The cage that sealed William sank, then split in half from the middle and split on the sides.

At the moment when the cage was opened, a silver shadow couldn't wait to walk out from it. Unlike the gray-black or pitch-black appearance of Lucian's werewolves, this was a silver-white werewolf, stronger than all the werewolves before, a pair of beasts. His eyes gleamed with bloodthirsty light.

Blood race, this is the taste of William's disgust, and the taste of hatred.

When those eyes looked up, Victor clenched his weapon, but wisely did not do anything to provoke William.

He knew very well what William's release meant, disaster.

William's madness allows him to aimlessly attack all living creatures around him, all creatures he hurts, whether immediately or not.

If they die, they will eventually become irrational werewolves, and they will all carry the virus that spreads madness.

He is a plague, where only madness and death pass.

However, in Victor's view, this is also a place that he can use.

Compared with Lucian's wise and rational werewolves, Victor would rather deal with this instinctive beast, even if the latter is stronger in terms of individual strength.

As for William spreading the virus in the society after this incident, heh, who cares, the big deal will be another clean-up event at that time, maybe it will be able to let the human beings with weapons far surpassing those of the year join this hunting event, as long as the blood race's There is protection.

Hidden behind the scenes, watching the war between the two sides.

Moreover, the chaotic situation is often a good opportunity for careerists to take advantage of the situation. Now that the strength of the Corvinus blood clan has been weakened too much, maybe I just made the Corvinus blood clan rise again and become stronger than ever! And Compared with Victor who had already calculated too much, Marcus obviously didn't think much in his mind. He wasn't afraid because of his younger brother's appearance, just joy, standing between William and Victor, his hands lightly. Raising lightly to indicate that he was not a threat, Marcus slowly approached William and said softly, "William, it's me, your brother."

Even a beast, but in the face of his brother,

William's...the breath of choosing people to eat is still a bit gentle, looking down at Marcus, who has a different appearance from himself, snoring and no attack.

"Now you are free, I will protect you, no one can hurt you again, no one can put you in a cage again."

Marcus said to William like a babble.

Victor watched from the sidelines, watching Marcus so "gentle"

Talking to a wild beast, I felt a little disgusted, and I thought maliciously, the relationship between the brothers is really good enough.

Marcus wanted to say more to William, but the sudden sound of gunshots outside the tunnel made William instantly alert, and bowed to look outside, unable to restrain his thoughts of destroying in the harsh sound.

Victor said indifferently: "Lucian is here, Marcus, I hope you can really convince your brother to help us, otherwise we will both die here."

Marcus didn't answer, looked at William seriously, and said, "Go and unleash your bestiality, let's fight together today."

I don't know if it was an illusion, William seemed to nodded, and then roared like a gust of wind and rushed out of the tunnel.

There, Victor's left-behind subordinates are being besieged by many werewolves. The fire of the firearms illuminates the space in this mountain. They are tired of coping, and their number is less than the enemy. Their companions are constantly being hit by ultraviolet bullets. They became charred corpses, but their elders never appeared.

Lucian looked at the entrance protected by the blood soldiers, and said to himself: "Victor, I see how you escape this time."

Before he could see the Victor he was looking forward to, Lucien's face suddenly changed, "What is that!"

A werewolf, it should be a werewolf, but the aura of this werewolf was more terrifying and crazier than all the werewolves he had ever seen. Moreover, there seemed to be a kind of suppression from the blood, which made him inexplicably want to surrender to the opponent.

It was a silver-white werewolf, rushing out of the tunnel on all fours, and the vampire soldiers with their backs facing the entrance of the tunnel did not expect the threat that came after them. The blood clan soldiers were shot and flew out.

Finally, a vampire turned back in a hurry, and when he saw the nearby blood port rushing towards him, he was bitten by the throat with just a scream, dragging him to the place where the werewolf was.

