Alice laughed dumbly and said, "Is this an invitation to us?"

Ling Mo took Alice to the elevator platform, and smiled: "More than that, there will be soldiers who are thinking about killing us to give us a warm welcome."

After a pause, he felt the elevator vibrate and began to descend. Ling Mo's hand appeared with a small object with a slight curvature, and said with a chuckle: "But speaking of it, as a guest, although it is not welcome, it is also not welcome. It's basic courtesy to bring gifts."

Whether it was the entrance that opened at the right time, or the elevator that came, it was obviously the work of the controllers in the base.

It's not hard to guess his thoughts at all. The entrance: something can't be kept. In this case, why not send an invitation calmly. It's obvious that there must be a bunch of people below to welcome you. The footsteps stopped in front of the exit at the end of the vertical passage. There were nearly [*] security forces attached to the base, all wearing uniform black combat uniforms, their faces were covered by masks, and there was a distinctive red and white umbrella logo on the side of the helmet. .

The commander of the squad waved his hand, and his soldiers tacitly divided into two rows in an arc to block the exit: the front, the first row tacitly squatted down to make way for the people behind to shoot.

To a certain extent, he is also using himself to block bullets for the people behind him.

After doing this, the surroundings suddenly became quiet, no one spoke, the air was terribly silent, only the slight hum of the elevator in operation kept ringing.

Exit: The side light, the green down arrow is still on.

In their communicators, a reminder from the control room sounded.

"The targets are all on the elevator platform. The heat source signal indicates that they have weapons, including but not limited to pistols. The countdown is thirteen seconds. Exit: open."

"Five, four, three, two, two, one, good luck."


The green light of the indicator light was replaced by a red light, and a clear reminder sounded, and the last barrier between the security forces and the elevator platform rose slowly.

Chapter [*] This is facing the enemy

The sound of the mechanical transmission brought a rumbling soft sound, and the all-metal isolation door several centimeters thick lifted upwards, opening the exit of the elevator platform to the base little by little.

The half-squatted soldiers in the first row did not need an order, and immediately made the same action, continuing to lower their bodies, allowing their viewing angle and the muzzle of the gun to slowly increase along with the lower edge of the isolation door.

Put your finger lightly on the trigger, and once you see the target, it will give the most ferocious attack.

Their numbers are each other's comfort, at least in their perception, nearly twenty rifles, enough to beat any monster into a sieve.

No one! After the isolation door rose more than ten centimeters, no one in the first row saw the target in the elevator. The man at the console was loudly ordering them to fire, telling them that the target was inside, and asking why no one was attacking! The isolation door was raised very fast, and in a few breaths, the elevator's exit was fully open, but it was placed in front of the security forces Yes, still nothing.

Such a scene made them look at each other, wondering if they had hallucinations collectively, or if there was a problem with the information in the central console.

The commander of the squad raised his right arm, clenched his fist, motioned his subordinates to wait, and stepped cautiously into the elevator platform.

Every step he takes is extra cautious. If he doesn't clear it, he will be fatally attacked. His heart seems to be jumping out of his own chest, and his voice becomes: extraordinarily obvious.

No attack, no people seen, nothing.

Just when the commander relaxed a little, thinking it was really a malfunction of the base's heat source detection system, his sight suddenly caught a small thing slightly bigger than a slap on the ground.

The moment he saw this thing, the commander's anger at the base managers almost rose to the extreme.

It's not those guys who can only give orders, talking about saving energy, and as a result, most of the entire base is built like a haunted house, even if all the lights are turned on, it is only barely providing a light.

If not, he would have discovered this weapon, which was clearly placed in the center of the platform, at the very beginning, and he would have been able to immediately.

Remind everyone to avoid, how could it be like this now, when they were about to go to the face, only to notice that there is a big killer that can kill them all! Now, it's too late, it's all over.

At this distance, when he lowered his head, he could already see the curved weapon facing their side and the text on it.

This is facing the enemy! The commander's eyes with some kind of nasty hints are almost a thought, and even the heartbeat seems to stop for a moment, and he already knows what it is when he sees this thing. This is an anti-infantry mine that he has also used, which can be called an artifact against infantry, the broadsword! Contains 1.

