So, when others are avoiding Alice, she always subconsciously comes to Alice's side, even if there is no communication, it's good to stay by her side.

With this kind of mentality, Matt felt even more embarrassed for Alice beside him because of Claire's situation. He was always worried that Alice would suddenly grab the shotgun and walk into the room, and would come back with blood after a while.

Funny looking at the horse pretending to be nothing.

Alice put down her pencil and joked: "I will teach you one thing. When you are discovered to be doing something bad, you should act more naturally. If you are afraid of self-hypnosis, you should also feel righteous, so that it will be easier to deceive others."

Does this mean cheating yourself before cheating others? Matt smiled awkwardly, hesitated, and asked carefully: "That..., aren't you angry?"

After he finished speaking, he saw Alice looking at him with a strange look that made him very uncomfortable, and he didn't answer. Just when Matt was about to run away under Alice's gaze, he finally heard Alice's He said quietly, "You will understand later."

Ah Te was stunned, scratched his head, didn't understand what Alice meant, and even more frantically complained, you people, can you always say half of what you say and let others guess, it's fun to pretend to be profound! Seeing Matt's bewildered look, Alice couldn't help laughing, and she felt more and more that it was really rare to have such a character in such a bad world.

Actually, in Alice's eyes, Matt's existence is undoubtedly a bright color for this escort team, even if their living environment is already so bad, and it is still getting worse before that, the horses that have been well protected by Claire Te still maintains a rare innocence, it seems that no matter how bad the environment is, it can't kill her optimism.

It has nothing to do with ignorance, in fact, Matt has been through a lot before meeting Claire, it can only be said that it is by nature.

This kind of character makes Alice feel deep envy, this is the innocence that she can't get after so much.

To be able to have a person like Matt around, it should be said that this cold thing has a warmer tone, no longer just blindly living for the sake of living, but trying to protect the beauty that once remained.

And, even though she is also a woman, when she saw Matt, Alice couldn't help but sigh that this girl is really beautiful.

Regarding this point, Alice and Ling Mo's aesthetics seem to be very consistent.

Just like Ling Mo's opinion, if he were to be ranked in a biochemical world's appearance ranking, Matt, who only appeared as a supporting role, definitely had the hope of competing for the first position.

Of course, appearance is only an integral part of charm, although it occupies a very high proportion, if we really want to talk about charm, Ling Mo will definitely say that Alice is the unshakable number one! "You will know later. "

, Alice repeated again, and then, rather helplessly, added: "Maybe it won't take too long."

Alice lowered her head and continued to look at the map, studying the possible attack locations of Isaacs and the others, and rehearsing various countermeasures in her mind.

As for Claire, Alice said, come on, think about Jill who is far away in the base, she's used to it.

The best way to deal with it is to keep it out of sight. Thinking too much will only make you upset.

In the same way, for Te, Alice has already begun to think about how Ling Mo should start with wicked taste. As for the guy who is sitting on his arms, she doesn't believe it. If it really happened, Alice would doubt it. Has this Ling Mo been given away by someone?

If Ling Mo knew all of Alice's thoughts, she would probably be glad that she left a bad impression on Alice in some respects. With a lower mentality and expectations, many things became much simpler. .

Chapter [*] Alice's Assist

Next to Alice, Te's brain was overloaded, thinking about what Alice meant, and always felt that today everyone seems to be: It's weird! Frowning and thinking, fingers unconsciously hooked a strand of hair hanging down from his shoulders Twisted and twisted, a flash of light flashed in my mind at a certain moment, my eyes widened suddenly, I looked at the house, and then looked at Alice who was thinking, her face turned red at a visible speed.


Alice heard the horse's scream and looked up quickly, and immediately saw the girl quickly let go... her hair, clutching her scalp, and a whimper in her throat.


Alice sighed, such a lovely girl, such a rare animal in the last days.

But Te did not pay attention to Alice's helpless eyes, and jumped away from Alice's side as if running away, pressing his voice and hurriedly asked: "What do you mean, it's not about me and him?"

Alice spread her hands and said, "I didn't say anything."

Seeing Matt staring at him angrily, Alice looked back innocently.

After staring at each other for a while, Te was defeated first, and he lowered his head in frustration and slowly leaned on the jeep, his mind was even more confused.

