Amy took a few steps back.

The ripples on the water surface are becoming more and more obvious, and the ripples are only external manifestations. The ability to truly achieve all this is called elemental control! Without warning, a slight tremor began to be felt under the feet, and it seemed that a giant was trying to shake this piece of water. mountains.

The surrounding temperature became: turbulent, both Ya and Serena noticed that the temperature of the air was abnormally rising and falling, and there was wind flowing.

However, you must know that this is in the depths of the winding cave, and it is impossible for the wind to blow in, but the current situation is more like the surrounding air has its own life.

Elemental control, earth, water, fire and wind, the combination of these elements is enough to leverage the power of nature, and at this time the

It was the same, but it was just a little leak of Ling Mo's power.

What's more, this is just the beginning! In no particular order, Serena and Emilia felt a burning sensation, as if they were very close to the fiery flame, no, it should be said, as if they were inside and outside their bodies Flames are rising! "Go, now.

! "

Serena said in a broken voice, and stepped back quickly to leave Ling Mo's place as much as possible.

No need for her to remind her, Emilia also made the same move. The current situation is that Ling Mo does not need the protection of others at all. Instead, he needs to worry that his leaked power will harm all the lives in the vicinity! It must be done immediately.

Leave, otherwise, you may even lose the chance to escape.

After the ability of element control and body burn was leaked, other powers also lost control one after another. As she quickly moved away from Ling Mo, Serena clearly noticed that the numbness she felt before was receding, and she felt a little stagnant. Thinking is also agile.

Now Ling Mo's abilities are too many and too comprehensive. When he was in Variza, he couldn't control his own power perfectly, and this power continued to increase, which was an unprecedented event for the blood clan living here. disaster.

The ability to target the material world represented by elemental control, various spiritual abilities such as body burn and pure mental shock, and the magical power represented by elf magic, just any one of them cannot be resisted by these blood races, let alone. Talk about such an all-round attack! At this time, the two sides do not need to communicate, Serena and Emilia both know what to do, evacuate the blood clan here as quickly as possible, and let them escape the influence of Ling Mo's power leaking as soon as possible.

"Damn, what kind of ability is this!"

Emilia put her hands in front of her and didn't let herself hit the rock wall, so she couldn't help but scolded.

This is not the first time. In just a few tens of meters, her footsteps deviate from the original direction of travel many times, as if her consciousness was blinded unknowingly, so that she ran towards In the wrong direction, he didn't wake up until he nearly hit a rock wall.


Also trying to fight against this "mistake"

, Serena revealed the name of this ability.

"What kind of shield is this!"

Emilia complained and had to slow down to avoid hitting the rocks.

Serena was glad that she heard Ling Mo talk about this peculiar ability before, she kept her feet and said quickly: "Through the influence of the spirit, the opponent can deviate from the direction of his attack and cannot make an effective attack. We have been affected. already."

It was obviously not a long cave, and under the misleading ability of Ling Mo's shield, Serena and Emilia felt as if they had walked for a long time.

The outside of the cave was already in chaos, and the vampires who stayed here were terrified and at a loss.

They were much weaker than Serena and Emilia, and they were obviously farther from Ling Mo's place, but the confusion and pain they suffered were even more serious.

The elements control the environment around the destroyers, the mental shock disrupts their thinking, the body burn makes them feel the burning pain, the body is paralyzed and loses volume, the shield ability misleads their thinking and makes it difficult for them to escape in the right direction. They are all trying to drag this place into destruction! Please download the chapter for the ununderlined version of the novel


Chapter [*]

"I think I'll be the least popular person in Valdor from now on."

Ling Mo helped Serena take off the leather jacket on her body, not wanting to do something like an in-depth communication, but picked her up and put her into the icy water.

Serena was in his arms and wanted to say something comforting, but in the end she nodded in agreement, unpopular is an understatement, fear is right.

