He couldn't stand the smell of livestock blood for a long time, he often sneaked out and used humans as food, he never told other people about it, but his blood accidentally told me this"

In the sequence of power transfer, Victor is responsible for awakening Emilia, which is a carefully designed sequence by Victor.

One of the talents of the Corvinus blood is to know the memories of others through blood. The most important part of the ceremony of power succession between elders is that the previous elder uses his own blood to wake up the next one, so that the other party falls asleep. Two centuries will not be ignorant of changes in the world.

"Who remembers the day when he came to your house and killed your family one by one, until he softened when he saw you, and you reminded him of his daughter, Sonia."

Emilia looked at Serena with interest and continued: "After many years, I woke up and saw these interesting secrets in Victor's blood, and then I saw you, one with A naive girl who keeps fighting with hatred."

"I checked the train that Elder Emilia and the committee were on, and they were indeed attacked on a massive scale by werewolves. There were no survivors, and Elder Emilia was missing."

In the manor, Kahn, who went to search for Emilia, knelt in front of Victor, bowing his head and daring to look at Victor.

He was very lucky, after he left the manor, Klein sent a message to inform Lucian to deal with the Elder Guard he led. However, after Lucian hung up the phone, he ignored the matter.

After absorbing a lot of blood, Victor could no longer see the appearance of the mummified corpse before, and instead a majestic old man sat there and said sternly: "Continue to search, until it is proved that Emilia is indeed dead! "

"What about Klein?"

Kahn replied immediately: "He ran away, and all his men disappeared, do you need to hunt him down?"

"Hehe, forget it, Klein will deal with it later."

, Victor raised his hand and didn't care about Klein's defection. He never had much expectations for him, so he couldn't be disappointed.

"It's not surprising to me that Klein did this. He stood up more and slowly put on a robe for himself," Klein is a good servant. He longs for power. I know from what I saw of him. He has no sense of morality. Give him a little sweetness, and he'll do anything for you."

"Working with the werewolf to ambush Emilia, this is probably the only thing in his life that makes me look up to him."

Victor laughed: "But love is beyond his control, fear will fight all his desires, and he has no courage when I am weakest.

What do you want to do to me, just run away."

"Don't pay attention to this poor bastard, let him live in fear for a few more days, deal with those disgusting werewolves and settle accounts with him."

Victor looked at Kane and raised his hand to signal him to stand up, "Kahn, compared to Klein's betrayal, your loyalty makes me appreciate, although you failed to stop Klein's plans over the years, loyalists Deservedly rewarded."

"Thank you, my master."

Kahn was full of admiration.

Quickly took a long sword from the side and held it up in front of Victor, "Your weapon."

"I still need to use him one day."

Victor had taken the long sword that had accompanied him for thousands of years to deal with werewolves. After so many years, the long sword was still the same.

Standing in front of him, the body of the sword reflected Victor's icy eyes, but with a warm smile on his face, "I misunderstood Serena, although she offended the majesty of the elder, she deserves forgiveness. Will intercede for him in Parliament and bring her to me."

Kahn hesitated, "Selina, she"


"She wounded the guard and fled."

Victor narrowed his eyes, the killing intent in his eyes gradually faded, and smiled: "She will come back, I understand her, Serena just feels wronged, she will come back and continue to fight for me!"

"Kahn, call up the escort, death walkers, all the vampires who can fight, find Lucien for me!"

Serena's horn: with some blood on her face, with tears on her pale face, she whispered, "For so many years, I've been like a joke."

"The truth is so cruel sometimes"

, Emilia wiped the blood on her wrist, it's too easy to tell Serena the truth, Emilia just needs to let Serena taste a little of her own blood, Serena will get rid of what is contained in the blood The memory of seeing Victor killing her family with her own eyes is more than any words can convince her, although it is also a fragment of memory, it is enough.

"Is that why he wants to kill me?"

Ling Mo took Serena's shoulders, wiped away the tears, shook his head, and said, "I'm afraid not, I think your intuition is right, Victor found out that you know about Sonya, this is an introduction, he Afraid that you know more, that you're out of control."

"For the sake of power, he is willing to kill his own daughter, not to mention that you are just a substitute in his eyes."

"What's more, there is some information that he never dared to let Marcus know is hidden in memory, in your blood.

You're probably the only one other than him who knows where William is being held, and what do you think he'll do when he realizes you might be out of control?"

"William, the ancestor of the werewolf"

Serena said blankly, "But I've never seen him. I even thought William was just an unbelievable legend a few days ago."

"Remember what your parents did in the past"

Serena tried to recall a vague memory, "What are they building, I don't know, I was very young at that time."

Ling Mo said: "What they built is William's prison."

Chapter [*] The beginning of revenge

"Marcus has always been the strongest and the craziest of us."

"Victor likes rights and enjoys rights. A powerful Corvinus blood is the main body for him to maintain rights. I don't deny it. I also enjoy my current life."

"Marcus is different, he didn't care about the Covenus blood from the beginning, it was always just his tool.

Back then, Marcus found Victor and me successively and persuaded us to become the blood clan to solve the werewolf's troubles, not to save the world, but just as an older brother who didn't want to see his younger brother go crazy."

"So when we finally caught William at a huge price, Marcus threatened us with death not to kill William, and we had to compromise and imprison William."

Emilia came to Serena and brushed her fingers across the face that made her jealous more than once, "Even as one of the three elders, Marcus still repays his own rights. All he wanted was to find William who was imprisoned by us."

