A lot of people actually need to talk to them. Claire, who has always been strong, is like this, Alice is like this, and Matt is like this.

The sound of the flames was mixed with the girl's soft words, which rarely made Ling Mo's mentality a lot calmer, and he briefly forgot about those fighting and killing things.

It should be said that Matt likes the feeling when he is with Ling Mo, which also makes people feel safe, but this

It was different from when he was with Claire and Alice, who had only met for a while, but Ling Mo seemed to have a natural aura that made people want to get close, and he wanted to get close unconsciously, feeling that he was trustworthy.

These belong to the past... own story, even when Matt was dealing with Claire, Matt didn't talk about it, but now it's very natural to talk to Ling Mo, maybe there is a psychology that wants him to understand himself, and he is also talking about it.

While speaking, Matt didn't notice that he was subconsciously approaching Ling Mo when he was talking, and when the story ended, his body was almost on Ling Mo's body, however, he felt that it was a matter of course.

"May I ask one thing, and if you think it's a strange question, you don't have to answer it."

As he got closer and closer, Ma finally had the courage to tangle about something that was about to happen for a day.

"Listen first what the problem is"

Ling Mo smiled.

Te palm swiped randomly in the air and said, "That is, what is the relationship between you and Claire?"

After asking the question, the courage that Ma had just accumulated vanished, but this question has really been entangled for a long time, and I have always wondered why everyone, whether it is Ling Mo, Claire, or even Alice, is actually interested in this matter. There are too many things like a very common little thing, and the various Asura fields that she had been thinking about have not appeared. Could it be that the whole world is only thinking about this matter? Or, this kind of thing, to them Is it really that common, or are they all selectively letting themselves ignore it.

Ling Mo glanced at Claire, and saw that Claire was still there: talking to Alice, and the relationship between the two was obviously a lot closer, and while Matt waited, he said softly: "That's it. "

The inexplicable answer, but Matt had a rare understanding of Ling Mo's meaning, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Maybe, just put yourself in and you'll know what's going on."

Ling Mo turned to look at the girl.


Ma looked at Ling Mo suspiciously.

"That's it"

, Ling Mo repeated what he said before, raised his hand to grab her chin in Matt's surprised eyes, leaned towards the girl, and then gently pecked at the girl's.

At the moment of contact with each other, Matt found that he didn't have the strength to open up more, and something seemed to explode in his mind, making the chaotic thoughts there suddenly become: blank.

As soon as it was touched, Ling Mo immediately let go of Matt and asked with a chuckle, "Hey!!!, do you feel it now, what does it feel like?"

'I haven't had time to feel it yet! The girl said in her heart, and her blank mind made her eyes look confused and shook her head, "Forget it."

Oh, Ling Mo nodded and went up again under the bright eyes of the girl, this time it was no longer a one-touch call.

Just ten seconds later, both Claire and Alice heard a soft exclamation from Matt not far away, and immediately.

Turning his head to look, he saw Ling Moheng picked up the girl and walked towards the distance.

Although it was exclamation, it was obvious that Matt was more surprised by Ling Mo's actions.

Claire retracted her gaze, looked at Alice beside her, and said helplessly, "It seems that we can only be together tonight."

Chapter [*] hemp

Alice was surprised, mainly because she didn't expect it to happen so quickly, but can she say that she had a general idea of ​​what would happen when Matt walked over to him before she saw it, she knew very well that staying with that guy Around him, he always turned to a certain direction inexplicably, as if he had some kind of magic power.

Of course, when Ling Mo joked with her once, Alice would definitely not believe that she knew a guy named Cupid.

Especially, in Ling Mo's mouth, Cupid has no wings and is still a fat man weighing [*] kilograms.

Looking at Claire next to her, she looked unmoved when she retracted her gaze, "I thought you would try to stop it. Being so calm doesn't meet my expectations."

With a smile, Claire leaned back, put her arms on the ground, looked at the stars, and said lightly, "Matt is no longer a child, she knows what she is doing, and I am not her guardian."

"Besides, no one knows her character better than me, if I wanted to stop her, I wouldn't let the two of them get together just now.

Even if it is stopped now, won't it happen in the future?"


Claire looked at Alice helplessly, "Isn't this your real job, you don't mind, why should I be this villain."

"You can see it."

Alice said.

"Stop joking, I'm not his girlfriend."

Claire muttered.

Even though she said that, Claire thought of the place where Ling Mo and Matt disappeared before, and secretly glanced at it, not at all creative, you guys should change the place, it turned out to be the same house again.

What's more, I had a fight with Ling Mo there during the day, and I didn't have the mind to clean up. Anyway, I'm afraid this place will never come again.

It's embarrassing now, I hope Matt doesn't notice what's going on with the mess in there, or else I don't know what she thinks.

Anyway, now Claire has completely seen it, she originally looked at this matter very freely, didn't she see that when the two came out after the incident, it was like nothing.

Claire felt that this was just right, and she was not going to argue with Alice. Since Alice didn't seem to mind, she didn't bother to worry about it. Alice sat down together.

There is no need for anyone to be a burden to anyone, and there is no need to spread dog blood everywhere. If there is a need in the future, it is estimated that it can be repeated.

Of course, now Claire doesn't want to admit that it was the first time she felt so relaxed when she was with Ling Mo in such a long time.

In the past, as the core of this, she took on too many responsibilities, everyone's future rested on her shoulders, any decision had to carefully bury everyone, everyone died and became a Part of her self-blame.

Also, don't show your weakness to others because it will affect the morale of everyone in the team.

This kind of exhaustion has always been difficult for Lyle to find someone to talk to.

