As a commercially developed island, the Navy naturally set up a naval base here.

It’s just that like the naval base in Rogue Town, the navy here has always turned a blind eye to the arrival of the pirates on Magic Box Island.

But despite this, the reward for pirates has never been broken.

Magic Box Island is mixed with fish and dragons, and there are pirates who come to sell stolen goods and buy supplies, and naturally there are pirate hunters who specialize in catching pirates for a living.

And the role of the naval base, in addition to deterring pirates, is also a place for pirate hunters to exchange pirates for bounties.

The base commander here is a man named Reim, a colonel in the Navy who has been working on Magic Box Island for ten years.

And today is the most memorable day in Rehm’s ten years of working on Magic Box Island.

As he was about to have an in-depth conversation with his secretary in his room, a Navy soldier rushed in and told him that something was going on outside and that he needed to see it.

As a result, even Colonel Rem was stunned by the situation in front of him.

Because right in front of the gate of the naval base, a red-haired woman in silver armor was holding a huge horn of an unknown monster in one hand and a rope in the other.

While it’s amazing that a girl can lift something so huge, the most surprising thing is what is tied to the rope.

That’s a dozen pirates with more than 10 million Baileys wanted by the Navy!

Ryan, who beat people on the street before, is impressively listed!

“Colonel Reim, be sure that those pirates are himself!”

Colonel Reim’s secretary said beside him.

“It’s all me? What is the origin of this woman!? ”

At this time, the red-haired woman below was dragging the dozen pirates tied to a rope while shouting at Reim

“Excuse me… Can these pirates be exchanged for money? ”


Wren, who was on the other side at this time, certainly did not know that Elsa had already done his previous job at this time, and she was doing much better than him.

As an S-class Magi of the Goblin Tail of the Magi Guild, Elsa has completed a wealth of tasks, including many tasks to capture mountain thieves.

So for catching pirates and going to the naval base in exchange for a bounty, Elsa is very experienced!

In the very center of Magic Box Island, this is the place with the most traffic and the most active commercial activities, so it can be said that every inch of land is expensive.

But at this time, in front of Wren’s eyes, there is a building with a large area.

An auction!

“So, is this Doflamingo’s auction? You can blatantly do business with pirates on Magic Box Island, and the location of Qi Wuhai is really convenient! ”

After speaking, Wren swaggered into this auction.

When passing by the gate of the auction, a huge banner was erected here, which was the Pirate Group Banner of Nanabu Haido Flamengo!

And Wren is here because there is a special thing to be auctioned here today.


“Thirty million Bailey!”

“Thirty-five million Bailey!”

“Abominable… I give out 50 million Baileys, see who still comes to grab with me! ”

Just walked into the auction hall, Wren can feel the lively atmosphere here, the man who shouted just now bid as if it was an antique, and the high price of 50 million Bailey naturally made him get what he wanted.

“Estes actually went to the clothes, I hope she doesn’t make too much trouble!”

Halfway through, Wren parted ways with Esders, Esders’ previous clothes were a little damaged during the battle with Elsa, and this time he came to a place where there were people, naturally to find and buy clothes.

After finding a random place to sit, Wren sat quietly waiting for what he wanted to appear.

After about twenty minutes, Wren’s eyes immediately lit up as a beautiful girl pushed a sword up.

“That’s right, it’s you!”

This sword is what Wren wants this time, he saw the leaflet of this auction when he was at the dock, and the things on it Wren are not interested, only this sword, he is determined to get it!

“Welcome guests to our auction, I’m Ella the auctioneer!”

After this seductive looking beautiful girl came up, she bowed deeply to the audience under the stage, and the spacious neckline deliberately exposed a large snow-white, which caused the audience below to howl wolf.

Even the battle-hardened Wren couldn’t take his eyes off!

“I think everyone should be anxious! I don’t talk nonsense, what I personally auctioned this time is the finale item of this auction – the Hailou Stone Long Sword! ”

As soon as Ai stretched her hand, a red cloth was pulled away by her, and a long sword that was about two meters long appeared in everyone’s sight.

This is Wren’s goal, the weapon that he intends to give to Elsa.

Even if this is compensated, it is for Wren’s own consideration.

In the future, the people you deal with may become stronger and stronger, and you will also encounter some powerful Devil Fruit abilities, such as red dogs or yellow apes…

Therefore, before the domineering will not be used, a weapon of sea lou stone is very necessary.

“Everyone knows that sea lou stone itself is very precious, and because of its own hard properties, it is very difficult to process sea lou stone, plus sea lou stone is a powerful weapon against those who can deal with ability… So this weapon is very precious! ”

“The starting price… One hundred million Baileys! ”

“The range of each price increase is 10 million Bailey!”

With the auctioneer Ella’s offer, the entire auction seemed to turn the sky upside down, and it became lively in an instant.

Auctioneer Ella is not only very beautiful, her figure is enchanting, even her voice is unusually sweet, under her sweet voice, three or two sentences successfully provoked the emotions of the guests.

“One hundred and eleven million Bailey!”

“One hundred and thirty million Baileys!”

“One hundred and eighty million Bailey!”

It didn’t take long for prices to soar to the point where ordinary people despaired.

Sea lou stone is a very precious mineral, it can exude the same energy as the sea, so it can deal with the able, just like the ableness touches the sea.

Such something strategic, which is rightfully in the hands of the world government, is now here, needless to say, Doflamingo used his connections to make it.

It can be said that after this village, there is no such shop.

So everyone is pretty crazy.

Although the starting price is only 100 million Bailey, everyone here knows that the final transaction price will definitely not be this number.

“Two hundred million Baileys! I will accept the Hailou Stone Sword, who dares to grab it with me! ”

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