Not to mention the various biochemical weapons and other weapons and equipment inside, it is just a replica production factory, enough for them to destroy it at any cost! Not to mention, it is really easy to destroy it, as long as you are right The surface facilities of the base are enough for a precision strike, the rest is to rule out the possibility of their escape by submarine, which is not difficult.

However, none of this happened, and until now, Alicia and Jill are still very safe in the underwater experimental base, and based on this, they can fight against the enemy.

Alice liked Ling Mo's puzzled appearance, and said with a smile: "First of all, after we controlled the place, we further armed it, and expanded the ground facilities of the base in the surrounding straits, and now the defense of the base is Strength is like a hedgehog, even if they want to attack with all their strength, they must pay a huge price."

Alice personally participated in this part, how could she not know, but the air defense force there will definitely make the enemy's scalp numb.

The current umbrella companies want to deal with the survivors. One of the most desperate things for the survivors is that they still have the air force. Although there are no jet fighters, there are a large number of helicopters and upgraded tilt-rotor fighters of the Osprey fighters. There are a lot of reserves. , After this air force advantage is spread out, it is to hang and beat the survivors.

However, there is one of these fighters.

That is, sufficiently advanced individual air defense weapons are enough to pose a lethal threat to these fighters, however, Alice and the others are not only prepared for individual air defense weapons in order to prepare for the attack.

"Secondly, among Isaacs and the others, this experimental base no longer exists."

Alice said what really kept the place safe, "We use small means to make them think that this place has been completely destroyed, and there is no value in repairing it."

"Aren't they going to tune in.

Such a base, they will definitely send someone to check it out in person."

Ling Mo wondered.

Alice looked at Ling Mo and said, "What if the person presiding over the on-site investigation is actually Alicia's?"

Ling Mo was silent for a moment, then said sincerely: "You guys are doing better than I expected, you are much better."

These things, he himself hadn't thought of before, and he still has the advantage of being a prophet of the plot. Sure enough, just because he knows the plot, he can't underestimate the original people in the world. Excellent people, even if it is replaced by a new one. The environment is still excellent.

He now even feels that even without his participation in the future, with the efforts and planning of Alice and Alicia, it is enough to solve the Umbrella Company led by Isaacs and this apocalypse! "If that's the case, then Just follow your original plan, and I will no longer do superfluous things."

, Ling Mo gave the "pen" to Isaacs

Put it back in Alice's pocket, "I'll do things according to your arrangement this time."

Alice blinked and said, "What about your original plan?"

Ling Mo sighed and said, "I, most of the original plan was basically abolished, sigh, otherwise the plan will not keep up with the changes, the world has already given me too many surprises."

By the way, he scolded the damn butterfly effect in his heart, and Ling Mo continued: "So my current plan is to help you complete your original plan, first catch a live Isaac, and then cut them down one by one in order."

"Although there have been so many changes, I think some things may not have completely exceeded my expectations.

I think they can find your target within three days at most."

What Ling Mo said was naturally the clone of Isaacs that appeared at this stage of the plot. It was some bastard who always wanted to take Alice away for research. It happened that the feng shui took turns, and now it's the other way around, and now it's Isaac's capture. Plan! Alice didn't notice it, when Ling Mo said this, his eyes were dazed for a moment.

Being slapped in the face by reality time and time again, Ling Mo directly played active prediction cheating, and first made the arrangements for these three days clearly! Thank you for the butterfly effect for not being too strong. I was almost dizzy, but there are still many things happening as normal in the following story, just like Alice, whose fate has been changed long ago, still passed through here.

In the next few days, play slowly! "Hey, I'm so sure"

Alice leaned forward and was about to touch Ling Mo's forehead, "But why do I have the feeling that what I said before has made you miscalculate many times."

There was no embarrassment on Ling Mo's face, and he grabbed Alice's chin, "It's not good to believe in your man, this time, hehe."

