Bang!!! The three shots were fired in no particular order, just like the three screams that followed.

Three guns: They all blew up and destroyed their palms. One time can be considered an accident, but if it happened four times in a row, it was regarded as an accident. It can only be said that these people are too stupid.

The fat woman looked at Ling Mo as if she was looking at a monster, took a few steps back uncontrollably, and asked with a trembling voice, "You, who are you?"

"Passers-by who came to help after hearing your message."

Ling Mo replied, while speaking, he lifted a guy who was squatting on the ground screaming with his left hand and threw it out. The sound of the landing and the screams that did not stop came.

Seeing her child being thrown out like a toy, the only fat woman who was not injured was completely afraid to move, and murmured, "Steve!"

Chapter [*] The causal cycle

Alas, when Steve heard this name, Ling Mo's face became even more strange. He is in the Resident Evil world. Why are there so many strange names entering today? Could it be that he came in in the wrong way, "Ah!!!"

When Ling Mo was having some doubts about life, a guy with a knitted hat rushed towards him, and when he was about to hit him, Ling Mo shifted his steps and ducked, his right hand raised and dropped. Hit him on the back and let the guy hug the ground, then lift his foot and land on his neck.

Not immediately.

Killing him only made him unable to leave the ground, and by the way, mentally restrained other people from disturbing him, Ling Mo said strangely to the man who was trampled on his neck: "What's your name?"

The man didn't have the heart to answer at all, struggled hard, and was still: trying to fight back.

Ling Mo increased the strength on his feet and said, "Your voice is too low, I didn't hear you."

The heaviness on his neck, the fear of being trampled on his neck in the next moment, made the man finally quiet down, and quickly squeezed his name out of his throat.


What a ghost name, Ling Mo kicked this magical Bruce out and let him go to find his brother Loki.

Ling Mo pinched his forehead, really suspecting that the world was joking with him.

Cockscomb-headed Tony, Mediterranean Rocky, decadent old man Steve, and a lunatic Bruce, you guys are going to play the Avengers! And the last one, the... The guy with black tattoos on his neck, No need to ask this, Ling Mo knew that his name was Eddie.

Originally it was a very common name, nothing strange.

But putting together the names of his brothers made Ling Mo immediately think of a reporter who combined with Venom.

It's just that... Eddie, anyway, from the villain who foiled Spider-Man into the male protagonist, and has his own movie, aren't you just an idiot who got kicked to death by Alice because of his jealousy.

Otherwise, what should I say, people are more likely to die than people, so you should die quickly, and then, this Eddie was also thrown out by Ling Mo.

The fat woman looked at the direction in which her sons were falling, her face changed greatly, how could she not know where it was, it was the "fighting arena" they built together

She didn't know why Ling Mo knew the place the first time he came here, but she already understood what Ling Mo meant. This time, he wasn't going to let anyone live.

Thinking of the horror in there, the fat woman glanced at the shotgun thrown in front of her. Rather than being killed by those monsters in pain, she might as well fight! "I advise you not to do this."

Ling Mo's opponent said, "Otherwise, I can only interrupt your hand and throw you in. Look, if you maintain your current state and have your sons delaying your time, maybe you can survive. ."

After a pause, Ling Mo asked curiously, "The last question, go and don't tell me, your name is Natasha."

The woman pounced on the shotgun on the ground with a twisted expression, "Go to hell, dog!!!"

"Forget it, I still don't listen to the answer, so I don't make myself sick."

Ling Mo muttered to himself, and threw the woman out, and then, it was Tony who was still alive.

Ling Mo felt more and more that what he experienced today was really amazing, it was just that the world told him a bad joke.

Walking to the direction where the family was thrown by him, there was originally a basement with a lot of space below that place, but the ground was smashed by this family and most of the basement was exposed.

There was a manic dog barking below, and there were several dog cages on one side of the basement. The dark red zombie dogs on their bodies were howling wildly at a few living people not far away, and they kept scratching the cages, impatiently waiting. Devouring the blood of these people on the ground in the basement, there are a large number of broken and terrifying corpses, and most of the blood above has become food for zombie dogs, even if they themselves do not need food to sustain life.