5 pounds of plastic blast, [*] steel balls, [*] meters of killing range, [*]-degree wide angle: diffusion, etc., these data flashed in the commander's mind immediately.

In the past, I only thought that this thing was very useful, but now the thought is, which bastard invented this thing! "Retreat! Retreat!"

The hysterical voice exploded in his throat, the commander turned his head and ran away, not wanting to stay with the broadsword at all, and being targeted by the broadsword in such a place where there was no obstruction at all, even if he was wearing light bulletproof Clothes still fart

No use! The best way is to run, run quickly! His soldiers, in order to seek maximum attack efficiency, all stay directly opposite the exit, but fortunately they are placed in an arc, and the attack range of the broadsword , is also a fan, this combination is perfect! The commander's fearful appearance made the soldiers blocking the exit immediately.

Panic, they don't know what the commander saw, but, run! However, they just made a move, the commander's... worst idea has been verified, it's too late! The explosion sounded behind the commander, and the flames burst into flames. Even if the flash, the dense steel balls were shot out by the terrifying kinetic energy given by the explosion, overwhelming the sky, and there was almost no dead angle at all! At that moment, the commander had already come to the exit: in front of him, all his potential had exploded and he rushed towards the side with all his strength. , The commander, who was trying to avoid the wide sword attack range, suddenly made a dull sound as he flew forward. It was the sound of a steel ball piercing through the body armor and entering the body. The kinetic energy attached to the steel ball drove him immediately.

Turning into a corpse, he turned and smashed out.

The sound of [*] steel balls breaking into the air mingled together, giving them no time to react at all. The security forces who were waiting for the rabbits were covered by steel balls. Under such an attack density, no one could escape.

To make matters worse, just one second later, two overlapping explosions sounded from both sides of the elevator platform, and that... the commander who was killed first had no way of realizing that there was a vast space inside. The sword was not one at all, but three 3s! From the very beginning, the gift that Ling Mo gave them did not leave any room for them, and sent them on their way! In the intensive attack, even appeared After hearing the sound of steel balls colliding in the air, in the smoke, the sound belonging to the security forces disappeared at a terrifying speed.

The smoke and dust of the explosion had not dissipated, and two figures fell from the top of the elevator one after another. That is to say, when the commander came in to check, he was immediately attracted by the broad sword, otherwise he would definitely notice that they would not be able to find it. The target we arrived at was actually hanging a few meters above the ground.

As for cheating the heat source induction system, it was simply too easy for Ling Mo.

Knowing the working principle of this system, you only need to let the element control ability work, don't think that one of them... The control of fire is really only for the visible fire, and sometimes these things also need to pay attention to the rules of physics , Controlling the temperature rise or fall within the range is also within Ling Mo's ability.

Elemental control is comparable to the two major panacea abilities of mental abilities.

Using this ability, it is easy to disappear in the detection of the heat source sensing system, or to create false targets.

Ling Mo sniffed the surrounding air that was tainted with too much blood, and didn't feel disgusted at all. He had had a vampire experience, but it still left an impact on him. For example, the smell of blood was like a enjoy.

"Don't be like this, at least restrain yourself, it seems that we are the villains."

Alice saw Ling Mo's expression and said helplessly.

I've felt this way for a long time. When I stayed with Ling Mo, I always felt that they were the ones who took the villain template...

Chapter [*] Indiscriminate Attack

Alice looked at the people around who were not alive, and there was no pity in her eyes. She was mainly looking to see if she needed a replacement gun:.

When dealing with the enemy, Alice has always been called the word decisive.

"The base is huge, together or apart."

When they walked out of the elevator platform together, Ling Mo asked Alice.

"Separate, and finally meet at Isaacs' laboratory. With you by your side, I always feel like I'm watching a play."

Alice immediately.


Ling Mo smiled and said, "Then let's make a scene."

"I've been waiting for this day"

, As Alice spoke, she looked at the camera in the upper corner of the side and smiled, "Before I act, I will remove their eyes."

Although Ling Mo's ability allows them to deceive the heat source sensing system, they cannot deceive the camera.