Ellie slapped Ling Mo's hand away without mercy, then grabbed his arm that hadn't fallen down with one hand, and clasped Ling Mo's shoulder with the other hand, and suddenly smashed Ling Mo on the table with all her strength, and then Ellie Wire up.

Flipping her hair, Alice leaned down, her breath blew on Ling Mo's face, and said in a slightly hoarse voice, "I should be the one who feels dissatisfied, I've been away for so long at a time, thinking of you countless times. I didn't know you were there all the time, do you think I really won't be angry? Now, resist."

Then, resisting, being suppressed, firearms on the table, and so on, the spoils of war that Ling Mo placed here were scattered all over the place, and soon after, the sound of two people landing.

Therefore, on the first day of Ling Mo's plan, all plans were voided.


Chapter [*] Departure

The undersea experimental base, the main control room, and the lights on the center floor form the red and white umbrella sign.

Around this logo, there are several symmetrical consoles neatly distributed, and here is the brain of the entire base.

Behind each console are two technicians with umbrella logos on their coat collars busy, especially when a satellite phone signal arrives here via satellite relay, immediately.

become busier.

Even in the base, Jill, who was wearing a full-body black combat uniform, took the Bluetooth headset, put on the black hair from his ear, looked at the countdown on the console screen in front of him, connected to the satellite phone, "Alice"

Worrying about the inevitable signal tracking, Alice's use of satellite phones to contact them is very infrequent, and each time the time is controlled within [*] seconds. to determine if Alice is safe around her while she's on the phone, etc.

Just after asking a question, Jill heard the voice coming from the opposite side, and was obviously stunned for a while, then the surprise on his face flashed, and immediately returned to his usual calm appearance, as if the surprise just now had never existed, and even cornered. : Hanging a sneer, the combat boots made a rattling sound when they stepped on the ground, and Jill continued: "Oh, you are still willing to come back."

"Leave the apology for later, we still have twenty seconds, you must have joined Alice, she knows most of our plans and helps her complete our plans."

"Is there any clues already? Very good, I will make preparations for support here, and the foreign combat troops will be on standby from now on, waiting for your good news."

With ten seconds remaining, Jill looked at the rapidly decreasing countdown and said, "I will help you say hello to Alicia, take care of Alice, and don't let her get hurt."

The countdown was about to end, and when the call was about to end, Jill's tone finally softened.

"Stay safe, glad you're back."

After all, Jill immediately.

The end of the call has reached a critical step, and the existence of this base must not be exposed because of this small mistake! Whether it is the clue that the Isaacs clone is about to be found, or the return of Ling Mo himself, it is all for Jill. Unspeakable surprise, the former did not even doubt it, just because Ling Mo said it, Jill was willing to believe his judgment.

Although she still looked calm on the face, Jill knew best that after this short call, her heart beat much faster than usual.

To restrain his emotions and not let these interfere with his judgment, Jill immediately issued a series of orders here.

"Notify all sub-bases, including here, all external rescue activities, to enter the highest alert state."

"Without my permission, a pair of external communications is prohibited, and violators are allowed to use coercive measures, including shooting!"

"All combat troops are on standby, ready to go at any time, ready to execute the beheading operation!"

After speaking a series of orders in one breath, Jill breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, this apocalypse, which has lasted for too long, is finally about to enter a turning point. Success or failure depends on this! Salt Lake City, outside, Ling Mo put down the satellite phone, Looking up at the cloudless sky in the early morning, Isaacs will definitely find this communication, and the white queen will also start to communicate with each other.

source tracking.

Although they control the communication time, they can definitely determine the approximate range.

However, there is no need to worry too much, there is no need to worry about the exposure of the location, I am afraid that Isaacs will not find out.

Next, they will no longer deliberately hide, just waiting for Isaacs to deliver to the door.

It's also interesting to say that, after the division of the umbrella company, Alicia has a red queen, and Isaacs has a white queen who is a twin system.

Many times the technical disputes between the two sides occur between these special sisters.

