At this time, Wren naturally did not know that Moonlight Moriah had already hunted them as prey, and it was still under the condition of honey confidence.

But even if he knew that in addition to laughing at the other party’s incompetence a few times, only Esders would be interested in this game of hunters and prey.

“Wren, do you really have no problem in such weather?” Elsa asked.

Wren did not answer immediately, but said confidently: “Don’t worry, our goal is not to look for it, he will come to us himself!” ”

The little rotten thing that Moonlight Moriah did in the Devil’s Triangle Sea, even if Wren had only seen some battle plots in his previous life, he had understood a little.

He didn’t believe that there were three sea thief shadows with a bounty of more than 500 million Bailey, and that guy Moria would not be moved!

In his plan, as long as he waited at ease, then the moonlight Moria would automatically be delivered to the door.

But the only trouble is the attitude of the world government and navy today.

He remembered that in the original anime, it seemed that another Nanabukai Bassolomi Xiong came to the Horror Three-masted Sailing Ship on the order of the five old stars.

Since Klockdar was cleaned up by the Straw Hat Pirates, the deterrent power of the Seven Arms Sea has been seriously hit, and in order to continue to maintain the deterrent power of the Seven Arms Sea, the World Government sent Bartholomy Xiong over.

It’s just that they didn’t expect that Luffy was the son of the bear’s boss dragon, and not only did he not take the life of Straw Hat Luffy according to the orders of the world government, but deliberately let them go.

Then think from another perspective, today’s world government should be even more afraid, and the three of Wren, who have a combined reward of 2 billion Bailey, go to the trouble of Moonlight Moria.

But since the Wren Pirates defeated the yellow ape on Magic Box Island, the navy has not moved, which makes Wren feel very concerned.

You must know that Sengoku and Karp are not weak guys!

But then Wren took the initiative to throw these thoughts out of his head.

No matter what the world government and navy think, or what conspiracies the Warring States have, it is a big deal for soldiers to cover the water.

Besides, today’s Wren Pirates have a great secret weapon, even if all the generals of the navy headquarters are dispatched, Wren is not afraid of them.

“Nami, swim well around here, don’t leave too far, otherwise it’s not good to get lost!” Elsa stood at the bow of the boat and shouted to the sea below.

She was greeted by a splash, and then a sweet-looking beauty revealed her face from the sea.

This is a beauty who combines the spirit of heaven and earth, just looking at her face will make people unconsciously addicted to it.

Her beauty is not only that, as the water swayes, a blue fish’s tail is revealed on the surface of the sea.

She turned out to be a mermaid!


“Okay Elsa, I’ll swim a little longer and go back!” The beautiful sound of the mermaid came from the surface of the sea, and then the beautiful voice of the mermaid disappeared into the sea again.

Esdes walked to the bow of the boat, looked at the mermaid who disappeared into the sea, and said to Wren at the helm: “Wren, the strength of the mermaid you summoned this time is not to mention, the voice is indeed good, is it like this to all mermaids?” ”

“Esders, I’ve told you many times, Nami she’s a mackerel, not a mermaid!” Wren said helplessly.

For Esders, whether it’s a mermaid or a mackerel is the same thing, it makes no difference, Wren said it many times she still didn’t remember.

This mackerel swimming in the sea is the female boss summoned after Wren’s bounty amount was increased to 500 million Bailey!

When the Navy headquarters raised his new bounty to 500 million Bailey, the conditions for this summoning opportunity were met.

So at that time, Wren immediately couldn’t wait to summon, so Nami from Lol came to this world.

Unlike Estes and Elsa, Nami’s personality is very easygoing, and after hearing about what she encountered from Elsa, she quickly accepted.

It’s just that she still doesn’t believe in the replenishment of energy points, but she also has some psychological preparations!

So it wasn’t until Nami had the same symptoms as Estes and Elsa that Wren asked for her opinion.

So unexpectedly, and unexpectedly, the next morning the system told Wren that Nami’s favorability for him directly reached 100. (Life and death).

This is because mackerels, like the legendary mermaid, are creatures of beauty, mystery, seduction, cruelty, and love.

Above the sea, they are the most dangerous existence.

Beautiful songs can be thrown into the mouths of mermaids by sailors on the sea, and become their food.

And as long as the love of the mermaid is obtained, then the mermaid will be good to her lover wholeheartedly!

Single-mindedness, never separation!

As a close relative of mermaids, maijin has the same attitude towards love.

So when Wren took possession of her body with her consent, as a reward for Wren’s life-saving grace, Nami promised Wren as his lover!

It is for this reason that Nami Saito’s favorability for Wren directly reached a full value of 100.

As the hero of LOL, she, like the others, has five skills.

Other skills may only be used as auxiliary abilities, adding some auxiliary status to Wren, but her last skill, Roar of the Waves, may not be remarkable in other places, but put in the world of One Piece, this is a god-level skill!

A big reason why Whitebeard is known as the strongest man in the world is because Whitebeard’s shocking fruit ability can easily create a tsunami, instantly flooding a city or destroying a country!

Wren was pleasantly surprised that this summoning was able to summon Nami.

Nami’s existence is strategic!

And, because of Nami’s arrival, Wren got a pair of eyes from the system that he desperately wanted to get!

And because the favorability reached a full value of 100, the degree of liberation of those powerful eyes directly reached the highest third liberation stage!

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