Thinking is a kind of magical existence. Sometimes, if you drop a seed, it will take root and sprout, and the ghost knows what it will look like in the end.

Alice assured that she was definitely not a reminder before, just a feeling of helplessness.

However, the speaker was unintentional and the listener was intentional, and Matt's thoughts were taken in other directions by Alice's words. Originally, he thought about Claire and Ling Mo, but it was only a little confusing, but now a different emotion gradually appeared.

Various fragments flashed through my mind, thinking about what the inside of the house looked like at this time, until finally I began to imagine that if the person staying in it was me at this time, my thoughts started to get out of hand from here.

At noon, even after the chaos of the morning, it was time to set off again, but since the leader of the escort had rolled with someone and was nowhere to be seen, the escort continued to be stationed next to the gas station.

Strangely, the vast majority of people seemed to ignore the disappearance of the captain, and no one thought to look for it.

Not to mention other people, Matt ignored this matter for a short time, until he found Alice again with the canned food that was allocated for lunch, and he suddenly woke up. It was noon, alas, the two of them hadn't come out yet, Could it be that Matt was still thinking about it when he fell asleep and slipped into the jeep that had been occupied by Alice. It is said that this kind of thing is still very exhausting.

As soon as Matt walked in, she heard footsteps. When she heard the co-pilot's door open, Alice lifted the hood that temporarily covered her eyes, and saw Matt, who was poking his head out, and the can of food in her hand. , smiled: "Is this my lunch?"

"Canned fruit, we only have this, I hope you won't dislike it."

Te said embarrassedly, but it was indeed their best food.

At least in her opinion, Aili Lingmo and the others are backed by a team, and they will definitely not worry about food like these people.

"Fruit, it's a big meal for me."

Alice took it over with a smile, of course it was true that she was backed by a team or something, but unfortunately, someone like her who runs outside all day and is careful even when contacting the base must find the food herself.

Although it is powerful enough to be surpassed in the eyes of many people

The strength of the specification makes it easy to find food, but fruit is still a luxury for Alice, even if it is just canned fruit.

Te sat in the co-pilot with his own lunch in his hand, watching Alice sitting in Claire's driver's seat and casually putting her legs on the steering wheel, reminding: "Claire will definitely be angry when she sees it. , She usually doesn't want others to touch the car."

"In this case, it makes my mind a little more balanced."

Alice laughed, but put her leg down anyway.

This time Matt immediately knew what Alice was talking about. He glanced at the house secretly and muttered, "Don't they feel hungry?"

Alice heard the words and said funny: "You can go in and ask them."

Te desperately shook his head, forget it, it would definitely be embarrassing to death.

And subconsciously, I feel that if I really do this, there is a high probability that I will be involved in it.

Te suddenly noticed one thing. Everyone seemed to have inadvertently ignored the fact that Claire and Ling Mo disappeared together. It was obvious that the two of them walked in without covering it up, but everyone didn't seem to see it. No one talks about it, as if the world only cares about it.

The more she thought about it, the more she discovered. It seemed that everyone was staying away from there intentionally or unintentionally. It was her. When she left for a short time to pick up lunch, she even forgot about it until she saw Alice again. remember.

I really couldn't hold back my curiosity, even though I thought it would be weird to ask Alice about this kind of thing, Matt struggled for a while and still asked.

Hearing Matt's question, Alice sneered and said indifferently: "A little trick, oh, psychological, hint, using your own mental ability to make the people around you subconsciously stay away and ignore it is really capable, such a delicate use on this kind of thing."

"Spiritual Suggestions"

Matt's head is full of question marks, deeply doubting his own IQ, and it is always difficult to keep up with Alice's train of thought when talking to Alice.

"Just treat it as a talent,"

Alice didn't bother to explain it.

She had noticed from the beginning that Ling Mo had quietly released his spirit long ago, without causing harm to the people around him, but using the resonance of his spirit to achieve the effect of hinting.

Expelling and ignoring, this is the form of expression.

In other words, her own mental ability is very strong, and she has an incomparable resistance to this ability. Not only does she have no influence at all, even Matt, who is close to her, is inadvertently sheltered from Ling Mo. The psychic hint affects, or rather, cancels out.

By the way, Alice can detect the effect of this psychic ability and can avoid herself being unaffected, however, she can't do it herself.