Alice started the motorcycle, saw Ling Mo withdraw her gaze, and asked, "What did Jill say?"

"Being sneered at: does it matter?"

Ling Mo said with a smile, "They will be ready there, just waiting for us to catch Isaac's clone."

"Then don't waste any more time, we've already lost a day here."

Alice said with some grumbling, and got on the motorcycle first.

Now Alice can't help but reflect, the previous day was a bit too absurd, obviously the opportunity was fleeting, she actually accompanied Ling Mo to toss here all day, the previous time I came here was yesterday's noon, and now, it is already The next morning was morning.

Moreover, what was even more unbearable was that he was actually in: In the end, he almost fainted, and even now he still felt a little sore, thinking about it, it was really embarrassing.

"Come on, then, you can use your power to the fullest."

Ling Mo sat down behind Alice and said.

For a long time, Alice's most powerful ability was her mental power, but she didn't use it much because she was worried about being tracked.

It is also amazing that the technology of the Umbrella Company can use satellites, detect the fluctuations in the use of mental power and lock them accordingly.

This is rather miraculous. Ling Mo feels that he will definitely study this technology when he has time in the future. Maybe it will be a power detector if it is improved and improved.

Alice was about to start the motorcycle and leave when she heard Ling Mo behind her ear muttering as if to herself: "You ride the bike, I ride"

Before Ling Mo finished speaking, he saw Alice turning her head and giving him a sideways glance, and immediately swallowed the next words.

Alice snorted coldly, and the motorcycle roared away from the building and continued on her predetermined route.

The slightly cold wind whistled in his ears, Ling Mo turned his head to look at the rising sun at the edge of the sky, looking forward to what was going to happen today.

As long as they don't lose time on the road, within two hours they'll have another troop of survivors in trouble.

Ling Mo doesn't care much about survivors, what he really cares about is that the two people in this team, Claire, and Ma, especially the queen, are definitely the top beauties in the whole series. .

Of course, this kind of thinking should not be known by Alice now, or he will have to kick him off the speeding car.

Chapter [*] The Raven

All are unfortunate to live in such a world.

But more misfortunes also set off the lucky few among them. Compared with the vast majority of people who can't make it through the month after the disaster, every remaining survivor is enough to be called lucky.

The luckiest group, of course, were the lucky ones who were rescued by the umbrella company led by Alicia, who got a safe place to live and a relatively stable source of food. However, no matter how hard they worked, they would be better than the whole group. In the end, only a very small number of people can be rescued.

And from a rational point of view, many of these rescued people are also selective.

This is not a fairy tale after all, but a cold reality, that is, Alicia's subordinates give priority to those high-value talents, such as researchers in specific fields, etc.

Is it fair? It's actually fair, because their own knowledge makes them more worthy of being rescued.

Afterwards, they will help other survivors without screening if they have the ability. However, the later the rescue is, the less likely it is to survive.

Not to mention these people, many other survivors gathered together and helped each other, and some were lucky enough to find a high-walled fortress with sufficient survival materials, which could help them resist the siege of zombies.

And there are many people who choose to wander, stay away from zombies, and their greatest wish is to find a place to live that is not disturbed by zombies and can be self-sufficient.

However, in reality, most of them died on the road of wandering.

Unless someone like Alice is backed by tyrannical force, the mortality rate of those lonely travelers in such a world is very high, unless they can form a strong team.

Not everyone is like the madmen that Ling Mo experienced before, wantonly unleashing the evil in their hearts in such an orderly collapsed world, such an apocalypse can easily see the darkest side of the human form, but it is also not the same. It will lack the brilliance of humanity.

There are always people who, even when they are still struggling and struggling to survive, are still trying to help others who are weaker.

For example, Claire.

At the beginning, they only had a few people and one car, and they received more and more people on the road that kept wandering, and slowly they became the current team, a team that is complete enough to be envied by most of the survivors in the outside world. convoy.

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