A few meters later, he was thrown away. The seriously wounded and dying vampire soldier stubbornly clutched at the wound in his throat. He felt as if there was sulfuric acid in his veins, and the flame was burning in his body, igniting his sanity! At this moment, even here The sound of gunshots ceased, and both the vampire and the werewolf stared blankly at this beast, not knowing what to do for a while.

After eliminating the three vampires in a very short period of time, William did not turn around to deal with the remaining ones, but charged towards the werewolf instead.

Lucian didn't see the joy of the same kind at all. He seemed to see a terrible desire for destruction in this werewolf. I'm afraid, the other party didn't think of them as the same kind at all, only the desire to destroy, only to attack! "Fire, kill he!"

When the werewolf around was at a loss, Lucian grabbed a rifle and opened fire at William while shouting, vaguely, he understood why Victor came here.

That old guy, unleashed a beast! Please download chapter for the underlined version of the novel


Chapter [*] Gathering

William's virus is too scary for this world.

When he was released, it was no longer a simple threat to humans, it was true for the blood race, and for today's werewolves.

William rushed into the place where the werewolf was, and did not feel that this was his descendant. In his cognition, although this was also a werewolf, it was different from him at all. He waved his claws and fangs to attack every living being. !Wolfmen carry a lot of weapons against vampires, and it sounds too absurd to not realize that there is a werewolf among their enemies.

However, it all happened, whether they wanted to admit it or not.

In the face of this crazy opponent, the werewolves had to abandon their weapons and humanoids to complete their transformations and turned into beasts to fight against the beasts, but the strength gap between the individuals made them look like thin wolves fighting against mature males. Like a lion! What's more serious is that once these normal werewolves are injured by William and their claws and teeth, they will immediately be infected by the virus with the crazy effect of William, their sanity will be burned out in pain, they will become madmen, and then join William's faction turned to deal with other sensible fellows.

Werewolf is like this, and even the blood family has no way to avoid it.

The three vampires who were injured when William rushed out before suddenly became after a moment of painful struggle: go crazy and deal with other vampires in the most primitive way! When Marcus and Victor came out, all the What they saw was a completely chaotic battle. The normal vampires and werewolves did not stop fighting. At the same time, they also had to deal with the same kind of madness that they had become because of being injured by William. William, the source of madness, was on the battlefield. The rampage continues to spread the madness, looking around, it seems that there are enemies everywhere! Victor and Marcus tackled a few madmen who rushed towards them. Victor's eyes searched the battlefield for a while and found a few black leaders. The mutant werewolf blocked William's Lucian, horns: raised, isn't this the scene he wanted to see, using beasts to deal with beasts.

This is William's role, spreading madness, pulling both the enemy and ourselves into the same predicament, giving the werewolf no chance to hunt him down, creating opportunities for him, and now he doesn't even need to think about killing Lucien himself. , william is enough for Lucian to be exhausted, he just needs to stay by Marcus's side, although those werewolves and vampires who are in madness will try to attack them, but at least the most terrifying william won't, that's very good .

Outside the building on the snow-capped mountain, several werewolves who stayed at the entrance of the building in the mountain were armed with guns. They looked at each other, wondering if they should go in and help.

It sounds like the fighting inside was pretty bad.

The command they got was to keep the entrance:, to prevent Victor from running away again.

For this battle, they are very confident in Lucian. They have won a big victory before. After many years of dormancy, an active attack caused heavy losses to the blood family and destroyed their castle, making the so-called old like a lost dog. This time, they are just chasing Kill the remnants! A few werewolves, full of longing and discussing their future life, do not need to consider the pursuit of the blood clan, they will live freely in this land, no longer fighting to hide in the sewers, they can live according to their own ideas , enjoy this wonderful world to the fullest.

Look how good this future is.

"Don't talk, listen!"

The leading werewolf suddenly interrupted the discussion of his companions.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, and there was a faint noise from the machinery in the air, "What's the matter?"

"Something is coming."

"Like a helicopter"

"Look over there!"