Her use of her mental ability has always been the simplest and most direct way to cause harm, and the most common manifestation is banging, not Ling Mo, who simply has to play with her mental powers.

Alice recalled the last time she tried to use a more "smart" on the enemy

What is the effect of the mental attack, oh, by the way, that person directly stopped the blood to supplement the brain, and finally died of a cerebral hemorrhage very painfully.

Chapter [*] Next stop

Anyway, these two guys still remember that there were a bunch of people outside, and after tossing around for a morning and noon, they finally ran out.

Noticing their appearance for the first time, Matt looked at his watch and silently counted how long they had been tossing inside, and then kept looking at them while marveling.

Ling Mo, what did he look like when he entered, what did he look like when he came out, chatting and laughing with Claire, as if they really just went in to chat, hehe.

Aware of the staring eyes from a distance, Ling Mo smiled and nodded at Matt in the jeep, and then saw the girl shrink back and disappear.

"Am I so scary?"

Ling Mo asked Claire in surprise.

After a brief thought, Claire nodded earnestly.

In the car in the distance, Matt hid back in a panic, and then glared at Alice. It wasn't what Alice had said to her before, and he knew what Ling Mo and Claire were doing, so his mind was almost full after that. It's all a small theater with Ling Mo, and the plot is about to be recited.

Alice turned a blind eye to Matt's lethal eyes, and most of her attention was focused on Claire through the car window, and she sighed loudly: "I can't see it, Claire's physical strength is so good, I thought I could only see it at night. As for her, she'll be resting so soon."

Te's head also came closer, stared at Claire for a while, and immediately noticed that Claire was different from usual based on her familiarity with Claire. Simply put, she looked a little more feminine. By the way, It seems that the footsteps are a little vain. Besides, Ma found that the two people's psychology and quality are really good. I thought they would sneak out. Shouldn't they be guilty of thieves at this time? The individual is really calmer than the other. If she hadn't been paying attention, she would never have imagined that the two of them would hide and toss for so long, even in broad daylight! What's more, she didn't even bring messy clothes, that is, Claire. Her hair is a little messier than usual.

"Now I feel like we're monkeys in a circus"

, Claire also noticed the two heads in the jeep who were staring this way. Thankfully, they were just being watched instead of getting a mental shock when they went out.

Well, not only is there no mental shock, but Alice, what's the matter with the way you are enjoying watching the movie now! Ling Mo thinks that he should stop saying things like getting used to it. With a concerned tone that could no longer be normal, he changed the subject and said, "You're sure you really don't need a break."

"Let's settle the business first"

, Claire walked towards the direction of the guards, ready to announce that she had agreed with Ling Mo on the next target location, paused, then glanced at Ling Mo, "Next time... this kind of thing, I'm afraid I have to do it in advance. Ready to get hurt."

When Claire said this, she couldn't hide her resentment, bastard, she looked normal on the surface, but she had a lot of bruises on her body before, and she actually had leg cramps, and now when I walk I also feel that my left leg is a little uncomfortable. In fact, this is the main reason for Matt's vainness.

Fortunately, Ling Mo had just learned elf magic for injuries or something. A very important type of magic is called healing magic. Although it usually needs to be used in conjunction with it, simple bruises and leg cramps, etc., um, get started directly. It's solved.

Except for the two of them, no one can tell what happened during the treatment.

Although the cure was easy, Ling Mo really felt sorry this time. The difference in physique between the two parties was so great that even if he had already perfected his control of his own power, "Well, it can only be said that you are too charming, and you can't help it. Pay attention next time,"

Ling Mo said apologetically.

At first, I thought that Claire's figure is very good, and then Ling Mo found out that a good word is not enough to express the compliment it deserves.

In other words, Ling Mo originally thought about whether he should use the fruit of the heart-shaped herb to strengthen Claire, but after thinking about it, let it go, there is no need for it.

Not to mention the need for a period of adaptation after strengthening, and Isaacs' troops should come to the door soon. If Claire wants to do something because of her strength, she is not so honest. according to his arrangement.

Besides, after this mission is over, he will get the formula of the gene stabilizer, and then there will be a steady stream of gene stabilizers. With this precondition, he can use the Twilight World Vampire Virus directly with the stabilizer. Isn't it good to strengthen it, a leap in strength in a short period of time, plus a more perfect body, and eternal youth! Look, why do you need to do it multiple times now?

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