Ling Mo asked.

Alice proposes: "Go to my house"


"Fortunately I didn't come by car."

Alice laughed mischievously, picked up the umbrella that had been dropped before, and jumped lightly on Ling Mo's back, the umbrella was propped on top of their heads.

"Let's go, go home."

Ling Mo carried Alice on his back and said with a smile.

Alice sniffed the side of Ling Mo's neck and said, "You are more delicious than me, I almost couldn't help it."

Ling Mo said nonchalantly, "Then do me a favor, don't bite me, at least not now."

Alice's eyes rolled, and she bit Ling Mo's carotid artery as if in a demonstration, but she soon discovered that this was a very, very wrong approach, because the moment she touched it, she really almost fell. She couldn't help biting down her thirst for blood, she even began to imagine how delicious Ling Mo's blood would be in her mouth! Alice didn't trust her self-control so much that she regretted it and was a little scared. Really biting out the blood, before Ling Mo's blood flowed out, she might not be able to stop herself! Once this is true, it is not as simple as transformation, Ling Mo will die.

After waiting so hard for so long, she killed him because of her own impulse. Alice felt that if that was the case, she might not be able to tolerate herself continuing to live alone.

Obviously did not look back, but Ling Mo seemed to know Alice's entanglement, and said softly: "Alice, how lucky I am."

Alice Cullen was born at 19 and died at 19, and her life has been fixed at the age of nineteen.

Chapter [*] Subjective Prediction

"Alice, how long have you been hunting"

Carrying Alice slowly away from the town, Ling Mo asked.

Alice suddenly thought of something, and patted her forehead angrily, "No wonder I almost couldn't help it."

Alice's eyes have turned into a faint golden color, and the trend seems to want to change to black, which is not good at all.

The "vegetarian" of the Karen family

, the eyes are beautiful gold when they are full, and black when they are hungry.

When turning black, self-control also decreases, and blood is more attractive to them.

Ling Mo looked scared and said, "You should go hunting first and then pick me up."

Alice Cullen is the kind of... a few vampires with special abilities, and her abilities are also very precious among such rare vampires, because this ability is subjective prediction! Predicting the future can be roughly divided into two types, the first one, It is also the one that Ling Mo hates the most. There is no way to change the foreseen future. Many times, when you foresee a future, you desperately want to change, but in the end you find that your efforts to change are also predictable. In part, it ultimately contributed to the emergence of this future.

If this future is good then forget it, if it is bad, then it is the most tragic situation, knowing that disaster is going to happen but can't stop it, it is better not to know this future at all! However, Alice's Foreknowledge is indeed another kind, the future she sees can be changed, and this kind of foreknowledge becomes the advantage of true foresight.

This is why Ling Mo believes that Alice has the ability to kill him.

If Alice defines him as an enemy and sees where and when he will appear, then she can set up traps calmly, even if Ling Mo has mental power and teleportation, what if Alice finds enough A powerful vampire with special abilities, he could even kill Ling Mo before he could use these abilities.

Therefore, Ling Mo feels that he is really lucky that Alice is not his enemy, and quite the opposite.

In fact, when he saw Alice for the first time, Ling Mo almost pieced together what happened. Although the truth was a bit bizarre, it was not impossible to think of Alice's own abilities.

Originally, there should be seven members of the Cullen family. Among them, Carlisle and Esme, the patriarch, are a pair, then the eldest brothers Emmett and Rosalie in the family are a pair, and then Alice and Jia. Sipo, in the end, there is only one male protagonist, Edward, the single dog.

However, because of Ling Mo, it has quietly changed. The most important factor is because of Alice's subjective predictive ability! Originally, according to the normal situation, Alice should have found Jasper because of the guidance of her predictive ability, and then took him to Karen. family.

But a very strange thing happened, the future affected Alice's thoughts in the past, and let Ling Mo know what happened in Nian.

Many, many years ago, because of her ability to predict, Alice faintly felt that she was waiting for someone, but she didn't know who she should be waiting for. She just remembered that...hazy feeling and kept looking forward to it.

Later, following the guidance of foreknowledge, she found the Cullen family, became a part of this family, and continued to wait.

Until not long ago, Alice finally knew,

What she was waiting for was Ling Mo, so she came outside the town of Fox, and made the prediction become a reality.

Alice probably wouldn't have thought at this time how surprised Ling Mo was.

In this "Twilight" series of films, Ling Mo's favorite character is not the heroine Bella, but Alice! When he knew that this world was "Twilight", what did he do? The first thought that was born was that he must kill Jasper, Alice can only belong to him! How good it is now, there is no such thing as Jasper at all, Alice doesn't even know who Jasper is, she He has been waiting for Ling Mo.

"It's strange, why do you know me so well?"

, Alice was on Ling Mo's back, her eyes were slightly closed, and she counted her doubts, "You knew from the beginning that I was a vampire, no disgust, no fear."

Before actually meeting Ling Mo, Alice was actually in a complicated mood.

Although she had seen Ling Mo's behavior towards her in her foresight, this kind of foreknowledge would change. Alice was very afraid that when Ling Mo knew that he was a vampire, she would be as frightened of her as everyone else. She regarded her as a monster, but fortunately this did not happen.