Claire definitely won't complain about this, but now that she has met someone she can rely on, she doesn't have to shoulder all the responsibilities on her shoulders, and she can be lazy occasionally, which is a good feeling.

Hooked unconsciously, stood up and patted the sand stained on his body, and said to Alice: "Let's go, let all men die, tonight is our two-person world."

Alice swept some sand to put out the bonfire and said, "If I remember correctly, there seems to be half a bottle of whiskey on my motorcycle."

Claire was a little surprised and said with a smile: "This is perfect tonight."

Turning his eyes back to the present, Claire's attention returned to the road ahead, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. In the past, he didn't realize that Matt had such an out-of-line IQ. Such words are so openly spoken. Okay, although it seems that there are no outsiders here.

By the way, before leaving this morning, Claire strolled to the house to take a look. When she saw some extra bloodstains, she was really surprised. Even if she thought she knew Matt well, she didn't expect that, This girl is actually the first time.

Oh, and finally gave a bastard.

"If the map is correct, we're almost three kilometers away."

Alice's voice came from her ear, Claire took off her sunglasses and tried to look forward, barely seeing the faint shadow of a city.

This city built in the desert looks like an island from a distance.

Claire turned on the walkie-talkie and reminded the escort members in the convoy behind: "Everyone, we are coming, be careful, this is a city."

After the reminder, Claire said: "In the past, we all consciously avoided urban buildings. There are always many zombies in such places. Once a shot is fired, countless monsters will be attracted immediately."

"This time is obviously worse. I don't know how many zombies there are. There will be people from the Umbrella Company waiting for us there, and we have to take the initiative to bump into it."

At the beginning, the convoy entered the city smoothly, no zombies were seen, no attack, and there was no strange existence flying in the sky, just a desolate city waiting for death in dead silence.

However, this situation made Claire feel even more uneasy, and she would rather encounter the enemy from the beginning, rather than have no idea what is hiding in the city now.

When the convoy entered the city a few hundred meters away, Ling Mo, who had been quiet all the way, said without warning, "It's started!"

Always: The alert Claire immediately became alert. However, she did not hear the sound of gunfire, nor did she see any monsters rushing out from the buildings on both sides. It was their convoy who had the first problem! When Ling Mo said When it fell, all the vehicles in the convoy turned off in an instant, only slowly losing speed with the last inertia.

In the jeep, the electronic equipment let out a groan and then smoked light, and the intercom that Gisele put on her shoulder suddenly made an irritating noise that made Claire's ear hurt, but then the intercom went silent.

"Carlos, how are you over there, do you hear?"

, Claire tried to use the walkie-talkie to contact other vehicles, "Damn, it's been scrapped!"

Alice has quickly checked the other electronic components on the car, and immediately thought of the answer, and said solemnly: "Yes!"

Chapter [*] The game begins

"The first rule of hunting is to limit the ability of the prey to move."

Ling Mo pushed the door and got out of the car as he spoke, even though he was wearing his boots, when he stepped on the ground, he still felt the heat from the sand.

Claire got out of the car with a weapon, and after asking, Ling Mo said to her: "Inform your people, the escort is ready to fight, and the others stay in the car and don't run around."

Ling Mo's relaxed appearance calmed down Claire's fast beating heart from the sudden attack. Without wasting time, she nodded her head and walked away to inform others. Many times, her own chaos is more terrifying than a dangerous enemy.

Ling Mo walked a few meters behind the jeep and stopped. He stepped on an object with an obvious metallic texture under his feet. He raised his hand. in the hand, simply looked at it and threw it to the side.

Alice took the metal object that was still a little hot on the surface, and said bitterly: "We are lucky, at least they didn't lay mines here."

, In other words, electromagnetic pulse weapons, by sending high-power microwaves to the surrounding in a short period of time, cause the electronic components within the killing range to run out of control or burn out.

This thing is simply the nemesis of high-tech creations, just like when Ling Mo was in the world of Genesis, if he didn't plan to let the Red Queen devour Skynet, the other plan should be to directly smash it with high power, and then the whole world It was quiet.

In terms of the size of this electromagnetic pulse weapon, the effective killing range is only a few hundred meters, which is not too large, but it is obviously enough to deal with their fleet, and it is even a bit of a fuss.

Ling Mo looked up at the sky with dark clouds, and said in a low voice, "The game has begun."

At the other end, in the base, Isaacs, who did not directly participate in the operation but stayed in the base, looked at the satellite in the computer, and the pictures that came from them, their technology, was sufficient when the air conditions were good. You can clearly see the appearance of the people on the ground.

Isaacs looked at Ling Mo across layers of barriers. This idea was absurd, but he already felt that Ling Mo was looking up at him! This feeling made Isaacs frown and immediately stretched out. , is just a prey, his eyes turned away from Ling Mo and looked at the more important target this time, Alice.

"Battle begins, release."

Isaacs said to the white queen who was standing beside him quietly, then leaned back in the chair, and whispered to himself with a smile that seemed to be winning: "The game has begun."

In the city, Isaacs' orders were not needed. The moment the electromagnetic pulse weapon was activated, the monsters they hid in the city lost control.

What was destroyed by the pulse weapon is not only the electronic components in this convoy, but also the cages that hold those monsters in the buildings on both sides! This is a planned trap, and the location is not too deep into the city to avoid the guards. There are too many precautions, and at the same time the vehicle can't get out of the city limits if it is scrapped.

And around this ambush point, zombies have already been arranged.

"Listen, something is coming."

Alice heard the subtle voice around, and after a few seconds, she said with a very ugly face: "It's the monster I hate the most.

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