When the words fell, Ling Mo directly took Jill's shoulders, under her weight.

Jill immediately forgot his previous question and catered to Ling Mo very naturally.

Alice stopped and watched with relish, and after a while, seeing that they had no intention of separating, she coughed helplessly, reminding the two of them to at least pay attention to the situation, "You two, after this battle is over, do whatever you want. What's the matter, now, let's hurry to save people.

Jill almost didn't hear Ellie's words, but only almost, listening to the voice, Jill took the initiative to separate from Ling Mo, and said to Alice with a smile: "It's not because of jealousy"

Alice shrugged, jealous, I've been with him for so many days, it's not certain who is jealous.

Jill did not continue joking, and said sternly: "I have already contacted the action troops on the Arctic side, they have already captured the ground part of the Arctic base, and they did not immediately.

Start an attack on the inside of the base.

Also, they tried to contact Ada, to no avail, and I'm not optimistic about her current situation."

After a pause, Gill said: "The attack on other bases is underway."

"How about resistance?"

Ling Mo asked.

When he first came to this world, Ling Mo was still preparing to find the base of the Umbrella Company, and then clear the past one by one, but Alice and Jill have been so well prepared over the years that the current situation is that there is no It is necessary for him to take action in person. Once their plan goes well, most of the enemies do not need him to take action at all.

"Our dormancy for so long seems to have been regarded as weakness by them. There is a serious internal infighting in the umbrella company, and there is more strength than us, but it is wasted internal friction."

Speaking of the enemy's situation, Jill sneered: "There is almost no resistance to focus on, not to mention, this is not a fair battle, most of the assault troops have already occupied the ground facilities of the opponent's base, according to the original plan, Don't take prisoners, now we are closing the door to beat the dogs."

What is the so-called fair battle, shouting people out to start a battle, but this is the case, only an idiot would issue such an order, how good it is to block the door, and let the other party have stronger military strength But he could only be stopped underground and waited to die.

Ling Mo nodded, but still reminded: "Beware that the people in the base will die together with the assault troops in desperation."

"This situation has been taken into consideration."

Jill replied, how could it be possible to make such a low-level mistake after planning for so long.

"If that's the case, I won't talk nonsense."

, Ling Mo grabbed Jill's wrist, and then raised his hand to Alice: "Bing Gui is very fast, go save people, and by the way, give Isaacs the last ride."

It seems that their plans no longer need to worry about themselves. In fact, even if there are omissions in the plan, there is nothing to worry about. It's a big deal.

If that's the case, I'm still worried about it, let's see what kind of flowers the other side can play.

Alice held Ling Mo's right hand, and it was too slow to travel to the North Pole by plane.


Ling Mo finally reminded that the teleportation ability is fully utilized. All Alice and Jill can perceive is that the scene in front of them has changed a few times. It felt like a blink of an eye, and all they saw was a piece of white snow.

The moment they stayed in the desert, they stepped on the ice and snow before they could adapt to the space. The rapid temperature change made them feel colder, but this situation only lasted for a moment. The cold was quickly dissipated, and they stayed in Lingmo. They felt the temperature around them returning to that...comfortable level.


Ling Mo pointed to a few hundred meters ahead and said softly.

Ahead, on the edge of a bulging iceberg on the plain, a few Osprey fighter jets and helicopters painted in snow were parked quietly, and two helicopters circled around the iceberg.

The three people who suddenly appeared here were immediately detected by the helicopter. In particular, the temperature around Ling Mo was too out of tune with the surrounding icy cold. They looked extremely dazzling in the helicopter's thermal system. One of the helicopters quickly turned around to face them. Fly over.

Chapter [*] Blocking the door

Jill waved to the sky, motioning for the helicopter that had confirmed their identity to go back to continue the mission, watching the helicopter go away, Jill put down his arm and said with relief: "Fortunately there was no accidental injury, our sudden appearance here must have scared them. ."

To Ling Mo and Alice, Jill took the lead and walked towards the surrounded ice cave a few hundred meters away, explaining: "According to the predetermined order, these two helicopters must be people in the defense base from other people. Exit: Get out."

Two helicopters don't look like much, but they're enough in such a place.

These are two armed helicopters, and when the ground has been swept clean, even if a few people run out, they can't stop a round of shooting from the helicopters, unless they take out reliable air defense weapons in an instant, but this is obviously not possible. possible.

