Just pull it out... go, one shot is enough to kill! With the night vision device, he could see what was happening, and the men he brought were fighting infighting.

No, it wasn't an infighting, it was two of them whose faces were covered by hoods and night vision goggles who were tacitly killing the others, and it was one of them who gave him a fatal blow from behind! Not light on who it is, but it is definitely a subordinate that he is familiar with. Before the action, he has confirmed the participants, and everyone is trustworthy. However, why is it that the two of them are not strong, they cooperate tacitly, and they are skilled. The shooting skills, coupled with the sudden backstab, made them kill other people like chopping melons and vegetables! It didn't take ten seconds for the gunfire to stop, and one of the two went to check whether there was any slippage. Fish, the other one walked over quickly, and without saying a word, drew the pistol to make the final blow to the bearded man.

The camera was picked up by him, he took off the night vision goggles and looked at the camera, there was almost no emotion in his eyes, as cold as a machine.

"I will find you."

A cold voice came, and then the screen went black, and there was a sound of being crushed from the phone.

There, two abrupt defectors, after confirming that nothing was missing, loaded the bodies and their weapons into a van and drove away.

They had just disappeared. In the villa in the distance, two people dressed as servants walked out with tools to further clean up the traces there.

When the sun rises, there will be nothing left here.

"kill him!"

In the plane, Cypher shouted in a low voice at the moment when the screen disappeared, and smashed the phone at Ling Mo at the same time.

Ling Mo pinched the mobile phone flying towards him and looked at Cypher with a playful smile, completely ignoring the threats from around him.

The gunshots sounded continuously, but all the gunshots came from one person. Standing in the corner, a gunman who had nothing to notice before raised his pistol first, but pointed at the other gunners, and the trigger followed the muzzle of the gun. The transfer was continuously pulled, and the other gunmen were killed almost unbelievably.

Precise, efficient, every shot: hits the target's head.

The same sudden betrayal happened again here.

Before the surrounding corpses fell, the gunman pointed the pistol at Cypher, and said coldly in her angry eyes, "I got you."

"Queen of red, good boy, well done."

Ling Mo said to the betrayer.

The gunman walked slowly to the back of Ling Mo's side, did not put down the pistol pointed at Cypher, and replied to Ling Mo, as if explaining to Cypher: "After I found out that Ms. Mia was being followed, I took action, and finally found out that Mia was being followed. The source of the tracking is this…Ms. Seifer."

"Given her lack of real action, and, for fear of undermining some of your options, I didn't do it right away.

To solve the root of the problem, let the members of the escort replace some of her men, and until today, the replacement escort was in a latent state."

Liquid robots, it should be said that they are the most suitable infiltrating Terminators, perfect simulation, and showing reasonable emotional performance under the control of the red queen, so that they have been lurking for so long without being discovered by Cypher.

For a long time, it has not been triggered, and until now, it has helped Ling Mo control the situation in one fell swoop.

Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty Eight Chapter Names Are Harder to Think Than Content

The first confrontation between Cypher and Ling Mo, the first game, whether directly or indirectly, Ling Mo won.

This was not an easy result for Cypher, her eyes swept across Ling Mo and the liquid robot who was still in disguise, her expression uncertain.

In the end, Cypher sighed, sat down opposite Ling Mo again, and said, "You won, I made a serious mistake in your information."

In the previous information on Ling Mo's mobile phone, Cypher did not realize that Ling Mo had an efficient and powerful team in his hands, and that the team's hidden skills were first-class.

So far, Cypher still doesn't know that the three 3 lurkers that have been exposed are all liquid robots. In her cognition, to be able to take out three 3 or more such outstanding people at one time, there must be a Backed by a huge team.

From what they have seen so far, they have unknowingly replaced three of their three subordinates, one of whom is even a guard beside them, and from the explanation just now, it can be heard that this kind of lurking is from her surveillance. Mia started, and no one has noticed anything abnormal for so long! That's okay, the fighting level they showed just now, Cypher thought about it, even if he has always had some very top fighters, he can compare this Three, very few.

But she always had a feeling that in Ling Mo's hands, warriors of this level were almost mass-produced, and this is the most terrifying thing! The mistakes of the intelligence have already been made, and Cypher is now thinking about what he has done in front of Ling Mo. There are still many secrets to speak of, with such a group of people lurking in their team, I am afraid that their every move is under the surveillance of the other party.

