, A name given by the queen, along with the relevant biographical information, the upper left corner of the screen is a photo of a woman with black-rimmed glasses, looking in her fifties, just looking at the photo will make people feel this is a very aggressive woman.

"I underestimate this woman."

Alice has long known the existence of this person. They have long analyzed the enemy, and they also know that the opposite umbrella company is not stable. When the current Isaacs replica is only doing research work, he lost his suppression, There are many factions within the umbrella company, and the infighting is very serious. Wesker wants to make his own voice free in the company, and there are too many enemies to defeat.

Dania Cardoza, who is in charge of the research and development department, is an important opponent of Wesker, and also the object of attention from Alice's side.

Unexpectedly, Dania gave her a surprise this time. What is this, taking chestnuts out of fire, or treating all of them like monkeys to play this woman, in Alice's mind, she is just an important person in the umbrella company, and it is worth paying attention to. , is listed as one of the targets that must be cleared, but it is definitely far lower than Isaacs and Wesker in priority.

In this world, except for Ling Mo, no one knows what Dania Cardoza did in the original future.

Inside the Umbrella Company, Dania Cardoza is definitely the biggest threat to Wesker. No one, Wesker has dealt with all other people who can threaten his status, but Dania Cardoza is almost there. Desperate.

Part [*]: The reason why Alice was rescued in the middle was to use Alice's ability to help him deal with Dania Cardoza. According to the development at that time, the submarine base can basically be determined to be. In the hands of Dania Cardoza, Wesker is equivalent to taking Alice away from the opponent.

In fact, if this is not done, it is very likely that Vickers will be solved by Dania Cardoza, and this woman who was solved by Alice without even showing her face in the original plot until the end, Will become the ultimate winner, the kind that Isaacs may not be able to deal with even if he wakes up.

But in the current situation, who cares, Alice closed this page and brought up a global map, no matter whether it was a surprise or a surprise, the result of Dania Cardoza's action was that the subsequent tracking made Alice found each other's location.

Even if Dania Cardoza was physically isolated from the outside world for the first time, the tracking was blocked and they only determined a general area, but it didn't make any sense at all, because the base where she was located was actually blocked early in the morning. Alice and the others knew it, but they didn't think it was of sufficient value in the past, and they were worried that they didn't attack.

Under this premise, just knowing the approximate scope, you can know where the other party is hiding by directly checking in.

Recalling the information about that base, Alice sneered. If you want to be the oriole behind the scenes, you must have enough strength, and you have been exposed from the beginning.

The image of a woman appeared in her mind, and Alice whispered, "Thanks, Ada."

Chapter three hundred and ninety-ninth icefield, woman

It's as if they didn't know anything about the enemy's base. They actually arranged a spy on the opposite side, but because of various conditions, the spy could not let them get enough information to confirm the final battle.

Well now, from the moment they broke the defense system of this base, their technical team began to work, using this base as the origin, to track down all the remaining bases controlled by Isaacs and Wesker one by one, the red dot One by one lights up on the global map, and coordinates are assigned to combat troops that are ready to go.

Some of these coordinates were known to them for a long time, but most of them were not exposed until this time. Fortunately, the base where they are now is the headquarters of North America. Otherwise, there is really no way to obtain so many coordinates. , This time, it can almost be said that all the hidden bases of the opponent have been wiped out.

These coordinates are their combat targets this time! Seeing that the map marked her with the action signal of the assault troops, Alice hesitated and said, "The Red Queen."

As soon as the voice fell, the figure of the red queen appeared and occupied the screen.

Alice said: "Inform King Ida, no matter what

What is she doing now, right now.

Abandoned, moved to a safe position, and combat operations began."

"It's already being done."

The red queen replied.

Alice suddenly became curious and asked, "Where is she now?"


"what did she do there"

She was stunned, Alice did not expect such an answer.

The red queen immediately said she didn't know, "she didn't tell me the purpose of this action, just like it was in the past."

Alice showed an expression she had known for a long time, and was not surprised by King Ada's unexpected action.

Ada King, a name anyone who knows about Resident Evil will not have heard of it.

Mysterious, beautiful, and powerful, etc. As a spy, you can always get the information you want no matter how dangerous the situation is, and then leave.

Regardless of other worlds, in this world, King Ada has been affiliated with the Umbrella Company since before the start of the Resident Evil crisis, and is the most capable spy under Wesker.

If Ling Mo had any regrets when he left the biochemical world before, it was that he had never seen this fascinating woman. Even if he used Alicia's resources, he could not find her. After all, although Also a member of the Umbrella Company, but Alicia can't order King Ada at all, she seems to only obey Wesker, at least it seems that way.

Ling Mo felt regretful about this, although King Ada in this world seems to have some flaws in his height, but this is not a big problem. After all, it is King Ada, and he is pretending to be his childhood goddess.