In the eyes of Valdo's vampires, Ling Mo's image is almost equal to words like devil and disaster, even though he has used his mental abilities to help these fearful vampires calm down as much as possible after waking up.

At least it finally passed, Ling Mo returned from Varisa and regained control of his own power. In the process, although those blood races suffered all kinds of strange attacks and fears that they had never seen before, at least no one was killed because of this.

If you don't die, then everything is trivial.

It is now the second day that Ling Mo entered Variza. Before, in order to avoid the influence of his leaking power, Serena and Emilia took Valdo's blood to escape a few kilometers away from here, until After more than ten hours, Ling Mo returned from Variza.

To say it is difficult for them, not only will they suffer direct damage if they are close to this place, but even if they are far away, there will still be the sun in the sky.

Under the control of elemental control and elf magic, during this period of time, the weather in Valdo was like a lunatic, and it was uncertain when the sun would fall.

If it wasn't for them being familiar with the surrounding situation and knowing where to avoid the sun, then, a round of sunlight fell, and Valdo's left-behind vampires would be wiped out directly.

On the other side, after waking up, Ling Mo was shocked to see how the castle was destroyed. There was not a single blood family nearby. The cave and the castle outside collapsed badly, no different from experiencing a severe earthquake.

This look almost made Ling Mo think that he had been in Varisa for hundreds of years.

Of course it wasn't the hundreds of years he slept in. Ling Mo soon realized that this was the damage caused by his own power leaking out.

It was obvious that he had obtained the strength enhancement with the help of the power of Variza, the Holy Land of the Blood Clan. As a result, he not only hurt the blood clan here, but also demolished the family's home. Ling Mo also felt a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, it is easy to destroy the elemental control ability, and it is not too difficult to repair it as a whole, especially when all kinds of abilities have been greatly improved after a sleepy journey.

Ling Mo spent a lot of time trying to restore the place as much as possible, reintegrating the cracked mountain, and using his mental ability to do a large-scale psychological and counseling for these frightened blood clans, barely making up for the damage he caused before. .

But just like what they are talking about now, they are going to be blacklisted here, although they have no way to stop Ling Mo if he wants to come again.

This trip to Varissa, for Ling Mo, according to Ling Mo's current estimate, and the damage caused by those powers that were only slightly leaked, the deepening of various abilities has made his overall strength almost reached Twice as before! At the same time, the violent force made him feel uncontrollable, and in fact, the process of adaptation had already been completed in Variza.

Now, his purpose of entering Variza has been achieved, but he is not ready to do so immediately.

Leaving, Serena also needs to go to Varisa, which is now

is doing.

In fact, after knowing Ling Mo's intentions, he was quite frightened by these blood clan gates, for fear that Serena would destroy this place again when she entered Variza. Although Ling Mo said that it would not be, the priest was still early. The vampires here were evacuated again.

It is enough to experience such a disaster once, who wants to experience it a second time?

As a result, when Serena was about to enter Varisa, there were only Serena, Ling Mo, and Emilia who knew that nothing would happen.

Watching Ling Mo put Serena into the water, Emilia felt that she was indeed a little jealous. Serena herself is known as the most beautiful one of the Corvinus blood family. Now it seems that her figure is also the same. Perfect.

What makes Emilia feel more uncomfortable is that the kind of...intimacy between Serena and Ling Mo, the one who can't help but imagine that the one being held in Ling Mo's herself, but unfortunately, they always seem to be a little off. what.

Throwing away these chaotic thoughts, Serena took another cup of poison and gave it to Ling Mo.

Unlike Ling Mo, who can't be treated according to common sense, Serena has to go through the normal process if she wants to enter Variza.

Not everyone is like Ling Mo. You don't have to do anything, just lie down in the water and you can find Varisa by yourself.

Ling Mo delivered the poison to Serena and said softly, "Get ready for your transformation. When you wake up, I hope to see a more perfect you."

Serena glanced at Ling Mo, opened her mouth slightly, and drank the poison in the cup.