With this kind of thinking, Seifer doesn't believe that Ling Mo didn't know the existence of these lurkers before. In her opinion, the reason why Ling Mo is so clear about his next plan is that these lurkers gave information.

But in fact, this is not the case at all. The real reason is just an accidental coincidence. Ling Mo did not expect that when the plot started, the position he appeared was directly in front of Cypher. At that time, he was still thinking about how to find Cypher after he came to this world.

The next time, when Cypher's men rushed over to surround him, he noticed that one of them turned out to be a liquid robot. When he found out about this, he immediately realized that it was the handwriting of the Red Queen, even though he didn't understand why this happened. This is a situation, but if you want to act meticulously with the red queen, you definitely don't need to worry about anything.

"Put down the gun, it's rude to a lady."

Ling Mo said.

The liquid robot, which had already been taken over by the red queen, put down the pistol, smiled politely at Cypher, and hurriedly left the room. He still had work to do. The camera kept staring at it, and the other guards in the cabin were coming. These troubles need to be resolved.

Ling Mo said to Cypher, who had calmed down, "You don't believe it, in fact, I didn't come here today to kill people. If you let your people go back, they won't be able to win."

Cypher has heard the new gunshots, just not far from them, it seems that it doesn't mean that his guards are being killed one by one, Cypher said indifferently: "It's good to try, maybe my luck It's better."

Luck did not favor Cypher, it stopped quickly, and no guards could come over, they all became corpses.

The liquid robot, still in disguise, came to the command room at the front of the plane. In this room separated by a partition, the technical team under Cypher watched as they walked away indifferently.

The liquid robots who entered here were at a loss. They never imagined that there would be a day when an enemy would break into this place, and they had lost the protection of their guards. No matter how excellent their technical abilities were, they would be so insignificant in front of a pistol.

The difficulty of killing a liquid robot is enough to give any opponent a headache. It is not that the current level of technology can't deal with it. In fact, there are many ways, such as giving him a regia + bath, or destroying it with high temperature. There is also one that is most efficient. way to use electromagnetic pulse weapons on the side of the robot.

However, these several methods, not to mention that there is no one here, even if they are to be used, everyone must have the mentality of perishing together. Don't forget, this is on a high-flying plane.

"Everyone leaves the computer"

, the liquid robot commanded, placing his right hand on the mainframe of a computer, and at an angle that was invisible to those people, some liquid metal flowed out of his palm and penetrated into the mainframe.

Soon, everyone here found that a new existence had taken over the place, and they, looking at the pistol in the man's left hand, couldn't do anything.

"You've failed miserably."

Ling Mo put down Cypher's phone and smiled at her.

This kind of development surprised him. Originally, Cypher was supposed to be the end of this part of the plot. As a result, he had just entered this part of the plot and was caught by him, and her command center was already Take over by his red queen.

"Finally, shouldn't I say something, Lady Crocodile."

Ling Mo stood up and came to Seifer.

"Praise your victory?"

Cypher snorted coldly, got up, and stared into Ling Mo's eyes, "So you've been looking at my information, crocodile, now it seems that you are the crocodile hiding underwater."

While speaking, Cypher climbed Ling Mo's shoulder with his left arm, and the distance between the two was getting closer and closer, Cypher said softly with a light smile: "What do you hope to see, do I lose my soul when I fail, no, I see new possibilities, we are together."

"Maybe I made a mistake. Why do we have to become enemies? Obviously we should cooperate. With your subordinates and my team, we can create a better future for this world, our future."

With Sever's words, Sever and Ling Mo got closer, but, at the next moment, Sever suddenly stopped and showed a bright smile, "I have been discovered."

Below, Ling Mo grabbed her wrist, and at some point in her hand, there was a small dagger.

In terms of location, this dagger is aimed straight at the spleen, and if it goes well, it will be enough to kill with one blow.

Ling Mo's fingers exerted a slight force, and the pain from his wrist made Seifer wisely let go of the dagger.

"There is a saying, which is more and more true now. The more beautiful a woman is, the more deceitful it is."

Ling Mo grabbed Cypher's wrist with one hand, and pressed the other hand on her back, not giving her a chance to escape.

