The artery was cut, and Victor grabbed Klein's hair and smashed him on Marcus' coffin, making his wound above Marcus' teeth, and the gurgling blood stream kept flowing into Marcus' mouth.

The blood lost a lot of life and strength. Klein struggled but was unable to shake Victor's arm. Victor sneered: "Klein, do you think I will still trust you, I will not make such a mistake again. ."

His boss was caught, and Klein's men subconsciously raised their weapons to aim at Victor. Victor just glanced coldly when he noticed their movements.

Under Binghan's gaze, these vampires put down their weapons in a guilty conscience, daring not to look at Victor's gaze, or even to escape.


Victor looked at Klein, who gradually stopped struggling, "Betraying is a habit. When you betray the first time, you will get used to doing it the second time and the third time."

"Klein, you will never learn. If you want to be loyal, you will always be loyal. If you want to betray, betray to the end. Repeated repetition will never work."

"Don't you want to be loyal to me, just use your dirty blood to make the final contribution."

When Klein's blood was about to run out, Marcus finally woke up. He hadn't fully recovered yet. Although he no longer looked like a mummified corpse, his body looked like he had some kind of disease, and his body was covered in dark brown. Looks like a bat.

Victor threw away Klein and let him drown the last drop of blood on the ground to die, and said to Marcus who sat up, "Marcus, you already know what happened, right?"

"Your blood has told me all, it sucks."

Marcus looked beyond Victor to the blood soldiers who belonged to Klein, smiled, and said, "Is this a dessert for me?"

Victor stepped aside and said in a low voice, "You need to regain your strength as soon as possible."

Marcus twisted his neck a few times, adjusting to the body he had just woken up, and suddenly a gust of wind popped out of the coffin, and two huge bat wings suddenly opened behind him, driving him to pounce on his food.

The sound of gunshots, screams, and the sound of eating, Victor watched for a while, picked up his long sword and opened his own chamber a little bit, tore it apart, not only the bones, but also implanted in the bones. A layer of metal creation, the heart of this device is embedded with a palm-sized metal disc.

To be precise, this is the key, part of the key.

Victor took off the key and felt a little emotional. Since the key was hidden in such a place, he was worried that others, especially Marcus, would find it. How did he endure the pain when he implanted the device, and now he actually took the initiative in the horse. Cuos took out the key from his side.

Klein's surviving subordinates did not pose much threat to Marcus at all. They were all killed in a short time. His own blood became Marcus' nourishment. He also left one for Vic, who was already injured. many.

With enough blood, Marcus has completely disregarded the appearance of a monster, even more so when his wings were folded. He saw the metal disc in Victor's hand and asked, "What is this?"

"this is

what you've always wanted."

Victor replied, took out a slightly smaller disc from his pocket, which used to be used by Lucien as the other half key of the pendant, and put it into the groove in the middle of the big disc, the two perfectly combined into a whole. .

Then, they were thrown to Marcus.

"The situation we have encountered is probably more severe than the memory I let you see, Marcus, it's time for us to let go of our conflicts, I need your help, and I hope you can control your brother."

Marcus held the key tightly in his hand, "William."

On the edge of a pier on the edge of the city, in the deep darkness, a huge ship was quietly docked on the edge of the pier, like a sleeping giant.

In the dark, armed men with police dogs roamed the pier, alert to possible dangers around.

The whistling sound of the helicopter was still noisy even in the rainy night. The patrol personnel looked up and watched the helicopter fly over the ship at a low altitude. If there was a reminder in the earphone, they looked at it again and stopped paying attention.

The helicopter had just landed, the hatch was opened from the inside, and a bald man in a black combat uniform jumped out of the helicopter and walked quickly into the cabin.

One of the cabins seemed a little out of tune with the ship as a whole. Walking into it seemed to suddenly break into the collection room of a nobleman. If you take out any piece here, it can be called an antique.

Such a room is enough to make people who love antiques crazy, but for the old man sitting there, it is just an object that he casually uses to decorate in his spare time. The ordinary objects gradually become so-called antiques. , just like himself.

The soldier who hurried back from the outside came to the room and saw the old man and the young man sitting across from him across a desk, and stopped, "Sorry, sir, I didn't know you had guests."

"It's okay Cook, I already know what happened over there, let's go out first."

The old man turned the ring and said to the soldier.

The old man's words were an absolute order for Cook. He glanced curiously at the young man he had actually met in the manor, and knew that the other party was very dangerous, so he left without saying anything else.

"I don't know if Marcus has ever thought about it, his father has always been alive, watching their lives, silently cleaning up the traces in this world for the Corvinus blood clan and werewolves, and they have not yet I wondered why no one knew they existed after so much happened."