In such complex base operations, the opponent has a clear home field advantage, and the existence of these cameras is the eyes of the security forces in the base.

Destroying the cameras one by one is an idea, but in Alice's opinion, it is too slow, she has to solve those who are staring behind the camera! It also has mental abilities, but Ling Mo and Alice's mental abilities are in effect. , it was different from the beginning.

That's right, Alice admitted that she couldn't use Ling Mo's mental power as delicately as Ling Mo, but her direct destruction effect was stronger, and she also had some abilities that looked a little weird.

For Alice, don't stare at me, when you look at me, then you will be found by me, even if you are just observing through the camera.

At this moment, everyone who was staring at the camera screen, whether it was the security personnel in the control room or Isaacs who locked himself in the main laboratory, was unknowingly attracted by the picture that appeared on the screen.

It was Alice, looking at them with a beautiful and weird smile, not at the camera, but at them behind the camera, everyone! It felt like, there was no gap at all, Alice stood in front of each of them face to face and looked at them.

Standing beside Alice, Ling Mo quietly looked at Alice's smile. He found that he had never seen Alice as beautiful as she was at the moment.

This is a kind of charm that is difficult to describe with words, with a touch of inseparable bewitching, like a rose blooming in the dark night, it is so beautiful that it makes people feel a sense of suffocation.

However, under such beauty, there is an unimaginable danger. The people who are watched by Alice, like an invisible palm, pass through the screen and silently hold their throats, tightening them little by little.

At a certain moment, the beauty remains, but in the eyes of those people, there is only terror left, and death has come.

Fear has quietly shrouded everyone staring at the screen. Obviously, the screen has not been adjusted, but there is only Alice's smiling face on the screen. All screens are like this, and Alice is watching them.

They can't take their eyes off, the spiritual power of love has quietly invaded, the flow of blood begins to have problems, one by one, they feel something in their brains: a sense of stagnation and blockage in their brains, something swells in their brains and wants to break open Same.

It was just a slight discomfort at first, and it gradually turned into pain as the feeling became more and more obvious. The tingling in the brain made them shudder.

In fact, it's not a mistake, the blood is blocked as it passes through their brain, and it stays there until the blood vessel ruptures.

Many people feel a cold under their nose

, raised his hand and touched it, only to see the blood stains on his fingertips.

At this stage, they no longer... have no way to escape.

It seems that Alice has done a lot, but really, Alice only did one thing, blocking the blood vessels of their brains, that's all.

Seen by Alice with malice and captured by her power, if there is no similar ability to fight against, then it is doomed.

It's not Alice's intention that the process of death looks so miserable, it's just because of the killing process of the enemy's mental ability, sorry, you will indeed die very painfully.

At this time, body control no longer belongs to them, only the right to experience pain is given to them.

One by one, staying in their own positions, they were trembling constantly as if they had epilepsy. At first, they only had nosebleeds. Soon, their eyes and ears began to drip dazzling blood one after another.

Falling to the ground in pain, struggling in pain but unable to move their bodies, death finally came and became their release.

"It's over, I think, and no one's watching us any more."

It seemed like a long time had passed, especially those who were captured by Alice's ability, but in fact, it only took less than ten seconds from when Alice looked at the camera to when she retracted her gaze.

During this period of time, almost all the people who are currently screened are wiped out.

The reason is almost because Alice said to Ling Mo: "I found Isaacs' position and seriously injured him. If he is lucky, he may still be able to move now, otherwise."

Alice shrugged, "Paralyzed."

When she found Isaacs, Alice almost couldn't control her murderous intentions, but fortunately she reacted later. Now that Isaacs can't die, she gave him a lesson and let him go... Although this lesson seems to be very heavy look.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter

What state is he in now, all we need is that he lives and then dies at a suitable time."

Ling Mo didn't care what Isaacs looked like now, as long as he didn't die.

In the main laboratory, Isaacs, who was still trembling uncontrollably, was hurriedly ran over to the base to help him up. The blood almost covered his face, which made his face mixed with anger and pain look particularly hideous.

His hand was on the corner of the table, leaving a trail of blood there, and Isaacs' words were almost squeezed between his teeth.

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