Following the direction of the arm of the werewolf who made the last sound, several werewolves quickly looked over. In the night sky under the moonlight, three helicopters flew from the sky in the shape of a pinpin, and the loud noise came from their propellers. In the dark night, icy, huge and fast approaching, they are like black demons soaring in the sky! Range: approaching, the side of the first helicopter suddenly burst into deadly fire, and the tracer bullets fired by the large-caliber cannon pierced the air like flames. The whip was directed towards the entrances of several werewolf guards: swept, the first werewolf who saw the silhouette of the helicopter was "whip" without making a sound.

Sweeping, in front of this modern weapon, the tyrannical physique they rely on did not bring them different results, this unfortunate werewolf was interrupted by the middle in an instant! to the air.

Compared with the distant and backward past, human beings can no longer only play the role of victims in the face of vampires and werewolves. Technology has leveled the innate gap between each other's previous physiques, just like now, in large-caliber machine guns. In the bombardment, there is no difference between a werewolf who has been transformed for hundreds of years and an ordinary person! There was only a few seconds in the middle, and the other two helicopters also opened fire, and the cannon bullets bombarded the guarded entrance like a torrential rain: The snow flew up, the rocks crumbled, and the blood mist rose and filled the air, making it impossible to see the few werewolves that should have existed there for a while.

After more than ten seconds, the roar of the machine gun stopped abruptly, and the contrast between the front and the back made the whole world seem to be quiet, only the roar of the propeller remained.

In the smoke and dust, several werewolves undoubtedly survived, and even a complete corpse could not be left behind.

The helicopters hovered above the snow-capped mountains for a moment, and in the cabin of one of the helicopters, Cook said to Alexander Kovinas: "It's clean, you can land."

Alexander nodded silently, Cook issued a series of combat orders on the walkie-talkie, and then put on a mask that covered his entire face.

Two helicopters are at the entrance: the height is lowered in front, the helicopter has just touched the ground, the hatch is opened from the inside, and the heavily armed soldiers jumped out of the helicopter and half-squatted on guard.

Uniform all-black combat uniforms, gas masks obscured their expressions, skilled tactical movements and thousands of times, the tacit understanding after tempering was vividly displayed, Cook jumped out of the helicopter first, and looked back to see Alexander getting off the helicopter, and the old man Nodding his head, he immediately raised his right hand and waved it forward, "Attack!"

At the same time, the third helicopter fell directly above the building, and several balls of rope were thrown from the helicopter, and then some of the soldiers who jumped out of it were on guard, and a few people set up blasting points on the ground.

After the explosives were set, several people fixed the ropes with the surrounding rocks as anchor points, and then backed away slightly, making ready gestures to each other, without saying a word, just waiting for Cook's order on the walkie-talkie.

Chapter [*] Untitled

Intensive firepower smashed the werewolf who wanted to leave the underground building into a sieve, and Cook shot another shot on the werewolf's disfigured head, and said without looking back: "Come later, William has been released. !"

"Defensive formation, don't spread too much!"

The soldiers took over and followed the entrance of the underground building: cleaning all the way, they did not use silver nitrate bullets, but still used bullets and ultraviolet bullets made of ultra-purity silver.

Perhaps, a single soldier is no match for werewolves or vampires, but when they are with their companions, the tempered training allows them to fight monsters as human beings.

For this day, they have been training for an unknown amount of time. For a long time, this troop belonging to Alexander Covenus has been hidden in a dark place that is more difficult to find than the vampires and werewolves, silently maintaining the balance between them and human society, eliminating They may reveal evidence, and are also responsible for cleaning up those monsters that cross the line.

In this world, this unit is like a scavenger for monsters.

For the first time, under the personal leadership of the founder, Alexander Kovennas, this clean-up team came to the front and joined the front-line battle as warriors.

The battle was almost never stopped, and there were constantly mad werewolves or vampires trying to leave from here in the internal melee, and then bumped into this slowly advancing army, and then was smashed into a sieve by their intensive firepower.