Ling Mo leaned his arms on the back of the chair and said with a light smile, "If that's the case, then keep it up and don't interfere."

The old man's name is, Alexander Covenus, the original undead, who has eternal life as a human, and is also the father of William and Victor at the beginning, the existence of strength beyond the two.

Or it can be added that the real controller of this country, eternal life, allows him to root his strength in every corner of this country.

Assuming that if the old man was not killed by Marcus in the original plot because of his soft hands, I am afraid that the situation between the blood clan and the werewolf in the world will not be so messy in the future.

It can almost be said that the old man has maintained order here all along.

Chapter [*] Selection

Ling Mo still has some respect for this old man, otherwise he wouldn't sit here and give advice with kindness.

"Since you are used to being an audience, there is a beginning and an end, so don't interfere this time.

When the audience is on stage, aren't the rules broken?"

Alexander leaned forward and said, "Even if you want to kill my son"

Facing Alexander's gaze, Ling Mo nodded, "You should have done this a long time ago. You know better than anyone what kind of danger William represents and what Marcus will do for William."

"But I'm their father, and you can't ask a father to kill his son!"

Alexander suddenly stood up.

"Indeed, such a request is too much"

, Ling Mo spread his hands and said: "So, I will help you if you can't do it, and my main target is William, if Marcus doesn't stand in my way, it's not that I can't consider handing him over to you. ."

"Why it must be done"

, Alexander sat down again and said in a deep voice, "William has been safe for so many years, and he has already managed to hurt others."

"It's been fine for so many years, just because he wasn't released.

The bad news I need to tell you is that right now, Victor and Marcus are heading to where William is being held, and they are ready to release William."

"Marcus, he is always looking for the possibility of releasing his brother, whether or not he can control him.

Maybe, after a long time, he really found a way.

In any case, William is about to get out of trouble, that's the truth."

Alexander whispered: "I can't just sit back and watch my son be killed."

"It's your freedom, I'm just here to give some kind advice,"

Ling Mo looked at the time, got up and said, "I should leave, I have something to do tonight."

"By the way, I almost forgot to tell you, not only them, but the werewolves led by Lucien will also go there. It's a mess, so don't get involved with your people."

There is no such mess, it is his own self-consciousness, Ling Mo nodded to Alexander, "I hope this is the last time we meet."

After saying that, Ling Mo disappeared without a sound.

Sitting there alone, Alexander was silent for a long time and whispered to himself: "How can I sit here and watch my son be killed."

Triggering the communication device on the table, Alexander said: "Cook."

Hearing Alexander's call, Cook, who had long summoned soldiers to guard outside, walked in immediately, "Sir."

After looking around for a while, I didn't see Ling Mo's figure.

"Gather the soldiers and prepare for battle."

"How many people are needed"


"What about the target?"

"Not sure yet, continue to monitor the werewolves, where they will take us."

Alexander got up and picked up his sword from the weapon rack on the side, "Move, I'll lead the team myself."

"You don't have to."

Cook immediately.

Stopped the road, in his heart, Alexander was not just a simple officer, this old man was almost equivalent to him.

"It doesn't matter,"

The old man smiled, "Cook, how many years have you been with me?"

"Seventeen years."

Cook replied that he had changed from a teenager to a middle-aged man who had been fighting for a long time.

There is such an obvious twilight in the human body.

He didn't let himself show it, and felt inexplicably sad.

"Seventeen years, but it seems like just yesterday to me. Living too long is sometimes not a good thing. I have seen too much, experienced too much, and many things have gradually lost their fun and become boring symbols. As for what they are living for.

It's not a good thing to be born, old, sick and dead, because I know that life is limited, so I cherish every day I have."

The old man said slowly: "I think, this is my last fight, Cook, can you come with me?"

The tactical boots slammed on the ground, and Cook saluted solemnly and powerfully, "Yes, sir!"

"It's my pleasure."

"Why is this necessary?"

In his own station, Ling Mo whispered: "My reminder still doesn't save anything. If you do this, you will really die."

The personnel transfer information on the ship where Alexander was located was immediately fed back to him, and when he saw it, he understood exactly what Alexander was going to do.

As a result, he had already predicted that he would die.

It is true that he can still prevent this outcome, but he has already reminded him, but it still does not change Alexander Covenus' choice.

With a click, the pistol was loaded, and Serena said, "Everyone has their own things that they insist on so far."

"Yeah, there's really no difference between us in this regard."

, I just sighed a little, and I didn't feel sad about it. Pointing to the darkness ahead, I said, "I have already adjusted the data for you, the normal werewolf, the evolved werewolf, and the strength of the two elders of the blood clan. ."

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