Victor, who thought she could get help, but then got almost the opposite result, if only so, she would not have made the decision now, the key is that Serena recalled Victor. Keto's behavior at the time, yes, he was angry, but it wasn't just because she broke the rules to wake him up.

So, he violated Victor's order to imprison her again, and now Serena doesn't know whether she is on the run or not.

The car swerved sharply around the street corner, Serena looked up at the building that still looked dilapidated, and she had to find someone who could really help her, and Serena smiled self-deprecatingly. Haven't you already paid the price?

With the harsh braking sound, the car stopped in front of the building, and sure enough, just as she got out of the car, she saw a familiar robot standing in front of the hollow door frame to greet her.

"Is he here"

Serena asked bluntly.

Seeing that the other party nodded and made another gesture of inviting in, Serena walked quickly into the building without saying a word.

It is true that she is loyal to Victor, but she has never been a person who is willing to accept reality. Even if Victor punishes himself simply because she violated the ban to wake the other party up, Serena will never give up hope Honestly waited in the room, waiting for his own judgment.

She knew that she was right, and she was more willing to take the initiative to prove herself than to wait weakly! However, Serena recalled the look in Victor's eyes at that time, and she couldn't help frowning, why? Is it because Victor learned through her blood that she heard the story of Sonia and Lucian Is this reason enough to make Victor kill her This is Serena's judgment, she believes in herself The intuition, because this intuition has saved her many times, Victor is going to kill her, no matter what the committee decides, Victor wants her to die! A door stood in front of her, and there was no knock. The habit of the door, Serena pushed the door directly and entered.

It seems that this door connects two worlds. Outside the door is a dilapidated and abandoned building, and inside the door is indeed a complex apartment with exquisite and elegant decoration.

His eyes quickly found her target, sitting on the sofa, with his feet on the coffee table casually, holding a very thick tome in his hand, when he heard the sound of the door opening, he looked over, with The smile that seems to never change, "Hey, miss me"

Seeing this figure, Serena's turbulent heart gradually calmed down since she woke up Victor. Although the relationship between them is indeed too complicated, she can always find a sense of security from him, shaking her head. ,"Not at all."

It's just that Serena didn't notice that, when she said this, her horn twitched slightly.

Ling Mo shook his head and said, "It's still the same, dishonest woman."

"You haven't changed either, arrogant man"

, Serena took off the trench coat and threw it on the hook at the door, "Also, I'm not a human."

Chapter [*]

"These kinds of words are usually used to curse people, but I don't even know how to refute you when you say this now."

Ling Mo put down the book, didn't get up, still looked very unimpressive, looked at Serena's face, showed a gentle smile, and said, "I've been wronged."

Nodding, Serena immediately admitted.

Ling Mo opened his hands, "Come and hug."

Serena almost wanted to give him a roll of eyes, walked over a few steps and kicked away his feet on the coffee table, then sat down in front of Ling Mo: "I, need your help, now only you can help me. "

"You didn't say that when you left..."

, Ling Mo sat up straight, "But being needed is also a value, isn't it? Tell me, let me cut who?"

With that said, Ling Mo grabbed Serena's calf, threw the knee-length boots aside, and put her small feet on her knees, and said that the boots are right for your feet. He doesn't believe in words like too much pressure.

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