The space at the end of the passage suddenly enlarged, and this troop immediately.

With the entrance: as the center to cover each other, there is no choice to go deep, and quickly build a defensive position in the battle, without their active pursuit, the monsters inside will take the initiative to attack them! When they arrive, the remaining monsters inside There are not many sensible existences left, most of them have been infected by William's virus into more crazy monsters, Victor and Marcus are guarding against mutant monsters at the other end, and Lucian takes the only two remaining black monsters. The werewolf and William deal with each other, and at the same time they are besieged by mutant werewolves.

At this time, the arrival of the troops led by Alexander Kovenas was immediate.

Diverted the pressure that Lucian was facing, those monsters were like sharks smelling blood, and they changed their targets and rushed to their defensive positions! Cook knelt on one knee, the rifle in his hand almost never stopped breathing fire, when consciousness When he had attracted enough attention, he calmly said on the walkie-talkie: "Three groups, blast!"

Above the building, in the icy cold wind, eight soldiers in black combat uniforms squatted or stood like sculptures. One soldier heard Cook's order in the communicator and immediately.

Press the detonator, there is almost no interval, the rock ground in their center is detonated one by one at the same time, and the impact formed by the explosion turns into a longitudinal force to cut off the rock! This is the ground for people outside, and for people , is the room! In the dull explosion, the rock with a diameter of more than two meters fell in a circle, the rope was thrown from the edge of the gap, and the five soldiers descended into the interior from the top at the same time. Too dangerous, stop in mid-air and fire towards the target below.

The remaining three soldiers squatted on the edge of the mouth to protect the rappel

His five companions were also carrying out precise strikes on the monsters below! Victor hurriedly retreated into the tunnel leading to the original place of William's solitary prison, watching in disbelief that this apparently human beings were very efficient in attacking all the monsters here. Clean up, "why, where the hell did they come from"

He couldn't understand, shouldn't the existence of the blood clan be a secret to human beings, why they appeared here, and obviously have rich combat experience against the blood clan and werewolves, what happened during the hundred years of his sleep Soon Victor saw the opposite entrance: there, behind the defensive formation, he was dressed like a medieval nobleman, a nobleman dressed as a soldier, and an old man who was incompatible with the soldiers around him, with a long sword in his hand.

The excellent vision of the blood clan allowed Victor to see it even though it was far away. He carried a simple ring in the left hand of the old man holding the sword. When he saw the pattern of the ring, Victor suddenly turned his head and gnashed his teeth. of Marcus.

"Long time no see, my father."

Marcus stared indifferently at the old man opposite, he didn't know until now that his father was still alive.

Without seeing his father's joy, Marcus felt extremely angry. When William was madly spreading the virus, Alexander did not take action, and when he tried to stop all this, the old man did not help. He didn't do anything at all! Now that William is out, he's here again, for what "I won't allow you to put William in a cage like a beast."

Marcus ignored Victor's reaction, and his words almost turned into a roar at the end. He accelerated a few steps and rushed out of the tunnel. The moment he left, his wings spread out and broke his coat. The huge bat wings that were fanned with force drove Marcus to quickly move towards He flew upwards and attacked the soldiers who were concentrating on destroying the monsters on the ground! Ling Mo stood at the entrance of the underground building: in front of him was Serena with a guarded expression. The wreckage burned, and all three helicopters crashed. The surrounding traces showed that these helicopters experienced brutal battles before they crashed. The pilots were scorched black by the flames, and there were no survivors.

Inside the building, the sound of gunfire was almost inaudible.

The battle inside comes to an end, and the monster wins.


, Ling Mo said this, and walked slowly into the inside of the mountain.

If there is no Marcus, Alexander's troops have a high chance of becoming the final winner. With the help of the closed environment here, attack a sensible monster that can't fly. Just be careful and patient, and don't be swept away by the formation. , they are not without the possibility of winning.

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