"I'm curious about one thing now, how many weapons are hidden on you?"

Cypher was not at all nervous about being discovered by his own calculations, he still kept a smile, and chuckled: "You can find it out yourself."

Chapter [*]: Mr. Perfect

"The Crocodile Hiding Underwater"

, This sentence, in fact, can be regarded as the ultimate goal of the Cypher plan.

The most frightening moment of a crocodile is not when it stays on land and is seen by everyone, but when it hides under the water, so that you know he is there, but you don't know when he will suddenly jump out to bite. You bite! This kind of unknown is the most terrifying, just like nuclear weapons, the most deterrent state is when it stays on the launch pad.

Ling Mo peeled off Cypher's shirt, moving very slowly. During the whole process, Cypher's name did not stop him, but instead cooperated with him in a self-sacrificing manner.

But if Ling Mo really thinks that Cypher has finally stopped fighting back, then it's his own stupidity. Even if he doesn't need the ability to read minds, he knows what Cypher is thinking about.

I really thought that just touching it twice would make people's minds go crazy, and their minds are full of that, so don't make trouble.

Throwing her shirt aside casually, Ling Mo continued the so-called check on Cypher to see if there were any hidden weapons, but this kind of thing is just saying, don't take it seriously.

Ling Mo was also curious, where is Seifer's bottom line.

"Your biggest enemy is not from the outside world, but your character."

Without stopping, Ling Mo said slowly: "Your desire to control your surroundings has reached the point of paranoia, but you are always confident that you can control everything."

"I don't deny that the power you have is enough to turn most of the game around and make them have to act according to your wishes, but your way of complicating things will eventually harm you."

Cypher looked around and said, "As it is now, I don't think it's because of my problem, but because my opponent exceeded expectations."

"It's useless to praise me now."

Unbuttoning the buttons of Cypher's shirt one by one, Ling Mo's face seemed to be doing an ordinary thing, and he continued: "A plan that is too troublesome means that there will always be too many accidents in the process of implementation. Noticed one thing, what you like to do is not only to control other people's behavior, but also to play with other people's psychology.

Yes, you do treat this as a game."

"But the problem is that people's psychology is too difficult to control, unless you can know the real thoughts in his mind, otherwise, no matter how you calculate it, it is your subjective cognition after all."

After a pause, Ling Mo looked at Cypher, whose face was even calmer than him, and asked, "I'm curious about one thing, you didn't mention it when you wanted to use me as the executor of your plan, but Dominic , why did you choose him, I don't believe it's simply because of his good racing skills, that's too naive."

"Or, because his team is always sabotaging your plans, this is your revenge on him"

Ling Mo felt that although he had brought a lot of changes to the world because of his previous story and the story he entered into this world, but from the main storyline, he had not changed too much, that is, Ling Mo thought about it, he seemed to be The most he did was to rob the original Brian and Han's sisters, oh, that is, Mia, Elena, and Giselle.

If you think about it this way, it seems that he has tossed so many things in this world, and all of them are related to women, which is strange enough.

Then, he directly skipped part of the plot, and wanted to follow the inertia of this world. Even so, what should happen will still happen, because the sky eye system, etc., Dominic's team

She would still clash with Cypher's men, and unknowingly sabotage her plans time and time again.

"Revenge Dominic"

, Cypher seemed to have heard something ridiculous and sneered: "He doesn't deserve my revenge so seriously, he's just a little guy."

"If they hadn't jumped out on their own, I wouldn't have paid attention to them."

Cypher still didn't take these people who had hit him twice to heart, he could only say that everyone's level was fundamentally different.

"Just because it's fun, and a little bit of disgust, I hate it," Cefer said.

Don't you think that guy who is full of words like family all day long is too fake."

"You are right, using this guy Dominic to carry out my plan is indeed complicating things, but I just want to put this guy into a corner and make him have to turn his back on his family and companions, If he really values ​​these words that much, well, I will destroy his beliefs with my own hands."

Taking his hand out of Cypher's clothes, Ling Mo nodded in agreement this time, "I didn't expect that our thoughts on this matter would be so consistent, ha, it's a pity, if I hadn't worried about Mia's sadness, I would have been very sad. Glad to help you with this interesting project."

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