"That is to say, after using venom, it will be transformed into a vampire. It doesn't take too long. Depending on the individual's situation, it will gradually return to normal from a vampire state in the next few weeks."

"This is not too serious a negative effect, the real thing to pay attention to is that the process of being transformed by the venom is very painful, I have experienced it once, life is better than death.

And, once you start, you just have to wait in pain for yourself to end."

"So, have you lived forever?"

Alice asked suddenly.

With a sigh, Ling Mo said, "Theoretically, this is the case."

"I know it's not an easy choice for you, Alice, think about it."

After a pause, Ling Mo looked at the others, "I hope you all think about it, although I don't think there is anything to think about."

Alice fell silent, looking at the venom in her hand, no one else bothered her, after a long time, Alice raised her head with a smile and said to Ling Mo: "Decades have passed, you will still be like this, if I become An old man will be despised."

Alice couldn't imagine what kind of scene it would be. Even if Ling Mo didn't dislike it, she would reject herself.

Not to mention, when he died, Ling Mo was still like this.

Saying that, Alice looked at the others, shook the venom in her hand, and said, "I'll use it first, so I don't have any opinion."

King Ada, who was closest to her, said indifferently: "Whatever, since you are willing to try it first, I also want to see what it would be like to fall to the ground without such pain. Actually, I am still very afraid of pain."

After that, King Ada looked at Ling Mo and suggested, "Can't you use anesthesia during the use?"

Ling Mo spread his hands and said, "If I could, I wouldn't have come to the conclusion that life is worse than death in this process."

Taking the gene stabilizer from Jill, Ling Mo walked to Alice and said, "The dose of venom is enough for everyone to use, and I also made enough gene stabilizer."

Coming to Alice, Ling Mo said, "If you are ready, we will start now."

Alice looked up at Ling Mo and said in a joking tone, "There is no need to check the system again."

Ling Mo thought for a while and said, "If you want, we have a lot of time next."

Chapter four hundred and thirty third full reinforcement

On weekdays, there are very few ordinary people in the hive base. Not long ago, they received a new order.

Everyone evacuated the hive, left Raccoon City, and was prohibited from entering and scouting Raccoon City in any way until a new order was given.

The surface of Raccoon City soon became a ghost town, a ghost town without even zombies.

And in the underground of Raccoon City, in a laboratory in Hive, Alice has already started her transformation.

For safety's sake, Ling Mo left everyone else outside the laboratory. Alicia, Jill, King Ada, Trey, Matt, and Claire who woke up stood outside the laboratory, separated by a tempered glass. Seeing Alice struggling in pain inside, she couldn't help but worry about her.

Inside, Alice, who was going through a transformation, finally understood what Ling Mo meant when he said that life is better than death.

After injecting the gene stabilizer, she didn't feel anything, but then she started injecting vampire venom. At that moment, her whole body seemed to be on fire, and the extreme pain tortured every inch of her nerves.

In such pain, even coma has become a luxury, and the extremely excited brain will magnify the pain again.

Alice has used the disease, used the fruit of the heart-shaped herb, both of which have given her a fortified drug that can cause pain during her use, Alice used to think that was bad, but now compared to the vampire virus , is insignificant! At a certain moment, Alice would rather herself immediately.

Die, at least, so that you don't have to go through any more pain! "It will be over soon, soon."

Beside Alice, Ling Mo held Alice's left hand and said softly.

At this time, he has no way to help Alice, and can only rely on her to bear the past.

If there is any good news at such a time, it is that in the process of transformation, there is only pain and no danger to life.

He could feel that when Alice was struggling in pain, the strength of her grip on his palm was getting stronger and stronger, and it soon exceeded the scope of a normal person. In the end, even Ling Mo felt a bit of pain. .

At the same time, Alice's appearance is also changing. No matter her skin or other, it is transformed into a more perfect posture in the transformation of Venom! For Alice in pain, this process is so long that it seems that there is no The end, but in fact it was only less than two minutes passed.

After every moment, Alice, who was struggling, suddenly became quiet, no breathing, no heartbeat, her body temperature became: cold, lying there quietly, no different from dying.

However, just a few seconds later, her heartbeat resumed and became stronger, Alice suddenly opened her eyes, and a pair of blood-red eyes looked at Ling Mo who was standing beside her.

Alice had never found the world so clear, and compared to what she saw at this time, she seemed to be separated from the world by a layer of fog before.

Things became: clear, the voice that was ignored in the past became:, and there was a smell in the air that made her long for, this smell came from Ling Mo.

Alice stared at Ling Mo stubbornly, her throat moved, she felt that a flame was burning in her throat, and she desperately needed something to extinguish.

Looking at Ling Mo, Alice quickly knew what she needed, blood, and only blood could help her! With difficulty resisting the thought of rushing towards Ling Mo, Alice turned her eyes away and saw Jill and the others outside the laboratory. , She could hear their heartbeats and the figure of their blood flowing in their blood vessels, the voice was so nice.

When she looked over, they subconsciously stepped back. Alice felt that her eyes might frighten them. Yes, she was actually afraid of herself, because she suddenly realized that she had put the food label on the food. Nailed to them! "Don't be afraid, it will be over soon."

Ling Mo's voice rang in his ears, and this voice made Alice a little more awake.

"I need to leave, I will hurt you," she said with difficulty.

"You just need supplemental food."

Ling Mo said, and took out a bag of blood plasma.