And Ling Mo didn't think of it at first. He couldn't find it before he left. After he left, not long after the end of the world began, Alice successfully established contact with the other party. Afraid of each other, and then, King Ada decisively jumped back and became one of them.

It just didn't go to the sea.

It is to continue to use the advantages of his identity to stay under Wesker to steal information for them.

This straightforward attitude almost made Alice think that this was a trap for them by Wesker.

No wonder Alice is so suspicious

It's just that King Ada always has all kinds of mysteries on her body, and people can't guess her thoughts and purposes, which all represent uncertainty.

Don't talk about Alice and the others, even Wesker can't really understand the idea of ​​his subordinate, but Weske doesn't care so much.

What kind of thoughts do you have, as long as you are still there: you can complete the tasks I assigned, anyway, I have never trusted you.

It was also in the later understanding that Alice realized that King Ada had always regarded Wesker as a collaborator, not a superior. Under this premise, there was no loyalty at all, and she could have no mentality. Burden kicked Wesker.

Moreover, although the actions of the mind are uncertain for others, one thing is certain. At least King Ada has a basic view of right and wrong and good and evil. After realizing that the Umbrella Company was the initiator of this disaster, she was ready to put herself Her employer kicked her, and when Alice accidentally met her, King Ada had already begun to brew a revenge plan against the Umbrella Company.

As a result, while thinking about how to implement it, Alice appeared, which made King Ada's eyes shine, she understood that this was a real enemy of the umbrella company, and it was absolutely impossible for Wesker to cooperate.

The cooperation after that was almost a hit, and King Ada joined Alice and the others in their plan.

While Alice used herself as a bait to try to lure Isaacs' clone and start the next move, King Ada was also trying to find the sleeping position of Isaacs' body.

In fact, if it wasn't for Ling Mo's sudden return to this world and letting Alice go directly to the end, according to King Ada's current progress, she is really only one step away from the answer.

At this moment, in the vast ice field of the Arctic, a mass of snow moved, and then quickly swelled, and soon a figure wrapped in thick white warm clothes stood up from it.

Before this figure appeared voluntarily, I am afraid that even if someone came to him, they would not find that there was a person hiding here.

The thick clothes made it difficult to see her figure, and she could barely tell it was a woman. Her face was completely blocked, and the mask that covered almost the entire face was covered with a layer of frost because of her breathing, and her eyes were also covered with sunglasses. Block it so that you can't see the face at all.

Taking a deep look at the far away...it seemed to be an ice cave formed naturally, King Ada sighed faintly when he thought of the message that had just come from the red queen.

She spent a lot of experience, constantly looking for clues, and finally found this place after eliminating one target after another based on the information she found. She has a strong premonition that the body of Isaacs is here! Just when she thought about how When I went in to confirm this information, and even started to end Isaacs directly, the red queen's notice arrived.

I regret a little, I don't know if I should be disappointed that my efforts for so long are suddenly meaningless, or I should be glad that the final battle is finally about to begin.

She only paused for a moment, the expression under her mask moved, barely sketching a smile, and then she slowly left here, walking towards the direction of the cave on the thick snow.

Going back to the tent and waiting for the commandos to arrive seems like a good choice, but ah, it's not her character to obey other people's arrangements, she still likes to do more challenging things.

Chapter [*]: No way back

Basically, when Ling Mo and Isaacs started the third round of fight, Jill's action troops had already started the combat operations that would be the last battle regardless of the outcome.

"The combat objectives have been assigned, everyone, good luck."

Among the Osprey fighters hovering over the airport, Gill said to the fighter pilots who were about to enter the war.

The driver's response sounded one after another on the communication channel, and in the busy and orderly voice, all the fighter jets at this airport rushed out, circling briefly in the air to form temporary formations, and then each flew to their own targets.

Jill listened to the voices of these people and didn't say any more words of encouragement, just wishing you good luck is enough.

This time, many people should never see each other again.

Speed ​​is the biggest advantage of these fighters, so simply use this advantage to the limit.

To get started is to kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred, most of the fighter jets taking off have not considered the problem of returning.

Ignore the combat radius, mount the auxiliary fuel tank to extend the flight distance, as long as the coordinates given by the intelligence section are within their limit flight distance, they are their targets! When they start, they will also be exposed to the enemy's sight, so they simply don't leave any way out for themselves.

Anyway, after basically flying over the target, there is no way to return to the airport with the remaining fuel, so I will try my best to get there as quickly as possible, and then throw all the weapons to them in the shortest time, no matter how precious the fighter is. , after the battle, use the fighter plane itself to give them the last shot, and the pilots will parachute directly and wait for the follow-up combat troops to recover! Otherwise, I wish you good luck. If you are lucky, these pilots can wait for the rescue of the follow-up troops, luck If it's not good, those zombies and the people of the umbrella company are enough to pose a fatal threat to them. It's really bad luck... It's not impossible to land directly in the densest place of zombies.