Ling Mo held Serena's back and let her slowly fall into the water.

It's completely different from Ling Mo's... After drinking the poison, she only came to a conclusion that it was not good. Serena frowned when the poison entered her mouth, and soon a weak feeling appeared from the inside of her body. Swept over his entire body, and all the senses were filled with exhaustion.

This feeling made her feel very uncomfortable. The only consolation was that Ling Mo kept holding her left hand after she took the poison, but she didn't even have the strength to hold on to this consolation.

The drowsiness came like a flood, and the resistance of the will was quickly defeated in the face of this drowsiness, and Serena soon lost consciousness.

In Ling Mo's perception, Serena had entered a very strange state from taking the poison to lying completely underwater.

Her body gradually lost its vitality, and after a few seconds, it looked as if she was dead, her breathing and heartbeat stopped, and even the blood flow stopped completely.

In addition, because the body of a blood race is cold, it is not wrong to say that it is dead at other times in such a state.

In fact, Serena is indeed infinitely close to death, but is stuck on that final frontier.

After confirming that Serena's state would no longer change, Ling Mo fished Serena out of the water and placed it on a stone platform not far away.

Serena's eyes were closed, and her delicate face had a cold and quiet temperament, which made Ling Mo's mind couldn't help but outline a word, Sleeping Beauty.

However, in Ling Mo's opinion, the current Serena is countless times more perfect than the Sleeping Beauty in the story.

Chapter [*]

"Have you seen enough? You've seen Serena without clothes, I don't know how many times, I thought you had lost your interest in the beginning."

Seeing that Ling Mo's eyes were always on Serena, Emilia teased: "Or, now that you see Serena's body, what are you going to do?"

"Oh, I love the new and never tire of the old. I always think this is a good habit."

Ling Mo retracted his gaze and said to Emilia: "Even if you want to do something to Serena, wait for her to come back from Varissa. Now it's the next step."

"Already prepared."

Emilia brought the gauze that had been soaked with water in advance.

Ling Mo took the gauze and used it with Emilia to make Serena transform into a mummy.

"I'm actually very surprised. Serena is already in a state of suspended animation. Why do you have to use gauze to make her look like this? After all, I have been to Varisa once, and I still don't know if it really makes any sense, or does it mean Add a little sense of ceremony"

Ling Mo asked casually when he moved his hands.

"The process summed up over the years always makes some sense."

Emilia just gave an answer that was not an answer, and immediately stopped looking at Ling Mo, her face gradually became solemn, and a strange syllable spit out from her mouth. This is a language that Ling Mo has never heard before. It gives off an air of sacredness.

Ling Mo always felt that maybe the language Emilia was reading at this time was not the point, but the emotions contained in the language moved Serena's soul and led her to find Varissa.

When Emilia started wrapping the gauze around Serena's face, she no longer uttered that... syllable, but recited a sentence softly.

"At sunset, praise the day.

Praise the ice when it's freezing.

When killing, praise the sword.

In death, praise life."

The last syllable fell, Serena was completely wrapped in gauze, Emilia said to Ling Mo: "Water is the channel."

Nodding, Ling Mo lifted Selina's body in suspended animation and walked slowly to the pool not far away, stepped into it, put Selina on the water, let go, and watched as Selina slowly sank into the water. underwater.

Ling Mo had already experienced it before, and knew that the depth of the pool was just over one meter, but watching Serena sink and her figure was engulfed by darkness at this time, there was a kind of Serena moving towards the sky. The illusion of a sinking abyss.

Of course, it's just an illusion.

Ling Mo exited the pool, Emilia stood beside him, and said softly: "Then we have to see Serena's opportunities, not every time I can successfully enter, if not, then I can only wait for the poison. She wakes up on her own after the effect is over."

"Even if you can enter Variza, the time to wake up is because she harvested in Varisha. You have to be mentally prepared. Many blood races have been to Variza many times before they really get improved, and ability awakening is even more difficult."

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