After several bags of plasma in a row, Alice's condition finally stabilized a lot. Although it is still dangerous to look at other people, at least there will not be that kind of situation... who may rush to kill them at any time.

Ling Mo nodded to the others outside the laboratory, and quickly took Alice out of here and put her in other parts of the hive.

After the two disappeared, Jill and the others looked at each other outside the laboratory.

"Is that really still Alice?"

"She just looked like she might come and kill us at any moment."

"It's the way she drinks blood"

"I never found Alice so beautiful."

The last sentence was immediately recognized by everyone. They all saw Alice's changes with their own eyes, not to mention those that were dangerous at first glance, as well as bloody eyes and Alice's appearance. It's not very big, but it makes them unable to pick out any flaws.

In a low voice, Ling Mo quietly appeared beside them and said, "This is the side effect of what I said."

"Where's Alice?"

"She needs to be alone for a while now."

Ling Mo said.

Alice's self-control is already pretty good. If it is replaced by a person with almost self-control, he may really attack him or people outside during the time when he just completed the transformation and needs blood most.

This has nothing to do with good or evil, it's just that the bloodthirsty instinct brought by the virus is too strong, so that it can easily suppress reason.

Alice's condition is much better now, her blood has been replenished, and she is isolated from others, allowing her to calmly examine her condition.

"Who's next?"

Ling Mo asked.

Now that it has started, then simply, complete the strengthening for everyone today.

And ah, let the vampires stay together for a lifetime, and there is no need for people who have not been transformed to be in danger at any time.

Several people looked at each other, and finally Jill said: "I'll come."

Then, Jill said to the others: "I suggest that you better leave here, I am afraid that I can't help attacking you at that time."

The transformation of the vampire virus to the human body does not take too long. Within an hour, everyone has completed the transformation under the dual effects of gene stabilizers and venom. In this base, there is one more dangerous vampire newborn. .

This is why Ling Mo had to dismiss the ordinary people here before. Now they are too dangerous. They are not suitable for contact with any ordinary people until they are restored to normal people by the gene stabilizer and the negative effects including bloodthirsty are eliminated. .

Otherwise, it would really be a disaster.

Chapter [*] ends

Taking care of a bunch of newborn vampires is usually a hassle.

At this time, Alice and the others will be stronger and stronger than normal vampires because they still have human blood in their bodies.

They have not yet adapted to their own strength and speed, and everything they are familiar with around them has become: extremely fragile, and in the adaptation stage, they always cause damage to their surroundings unconsciously.

And they always need a lot of blood to replenish themselves, and their thirst for blood can easily overwhelm their reason, making their behavior: uncontrollable.

Fortunately, Ling Mo had evacuated the entire Raccoon City earlier, so that there were no creatures around them that could be attacked by them. The storage in the hive blood bank was enough to maintain the nutrients they needed. They could unleash their power in the empty Raccoon City as much as they wanted. You don't need to worry about hurting others.

At this stage of adaptation, Ling Mo, who is fairly experienced, can help them and guide them how to control their own power.

Moreover, his mental abilities can also help them stabilize their emotions.

In general, everything is changing in a good direction. At the beginning, they were still afraid because of their own changes. After all, no matter how you look at them, they all fit the definition of monsters too much.

But in the next period of time, they can feel from themselves and others that the gene stabilizer is indeed working, the desire for blood is gradually decreasing, and other negative characteristics belonging to the blood family are gradually weakened.

But from one aspect, this time was also a busy and happy time for Ling Mo.

Don't forget one point, being transformed into a bloodline is an all-round enhancement, whether it is physical or emotional, many emotions will become very obvious especially in the initial period.

Every time about this aspect, Ling Mo thinks of a certain couple in the Twilight world. After they met, they couldn't control themselves and kept doing it, so that in the end the other blood races couldn't stand them and drove them out. , this situation continued for a year before it got better.

Oh yes, that team has already been dismantled by him.

On Ling Mo's side, although it doesn't seem to be as exaggerated as a year in a row, what Ling Mo needs to face, um, is a fresh-born girl from the blood clan.

In fact, while waiting for them to recover under the effect of the gene stabilizer, Ling Mo's main rhythm of life was to fight endlessly.

Fortunately, fortunately, he had also experienced this kind of thing before in the Twilight World. After all, he was also a person who had experienced the enhancement of the blood race virus. This kind of thing was light and easy. On the contrary, during this time, Ling Mo did not want them to recover too quickly.

There is always an end to everything, and it is the first to completely lose the negative characteristics of a vampire and return to a full human identity, but retain the strengthening effect.

This has nothing to do with Alice's first use of disease enhancement, the real reason, the ability to be reawakened by the virus makes her more control over herself.

Alice's mental power recovered shortly after the transformation. Not only did she regain all the abilities she had lost before, but she also regained her strength with the support of a stronger body, which Alice had tried. To the point of destroying a block! After Alice, King Ada was the second to recover, followed by Jill, all the way to

Nearly a month later, Matt was the last to recover.

There is an adaptation period for this period of time. Although it seems that they are doing that most of the time when they are together, they have managed to get used to the speed and strength after they have been strengthened. It's so conspicuous that it's hard to see how different they are.

It seems that it doesn't matter if it is discovered.

After continuing to stay for a while, Ling Mo left the biochemical world, he still needs to strengthen the other girls, he can't favor one over the other,.

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