Without exception, these corpses are the survivors of the apocalypse who were lured here in the past. They were thrown here and became the object of this family's entertainment, watching them struggle and die under the attack of zombie dogs.

And now, the family that had always enjoyed killing others was thrown here neatly by Ling Mo, a lot of them.

Ling Mo stood on the edge and smiled at the damned person below who was screaming or scolding: "Have fun."

After all, drop all the electric switches and open all the dog cages, these zombie dogs can’t wait: the cages are fully opened and they can’t wait to rush out, rushing towards their prey excitedly! Amidst the screams and calls for help, Ling Mo stood indifferently. Looking from above, he picked up the piece of paper torn from the notebook and slowly folded it into a paper airplane.

Looking at the paper airplane with blood stains, Ling Mo seemed very satisfied with his work. Ling Mo sighed at the paper airplane and threw it gently.

The paper plane flew in the air with a scream, hovering and falling.

Below, Eddie's back was left with a few hideous scars by the zombie dog. The bone-piercing pain couldn't stop him, and it was nothing compared to death.

He is now beginning to be fortunate that they are more numerous than zombie dogs, so that when others are being bitten by zombie dogs, he finds a chance to escape.

Grabbing the messy cables hanging down, Eddie tried his best to climb upwards. Just when he was so close to the edge of the upper floor that he seemed to be able to catch it by raising his hand, he suddenly saw a small thing in his eyes. , is flying towards him.

That is, a paper airplane! Just when he saw the paper airplane, the paper airplane suddenly accelerated and flew towards him, and Eddie subconsciously put a hand in front of his face, almost as soon as his palm was raised. Suddenly, the pain came from his palm. Eddie opened his eyes wide and saw that it was just a paper airplane, but it pierced through his palm, revealing a sharp, blood-stained red on the back of his hand! Sudden pain Let his other hand finally be unable to grasp the cable, the gravity fell on him and he fell rapidly, watching the life quickly go away, his hands were trying to scratch the air, but he couldn't stop all this.

The back slapped heavily on the ground, and the heavy impact made Eddie's consciousness a little cloudy, ranging: his dizzy head came to his senses, and suddenly he noticed a gust of wind rushing towards him.

He looked up in a hurry, and at the end of his line of sight only saw a blood opening getting closer and closer, which finally completely covered his vision! Soon after, the screams in the basement finally stopped, and only the sound of zombie dogs eating was left. .

Chapter [*] Long time no see

"Here is, we have seven people in urgent need of medical assistance."

"We need support, here it is, hear anyone?"

The motorcycle slowly stopped in front of the sign, turned off the engine, pulled out the key, and turned off the radio. The leather boots rolled on the concrete floor covered with a layer of gravel and made a harsh rubbing sound. He took off his goggles and hung it on the motorcycle. Looking at the pistol on her waist, Alice walked slowly into the building named.

Just walking in here, Alice immediately.

Hearing the manic barking, the nerves that had long been accustomed to this apocalypse tightened, holding the gun platform in both hands, slowing down and walking towards the direction of the barking.

In the volatile light, those eyes refracted a pale green light, as if two gems were inlaid in them.

Alice would rather face hundreds of zombies than see more than a dozen zombie dogs. She glanced at the surroundings lightly, always on alert for zombie dogs that might rush out.

From the moment she heard the barking of dogs, Alice had concluded that the dogs here were zombies. In such an apocalypse, a little bit of food was precious, and it was so difficult for people to survive. Who would keep a dog.

Of course, Alice certainly didn't know that in a nearby world called "I Am Legend", there was such an exception.

What surprised Alice a little was that she didn't see any zombies all the way inside, and the zombie dogs were just barking from a distance, as if something angered them, but they were helpless.

All the way unobstructed, until standing on the edge of the gap where the basement could be seen, Alice could not help frowning.

Several zombie dogs found a new target, and they barked at Alice to change it. They kept trying to jump up, but they could only jump there.