Looking at their targets, these targets are basically hiding underground, and it is difficult to use fighter jets without penetrating bombs to give lethal damage, but that's not their original purpose. I will give you a frantic bombing to destroy your ground facilities, clean some of the defensive troops on the ground, and destroy all the entrances and exits of your underground base by the way! After the follow-up commandos arrive, there are plenty of ways to kill you! This method of directly blocking the enemy in the ground is the primary combat goal of almost all combat troops.

The way the Umbrella Company set up the base in response to the Resident Evil crisis is both an advantage and a disadvantage. The advantages are obvious, safe and hidden, and it is difficult to be discovered and easy to survive in a crowd of monsters.

However, when there is an enemy whose strength is roughly the same, even if it is weak, it will not be too weak. As the attacked party, this is simply courting death! The seemingly safe base, once it is blocked by the exit :, The difficulty for others to get in means how difficult it is for you to get out, not to mention that people don't need to get in. If it's just to kill the enemy, rushing in to clear it is the stupidest way to directly block your entrance: and ventilation

The pipe is enough to cause the person inside to eventually die of suffocation! If you think this is not fast and simple enough, then you can pour poison gas into it, and then release the virus more severely. The umbrella company likes this weapon best, and is best at using it weapon.

Anyway, one thing is to set the tone from the very beginning. If you don't want to capture one, you will destroy all of you, no matter the high-level or low-level miscellaneous soldiers.

All kinds of materials and research and development materials stored on the opposite side are not needed! Alice and Jill are very conscious after formulating this battle plan before Ling Mo's arrival. Their overall war capabilities are not as good as the other party's. What they get there, they will be afraid and hesitate in combat operations, and they have no qualifications to hesitate.

They, as well as the assault troops who have already started combat operations, can only exert their speed, accuracy and ruthlessness to the extreme, leaving no trump card and no retreat. All combat personnel are all incorporated into the commando team, and all war equipment is taken out for use. , the start is a full-strength attack! In fact, although the hole cards are all out, there is still a reserve team that does not immediately.

dispatched, but they won't stay long, they are waiting for the arrival of the second set of coordinates.

Using the crack of the technical team, they found the coordinates of all the bases of the other party, but soon Alice will use Isaacs' replica to find another set of coordinates centered on Isaacs' body and the sleeping point of the replica. .

The only purpose of the reserve team is to prevent the occurrence of the two sets of coordinates that do not overlap. Who knows if Isaacs will hide one of his clones in some corner, they need to eliminate any possibility of Isaacs counterattack. In the end, there will only be two results in this combat operation. Either they use the first mover advantage to kill the opponent in one wave, or the opponent reacts and wipes out their commandos, and then they have no troops to fight against, and their own The base is all exposed.

Either you die or I die, it's that simple.

However, just as King Ada did not expect that a breakthrough would be made here, and started combat operations, Alice didn't know it at this time. She asked the Red Queen to notify King Ada, who was rushing to retreat, and also This reminder is not heeded, and it will soon bring them an absolutely unexpected surprise.

As for now, in the base in the depths of the desert, Isaacs, who was cut down by Ling Mo just now, is full of blood and resurrected! Recycling and reusing the surrounding nutrients at one time, the speed of Isaacs' recovery is a bit scary. , If it wasn't for those tentacles that were really useless to Ling Mo, it could actually be used as a weapon, no matter if you were alive or dead, if you caught it, it was an organic substance that could be absorbed.

Looking at this posture, if Isaacs in this state is thrown into the zombie pile outside, he will probably not refuse even those zombies. He absorbs those zombies and grows into a monster with a height of tens of meters. There is absolutely no problem. Of course, , the ghost knows what kind of monster Isaacs should be at that time.

"Honey, you have thirty-five seconds left."

Alice put the computer aside and put her legs up in theater mode.

Chapter [*] mental retardation

"Thirty-five seconds, is it the countdown to your death?"

Isaacs stopped the attack with a sneer, and then his face showed a look of pain, "I've said it before, such an attack means nothing to me at all!"

Before he finished speaking, Isaacs blew himself up again! He also once again helped Alice block Isaacs' self-destruction. This kind of self-destruction attack had no lethal effect on him at all, but he could see that Isaacs was in It's intentionally disgusting, anyway, after the explosion, people can recycle the blasted debris.

Ling Mo put down the knife coldly, really feeling that he was mentally retarded.

Looking at Isaacs, who had lost weight again, Ling Mo shook off the blood stained on his knife and said coldly, "I'm still waiting for you to give birth to some valuable abilities, it's a waste of time!"

There was one thing that Alice thought wrong. Ling Mo deliberately made Isaacs stronger, and even consciously did not do it immediately in the subsequent battle.

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