Ling Mo looked back at Alice, who seemed to be asleep, and felt a little weird. As for Alice, as a vampire, her body is naturally different from that of ordinary people, and her skin is slightly pale. Of course, this paleness is not Makes people feel uncomfortable.

Then, Alice's body temperature is much lower than that of a human being. In addition, in order to maintain her restraint and prevent herself from really biting him, Alice has not been breathing for a long time.

Pale, cold, and breathless, well, all these things are put together, no wonder Ling Mo feels weird.

"Can't you predict the future, don't you know the reason?"

Ling Mo asked.

"Now there is one more, you know my ability"

, Alice said: "The content I foresee is often fragmented, and I may also predict a long and complete future, but's not easy.

And, since you know me so well, you must know that what I foresee will change."

"speak politely."

Ling Mo said.

Alice rolled her eyes and said, "Well, the truth is that you don't want to tell me the truth in the predicted part."

"Let's Restore Prediction"

, Ling Mo smiled and said: "You will know the reason later, but I can't tell you right now, I can only say that I really know the world very well."

"That's true, so let's talk about it."

Alice said helplessly, "Did you come here specifically to find me?"

With a sigh, Ling Mo said, "This is a very important reason."

"Ha, that's true"

Alice slapped Ling Mo's neck heavily, "What about next?"


, Ling Mo's eyes flashed coldly, his tone was still gentle, but Alice could hear the killing intent, "I want to kill a vampire for you."

Chapter [*] try to fight

There are many things, it is not convenient to tell Alice, although there is absolutely no reason, Ling Mo is also seeing Alice for the first time, but she has unimaginable trust in Alice.

However, considering the situation of the Cullen family, it is mainly because the Cullen family has an Edward Cullen who can read minds. Edward's ability is not to know other people's memories, but real-time thoughts, but many things are known by Alice. It almost means that Edward also knows, which is not a good thing.

For Alice and the others, having such a person beside them, a vampire to be precise, was not a comfortable thing at first, but after a long time, they got used to it. After all, there seems to be no other way than getting used to it. method.

Fortunately, Edward's character is also determined, he will not use this ability to make fun of others, even if he hears something, he often chooses to be silent.

Ling Mo was not worried that his thoughts would be heard by Edward. Strong mental power also meant the control of his own thoughts. He was very confident that even if he stood in front of Edward, he would not be able to hear his thoughts.

Carrying Alice behind her back, Ling Mo restrained his killing intent and asked Alice, "Do you know how you died?"

It should be said that this is a very strange question, but if the object of the question is a vampire, it is very reasonable, and Alice also knows the meaning of this death, when did she lose her human identity and become a vampire.

Alice shook her head in distress, and she, who was the most cheerful, only felt distressed about this matter.

"I lost all my memory before I was transformed, I just remember when I woke up there was only darkness around me.

Then I spent a lot of time searching for my past, and it was only on my tombstone that I found out when I died."

Alice asked suspiciously: "You know"

"Ok, I know."

Ling Mo said: "You, at that time, because you could see the future, you were sent to a mental hospital as a mentally ill person, and later you were targeted by a vampire as prey."

Alice said, "Is it so unlucky for me?"

“Also lucky”

, Ling Mo said: "In that mental hospital, there happened to be a doctor who was a vampire, he protected you, transformed you into a vampire and hid in the basement.

That... the doctor who protected you was also killed for it.

If you want to hunt your vampires, you can only choose to give up after discovering that you have become a vampire."

"No one likes fighting a newborn vampire."

Alice said that the surprise that Ling Mo told the truth was a little diluted. She did not expect that so many things happened back then, and that a vampire would die to protect herself.

In the early stage of the transformation, vampires still have the blood of human beings in their bodies, so that time is the stage with the strongest physique. Without professional needles, vampire warriors do not like to fight with these newborns. The newborn was caught, and the huge difference in strength between the two sides was easily torn apart by the newborn.

And if this newborn still has the ability to predict, it is even more so, and it is no wonder that a vampire immediately after discovering Alice's transformation.

run away.

At least Ling Mo knew a little about Alice's ability to predict, not only allowing her to play the role of a prophet, but also

used in combat.

Every vampire who fights will find a very headache. During the battle, Alice will clearly know what the opponent is going to do next! It is also that Alice does not regard herself as a warrior, otherwise, it is only in terms of combat power. Alice is definitely the strongest of all vampires! "Who is he"

Alice did not suspect that Ling Mo would lie to her at all. There was no reason for such trust, but Alice was willing to believe him, and it was no longer the result of simple charm.

"A vampire named James."

Ling Mo said: "Soon, I'm not sure when, he will come to this town."

Ling Mo said, not to mention other reasons, just for Alice, Ling Mo will never let James go! Unfortunately, this James is the first villain in the movie, and the only thing in his mind is hunting the guy who targets Bella and, of course, died horribly.

Moreover, Ling Mo noticed a detail. It can be said that it was a coincidence. In the final battle, the Cullen family surrounded James, and Alice personally screwed James' head! At that time, Alice did not know James is "killed"

Her vampire, but under this coincidence, Alice also avenged herself.

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