Alice did not rush to kill them, her eyes immediately.

They found a few dilapidated corpses below, and there were still signs of being bitten on the wounds, and judging from their situation, these few talents died not long ago.

And around these corpses, there are also many corpses left earlier, making it impossible to tell how many people died here in the past.

Just seeing these things, Alice realized that something was wrong.

What she heard on the radio was that there were seven people here and they were asking for help.

However, why are there so many corpses in the place where the people looking for help live, and this basement that was smashed open, as well as the zombie dogs locked in the basement, are obviously deliberately arranged! Perhaps, there are only It's just a trap! "Looks like you've messed with someone you can't mess with."

Alice sneered at the corpse below, put down her pistol, and glanced at the zombie dogs, "So, who were you barking at just now?"

As if talking to herself, Alice, who had just put down her guard, suddenly turned around and raised her gun: pointing directly at the beam above. A few sparks appeared on the beam, and a figure that was originally hidden in the darkness almost rubbed the bullet and fell.

When she saw the figure fall to the ground, Alice quickly stopped her plan to continue shooting.

Ling Mo waved his hand to disperse the dust that he had fallen, and Ling Mo put down the pistol on the opposite side. Alice smiled and said, "You are still a little slack, and it took so long to find out that I am here, if I am an enemy, I will be with you. The best opportunity to attack is to see those corpses."

"Alice, you look very dusty, of course, still so pretty."

Alice put the pistol back and said, "You haven't changed anything."

While speaking, Ling Mo walked towards Alice and opened her arms, smiled and said, "Long time no see."

"It's seven months a year and twelve days."

After saying that, Alice slammed into Ling Mo's arms and hugged his back tightly, as if she was worried that Ling Mo would disappear if she let go.

Ling Mo lightly patted Alice on the shoulder and said, "Sorry, it seems that I came back a little late, and I missed a lot of things."

“Not too late”

, Alice let go...Ling Mo, although she is still very happy to see Ling Mo, her mood has calmed down a lot, "When will you be back?"

"Just a few hours ago."

Ling Mo lightly rubbed Alice's face and kept running without stopping, leaving some dust on Alice's face.

Gently under Alice's forehead, Ling Mo said: "But speaking of it, this world and when I left before, have indeed been completed and changed into two appearances."

After such a long time, Alice has already gotten used to seeing everything now, and said calmly: "Shortly after you left, a worldwide Resident Evil crisis broke out. It was too sudden and the scope was too large. This time No one can stop this."

Alice came to the edge again and said, "What's going on here."

Ling Mo gently hugged Alice from behind and said: "You must have heard the previous broadcast, but it was just a bait for a few lunatics, look at the bones below, I don't know how many people died in them in the past. hands."

With a sigh, Alice already knew what happened next, she didn't say anything, and she didn't think Ling Mo's actions were cruel. If she came here, she would have made the same decision.

Alice never intentionally hurt others, but she never hesitates to deal with enemies.

These zombie dogs were useless, Ling Mo turned his wrist lightly, and with his actions, several zombie dogs below had their necks twisted at the same time, and there was no barking, the world seemed to be quiet all of a sudden.

Let go...Alice, Ling Mo asked: "What about the others? After I came back, I found out that the original contact method has been abandoned."

"It's not the same anymore"

, Alice followed Ling Mo, "The Umbrella Company has never stopped chasing us, oh, at least in their opinion, this is a chasing."

"Actually, Alicia is not without the power of self-protection. The Umbrella Company split during the Resident Evil crisis. Part of it followed Alicia, and it is still called the Umbrella Company. This was left to her by Alicia's father. She was reluctant to give up the name."

"After the crisis broke out, we also had to move to a safer underground, and we never stopped helping the survivors, and sometimes we fought with the umbrella company led by Isaacs, but in a short period of time, no one could solve the other side, and slowly The fighting between the two sides became less and less after that."

"I separated from them later, and I kept walking, wandering around, evading pursuit, and seeing who else could help, until now."

Chapter [*] Decoy

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