In fact, the people in the gunship that went away at this time are also rejoicing. Fortunately, after the sudden capture of a new heat source signal, the conditional reflection was not sent to the previous Hellfire missile. Otherwise, even if it was not on the spot If you get the achievement of killing your own commander, you will not feel better afterward.

The distance was only a few hundred meters, and the three of them, even on foot, quickly bypassed the fighter jets parked nearby and came to the entrance of the ice cave.

When they approached here, Jill and Alice silently and tacitly made the same action, and their footsteps naturally fell behind a little bit. The left and right were each behind Ling Mo by half a position. It was not obvious, but it was enough for others to see at a glance. Which of the three is the leader?

The entrance to the ice cave: The two soldiers standing straight and blowing the cold wind there, even though they tried to be meticulous, their small movements still revealed their curiosity. They and the soldiers who participated in the war all knew Jill. Most of the commanders of this operation knew Alice, but very few people really knew Ling Mo, at least not one here.

Knowing Alice and Jill and knowing their strength made these soldiers even more curious, why these two voluntarily gave up their dominant position to Ling Mo, or, in other words, why did they "report the situation."

When he came here, Jill said casually.

She also knew that these people would be curious, but she didn't feel the need to explain anything.

"The situation is under control, the ground facilities of the base are all occupied by us, the vents have been blown up, there are people guarding there, and in addition to helicopters, there are also our sentries scattered within a two-kilometer range."

The soldier on the left side of the ice cave said quickly, his voice sounded a little dull because of the barrier of the mask.

"Encountered with low-intensity resistance, all the resisters on the ground have been swept away, and it has been confirmed that there are no omissions. Currently, the base entrance is being cracked:.

Sir, we tried to contact King Ada, but received no response."

It looks like a natural place from the outside, but after walking in, you can find many artificially built facilities, including several snowmobiles, dozens of taxis in black combat uniforms, and there are traces of firefights around, and there are traces of fire under their feet. There are a few soldiers in snow camouflage lying on the ice, well, these soldiers have a red umbrella company logo.

Seeing the three people walking in, the vigilant look in the eyes also brought the same surprise as the two at the door.

In the past, no one asked random questions at such a time, remember it silently, and talk about it later, it seems that this matter is actually very important to them, after all, the high order in their cognition will definitely change this time. , the ghost knows whether the company style will turn back to the habit of not treating the soldiers at the bottom as human beings.

The direction they were guarding was an all-black metal door that made people not want to attack at first glance, and the big red and white umbrella sign on the door announced the place where they belonged.

Hydraulic door, explosion-proof, if it is to be blasted visually, the plastic explosives needed are terrifying, besides, that kind of...power is enough to blow up this iceberg by the way.

In fact, if they follow the predetermined battle plan, they don't need to consider whether the gate is difficult to attack, because they have no intention of breaking in. In the plan, when they advanced this step and occupied the ground facilities of the base, The hardest part of the battle plan is over.

What's left, close the door and beat the dogs! If the vents haven't been destroyed by them, that's fine, just release the poison gas directly at the vents, and you don't need to shoot to kill all the people in the base.

It really doesn't work. There is a stupid way to block all the exits: to block the air circulation. This is very simple. It is not an above-ground building, and the air circulation is very troublesome. Otherwise, I will not build a sports car of ventilation ducts.

They just blocked it here and did not move, strictly guarding against it. If we don't go in, you don't even want to come out.

Compared with rushing in and desperately trying, this wait is nothing to mention.

It's easy to defend and hard to attack, right, but we don't attack at all.

The hydraulic door is super defensive, right? Come on, let's make him stronger, and put cement a few meters behind you from the outside. If you put it down today, no one will think about it! They are here. After waiting for a few days, until all the people inside died of hypoxia, and then leisurely opened the base and went in to collect the corpses, ensuring that no opponent could see it.

Of course, if the people in the base collectively transfer to zombies in desperation, that's another matter.

To be honest, this is the action plan of most of the attacking troops this time.

It's a pity that their current situation is very helpless. They even have their own people inside. Judging from the current situation, no matter how unwilling they are, they have to rush into melee combat to clean up and save people, and they are still fighting at other people's home courts. They were disgusting enough, who knew what was waiting for them behind the door.

In most people's estimation, the reason why they have achieved this level is that the people inside have not started to fight back to gain control of the periphery, that is, they are secretly holding back their big moves inside.