"Selina, even if I were from Victor's point of view, I would want to kill you, don't mind, it's not a personal grudge."

"This is already a personal grudge, I want to see Victor."

Serena turned to look at Ling Mo, "Help me, without your help, I couldn't have killed him, I remember my promise, I'll be yours when this matter is over."

For thousands of years, the three elders have established absolute authority in the hearts of all Corvinus blood clans. Their status is supreme, and their strength is incomparable. Almost any blood clan stands in front of them, let alone dare to do it. In my heart I felt that I would never win.

The other vampires thought so, and so did Serena.

But she still hadn't realized what kind of power she already possessed after tasting Ling Mo's blood.

The first time he had murderous intent on Serena, he didn't do anything. It might be better to say that Victor's caution saved one of his own. Otherwise, even if he had recovered all his strength at that time, once he did it, he would definitely He will be surprised to find that he is not Serena's opponent at all! Ling Mo said helplessly: "It must be regarded as a transaction"

Serena nodded and said, "This will make me feel more at ease."

"If you think so, well, we can slowly cultivate our feelings in the future. Anyway, we don't lack time, don't we?"

Ling Mo glanced at Emilia as he spoke.

Noticing Ling Mo's gaze, Emilia turned her head away, trading her is more like a pure transaction, and Serena, hehe, she clearly likes that guy very much, but she has to give it to herself. Find an excuse.

As for herself, Ling Mo exchanged her life from the werewolf, and then she will not kill her, and in the end will support her to become the only master of the Corvinus blood clan. It seems that she has gained a lot, but relatively speaking, she wants to pay more.

Serena handed over her body before she came, and it didn't even count as an advance payment, because in the future, she would also belong to him alone, and even the blood clan she would lead in the future would only be helping Ling Mo. It's just management.

Are you unwilling? Of course, Emilia wanted to take Ling Mo's possessions before, but now it's completely reversed.

But no matter how much you resist, your strength is respected, isn't that the case all the time, as a puppet leading the new Corvinus blood clan, it's better than accompany the current one.

The knock on the door interrupted Emilia's thoughts, looking towards the door, a liquid robot opened the door.

Ling Mo didn't seem surprised at all, and asked the liquid robot, "It's starting"

"Lucian led all the werewolves to surround the territory of the Corvinus blood clan. The other party has not yet found that they are surrounded. It is expected that they will launch an attack within ten minutes."

Ling Mo glanced at the window, heavy rain, dark night, "This is not a good time to attack, is Lucien so impatient?"

If he was given a choice, he would attack the blood clan on a particularly sunny day, and the sunshine would be the friend of the werewolf. Not only would the performance of the blood clan be limited, but more seriously, if he won, he would not be able to pursue it, and if he lost, it would be even more difficult. Escape the building! The liquid robot replied: "The weather forecast predicts that there will be no sunshine for the next two days."

"It's rather frustrating"

, Ling Mo waved his hand to signal the robot to step back, "Continue to monitor."

Seeing that Ling Mo had no intention of setting out, Serena said anxiously, "I'm going to kill him with my own hands!"

If Lucien's revenge is successful, although Victor will also die, this is not what Serena wants to see. She wants to question Victor herself, and she wants to complete the revenge herself! Hold up... Serena's face is light Taking it lightly, Ling Mo said softly, "Don't worry, even if it is revenge, it must be sorted in order. I have already given Lucien the strength of revenge, and I must let him play his role."

"Besides, he can't kill Victor this time. Unfortunately, I have seen the ending in advance."

"Victor I'll leave it to you, but before that, I'll see where he's going to escape."

"how to see"

Ling Mo tilted Serena's head, revealing a section of her neck, "An inevitable fiasco, in order to fight back against the Jedi, Victor can only rely on Marcus' power, which also gives Marcus the opportunity to blackmail him. Conditions, and the existence of William, is Victor a weapon that ignores the enemy and me."

"The place where William is being held is hidden in your blood, and I'll find him."

After all, Ling Mo lightly bit Serena's neck, exerting a little force, piercing the skin, blood vessels, and the blood entering the mouth, along with the memory fragments belonging to Serena, Ling Mo quickly searched for it. the part he needs.

The pain in the neck made Serena frown. She didn't dodge, she was just curious, "You are obviously not of the Corvinus blood family, why do you have this ability?"

After a while, Ling Mo let go... Serena replied, "You gave me this ability."

The ability to continuously collect other races is also one of Ling Mo's abilities. When Serena gave her first hand to Ling Mo last night, that kind of...by absorbing the blood of stronger people makes herself stronger. The strong ability, and the ability to obtain each other's memory from the blood of other creatures, were also copied by Ling Mo.

At the same time, outside the ancient manor occupied by the Corvinus blood clan, under the rainy night, the only illuminated manor was like an isolated island.

Under the cover of night, a convoy crushed the mud along the way and moved in the direction of the light.

When approaching the manor, heavy figures jumped from the carriage from time to time, stood up after rolling in a few laps, turned into werewolves in silence in the heavy rain, and spread to the vicinity of the entire manor with the convoy.

On the co-pilot of the first truck, Lucian held his pendant tightly, his eyes fixed on the approaching outline, "Sonia, have you seen it, I'm here to avenge you."

Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Five Flames

Chapter [*] Ruins

These strange werewolves, extremely powerful, pinched the neck of a black werewolf, and Victor's face was very ugly.

His loyal guard Kahn was killed by this thing. Although Kahn desperately used silver nitrate bullets to attack the opponent, it had no effect at all, and now Kahn's body was lying beside him.

"What the hell are you"

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