In fact, whether it is the navy or pirates, they have consciously installed their own people in the camp of the other side.

For example, Lieutenant General Virgo, who is still serving as the base commander at the New World G5 base….

He is the clown Doflamingo’s person, who secretly lurked in ten years ago, and used his position to provide Doflamingo with a lot of information and help for ten years.

Even a Qiwu Hai has its own news channels in the navy, not to mention people like the Four Emperors.

Among them, the red-haired Shanks is the most awesome person, and he can even directly meet the five old stars, the highest power controller of the world government!

Can you imagine a scene where Somali pirates from some world could meet the bosses of five rogues at the same time?

Shanks is such a bull!

Therefore, although the measures of the Warring States were done well, and the news of the pheasant was quickly blocked at the first time, the naval headquarters was a sieve, and in less than three days, the news that the pheasant was injured by a woman was placed in front of various major forces.


New World, above the Moby Dick.

The white-bearded man sat in the middle of the ship, gulping wine, listening to Marko’s mouth say the latest information from the headquarters of the Navy.

“So, this woman with a reward of 500 million Bailey-Estes really injured the little ghost of the pheasant?” Whitebeard said with interest.

Whitebeard’s body at this time is quite bad, there are tubes inserted everywhere on his body, it is clear that he is very sick, and even has a breathing tube inserted in the side of his nose.

Logically speaking, with the current white-bearded body, you should not drink alcohol, and the doctor also recommended so.

But the person in this world who can force Whitebeard to do things has not yet been born, and if you want to make Whitebeard, who is addicted to alcohol, quit drinking, no one can do it.

And today, after the bored whitebeard heard Marko’s words, he immediately became interested in the Esders who injured the pheasant “little ghost”.


In this world, only people like Warring States and Karp have the qualifications to call the green pheasant “little ghost”.

“Yes, Daddy!”

Marko said: “Although the pheasant has also recovered from the news, there is no doubt that he has been injured, and it is this woman on the wanted warrant who caused him harm!” ”

After speaking, Marko took out a picture of the bounty and handed it to Whitebeard.

It’s a bounty picture of Esders that the Navy has just released!

“Oh! Does that woman look like this? He’s still a very young imp! Whitebeard said with some surprise: “A man like Qingheasant actually suffered a loss at the hands of this girl, if it weren’t for what Marko said, I really wouldn’t believe it!” ”

Whitebeard also thought that the person who could defeat the green pheasant must be a person who was in a little grade, but he didn’t expect Estes to be so young.

“Indeed, after I received this news, I also repeatedly confirmed it before coming to report you!” Marko said with some emotion.

“By the way, there is also this woman’s companion, the East Sea swordsman who destroyed the capital of seven waters-Ghost Sword Rayne!” Marko said: “What is certain is that the two of them should still be near the Island of Justice or the City of Food!” ”

“Hula la… This sea is really interesting, these two little ghosts who have just appeared should have caused a lot of trouble to the Warring States! ”

“Indeed, I think the Marshal of the Warring States must be having a hard time now!” Marco said respectfully.

“Marko, pay attention to this little ghost, if there is any news immediately come to me, I have a hunch that this sea will definitely set off huge waves because of them!”

“Yes! Dad! ”

Not only the Whitebeard Pirates’ side, but also other places, including Cake Island, the Field of Hundred Beasts, and the territory of the red-haired Shanks, also had the same conversation.

None of the content of their conversation left the two wanted warrants that had just been released today.

However, compared to Wren, who only destroyed the capital of seven waters with a sword, Esders, who obviously defeated the green pheasant, is more in the limelight.

Although in terms of injury, Estes did win, but if Wren did not return, then perhaps Estes was caught by the recovered pheasant.

But there is no if, and it is an indisputable fact that the pheasant was carried back!

This also made Estes instantly look at the Four Emperors level figures, while Wren was ignored a lot.

This is the typical rhythm of the west wind overwhelming the east wind!

But at this time, Wren himself did not care about the false name, and now his backyard is on fire.


It is still the island of Wren and Esders, and at this time, the gentle sea breeze here is no longer gentle, but the cold wind blows, and the undulating sea level has turned into a large ice field.

At this time, on the frozen sea level, Estes, wearing a blue military uniform, was facing a red-haired woman in silver armor ten meters away.

And our protagonist Wren can only stand helplessly on the beach as an audience!

“Naw, I’ve figured out the battle venue, now we can let go of the duel!” It was Esders who spoke, and the crazy fighting intent in her eyes at this time almost condensed into substance.

And judging from her words, the reason why the sea became like this is entirely her handiwork, and the purpose of this is to create a battlefield for a duel with the woman on the other side!

“So that’s the case, is your ability ice magic? Although it looks similar to Gray’s ice magic, Gray is definitely not as powerful as you, you are a formidable opponent! ”

It was no one else who spoke, it was the one who had just been summoned by Wren, from the goblin queen in the anime “Fairy Tail” – Elsa. Shukaret!

Estes is the Queen of Super Trembling S and Elsa is the Queen of Leprechauns!

When these two queens meet, the result is naturally a duel, and then there will be a high and low!

It’s a battle of queens!

“Change your clothes!”

“Yan Emperor Armor!”

Armor of the Flame Emperor: This is Elsa’s second set of armor to appear, and after changing it, Elsa’s hair becomes a double ponytail.

The function of this armor is to improve Elsa’s fire attribute resistance, and it can also use fire magic, which is quite useful for fire wizards and ice magicians.

“Come on! Esders! ”

“Can’t wait, Elsa!”


A shocking battle broke out between the two!


“Huh… Can you ask my opinion before you fight? A swordsman from the East China Sea said coolly.

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