Really wait for them to go in, or close the door and beat the dogs, they are the ones who were beaten...

In front of the entrance of the base, a technician who was only indistinguishable from the soldiers around him was busy dealing with the door. He was half-knelt on the ice, with a laptop on his lap, and his fingers tapped on it as quickly as the wind was blowing. People who don't know why probably think he's pressing it randomly.

The air was exhausted quickly, but the atmosphere was not solemn, and it seemed that there was no problem.

Chapter [*] This is the surprise

"how much longer"

Ling Mo walked quickly to the door and asked directly.

Inexplicably, Ling Mo always felt a sense of deja vu when he saw this door, but he didn't think for a while why there was such a familiar feeling.

He didn't care too much. Maybe the gates of the Umbrella Company were built according to the same standard. After all, he was also the person who visited the two bases of the Umbrella Company.

When asked, Ling Mo already had his own thoughts. If it is troublesome to open the door with the help of technicians, then forget it. The big deal is to open the door directly, or jump over the door. With the ability to teleport, there is only one door you want. Stopping him is simply overthinking.

When they walked in, they noticed the person coming. The technician who was half-kneeling on the ground looked at the computer and immediately replied: "It will take at least five minutes. I applied for the base's remote technical support, but this base is not. The defense system exceeded our estimates."

Although he didn't know Ling Mo either, but seeing Alice and Jill beside him, the technician almost had an estimate. He must be a hidden high-level person again. He's used to it. The Umbrella Company is like this. What the hell do you know? It's not surprising that a big guy came out from time to time.

After a pause, the technician didn't get up, and continued with obvious doubts in his voice: "It's just that the base's response is a little strange."

Five minutes later, Ling Mo was not ready to wait any longer. When he was about to teleport directly into the base, he heard the last sentence of the technician. He temporarily put aside this plan and asked, "What's going on?"

"According to the importance of this base, it should be one of the most heavily defended bases, but since we came here, we have only encountered limited resistance. They must have discovered that we were trying to crack the base's defense system, but the internal The security forces did not attack them to take control of the outside facilities."

What surprised the technician was more than that. He tapped a few times on the computer and quickly brought up a three-dimensional image 33, "This is the overall structure of the base."

As he spoke, he pointed to the composition of the ground that represented the area where they were now, and said solemnly: "In addition to the protection of security personnel, this location also has a defense system centered on spiritual poison, but I found that this system was closed, I don't understand."

The appearance of the mental gas did not surprise them. It was estimated from the beginning. When it came, wouldn't a gas mask be used to deal with this situation. However, it was not used at all! "It was closed, you are sure"

"For the record, it was closed before our arrival, not like a trap for us."

Ling Mo thought of a possibility and said to Alice, "Maybe we underestimated her."

"Also, Alice, take a look at the structure, is it familiar?"


Alice took a step forward and looked down at the three-dimensional composition displayed on the screen. The moment her eyes fell on the image, her pupils suddenly contracted, immediately.

Turning his head to look, "Hive!"

"I finally know why it feels familiar."

Ling Mo nodded, looked at the three-dimensional composition of the base, and said, "The layout of this base is almost finished with the hive of Raccoon City. I think we will revisit the old place in another form today."

This is an unexpected situation, an unexpected situation that has nothing to do with the overall situation, it just makes Ling Mo a little bit

Surprisingly, the overall structure of this base is almost exactly the same as the hive. Although it has nothing to do with the overall situation, it has a different meaning to him and Alice. How to say, the first time the two of them met, it started from the hive.

Just seeing Ling Mo's eyes, Alice understood what he was thinking, smiled, and said, "Isn't that just right, we witnessed the beginning of this Resident Evil crisis there, and now we have to witness it in a similar place. At the end of this disaster, there is a feeling of reincarnation."

Ling Mo shook his head and said, "I always feel that this world is full of bad taste."

Listening to their exchange from the side, Jill had a feeling that he couldn't keep up with the conversation. This feeling was so bad that he regretted not having experienced those things with them together. It should be said that including her, knowing Ling Mo is always the end. It was one step later than Alice, so that everyone could see that Alice had always been the most special one to Ling Mo...

Thinking of the scene where she knew Ling Mo, heh, she thought this guy was a murderer, so she went to catch him, and it was considered a catch, but in the end, she also got involved.

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