At the same time, in the depths of the sea below the Wren and their pirate ships, the branch was in the entire place, and a full twenty submarines lurked under the deep water.

And it was Zefa who commanded these twenty submarines underwater.

When the news came from the Warring States telling him not to act rashly, Zefa, who hated the pirates to the bone, refused the order of the Warring States without hesitation.

“All submarines obey the order, fire all torpedoes, target the Rennes pirate group above the surface!”


Under Zefa’s order, twenty submarines suddenly burst out a lot of torpedoes and headed towards the pirate group of Wren on the water.

At this time, Nami who was on the boat suddenly sensed something, and then her face changed greatly, and she said to Wren: “My dear, the fish in the sea tell me that a large number of torpedoes are attacking us!” ”

“Huh… So it is, are there also ambushes at the bottom of the sea? Marshal of the war “three five seven” country, really have yours! ”

Wren smiled with emotion, and then said to Nami: “Haili is your home field, I will leave them to you, is there a problem?” ”

Nami nodded with joy when she heard this, and said with a smile: “Don’t worry, honey, I won’t let you down!” ”

After speaking, her whole person suddenly started from the deck, and then jumped into the sea.

Since she met Wren, Nami has always put her heart on him, but Nami has always been sad that her strength is not enough and she did not help Wren.

Nami’s skills are mostly biased towards support, and her ability is very valuable in group battles, but if she fights alone, it is a little weak.

Except for the tsunami that almost flooded the naval headquarters before, she never had a record of shooting again.

And this time, Wren gave her the underwater task, which made Nami feel Wren’s trust.


Nami’s sound of entering the water startled everyone, and she saw that her legs turned into long fish tails the moment they touched the water.

The characteristics of the maiden also appear on the face!

“This is … Is this Nami? Is she a mermaid? Tsunade said in surprise.

“It’s not!” Kagura leaned against the railing of the ship, the fan covering her wonderful face, revealing only her demon red eyes, and said, “That’s the maijin, a close relative of the mermaid!” ”

Speaking of this, Kagura squinted at Wren, a thoughtful look flashing in his eyes.

In fact, Kagura didn’t say a word, in her world, Sai, like her, is also a kind of youkai, or the kind that likes to eat people!

“Saito? Is it the kind of creature whose tears turn into pearls? After hearing Kagura’s words, Tsunade made up his mind in an instant, “It seems that I will have a good relationship with Nami in the future, and let her give me a few pearls, so that I can continue gambling!” ”


Esders: …

Elsa: …

Kagura: Hmph, that’s human!


When Nami went into the water, she immediately noticed the navy.

“Zefa-sensei, a woman jumped from the Rennes Pirates, etc… Is that a mermaid? A naval officer next to Zefa said in surprise to Zefa’s report.

“Mermaid?” Zefa’s face flashed a cold color, “Leave her alone, continue to fire torpedo attacks!” ”


The torpedo attack speed is very fast, like a sharp arrow in the water, and it quickly attacks towards the Rennes Pirates.

“Hmph! In the sea, it is my home turf! ”

When I saw that the torpedo was about to attack the pirate ship, I saw Nami casually move, and a huge stream of water rushed towards those torpedoes,


Suddenly, some torpedoes were hit and exploded on the spot, while others were carried in other directions by the current.

This is Nami’s skill Impact Tide, which can summon a stream of water to hit enemies, causing magic kills. When used on companions at the same time, it will form a therapeutic effect.

Character: Shōshōhime (Nami)

Race: Scorpion

Gender: Female


Trip to the Waves: Passive skill, whenever Nami’s skill hits a companion, they temporarily receive a movement speed bonus.

Blue Wave Prison: Cast a giant bubble towards the target area to deal magical damage to enemies.

Tide of Shock: Unleash a stream of water that alternates between companions and enemies. Cast at Friendly Side: Heals and bounces at a nearby enemy

Cast at Enemies: Deals magic damage and bounces off a nearby companion for healing effect.

Tide Summoner: Strengthens a companion so that the target’s normal attack deals additional damage and slowing down.

Roar of the Angry Wave: Summons a burst of fury from Nami’s position, which temporarily knocks away enemies in its path and slows them down by 0.

This is Nami’s skill, her strength!

“Zefa-sensei, that mermaid has the ability to manipulate the current, and our torpedo army is completely destroyed!” The officer beside Zefa continued in a panic: “She… She’s already found us! ”

After destroying all the torpedoes, Nami swung her long fishtail in the sea and swam towards the nearest submarine.

“The Prison of Bibo!”

I saw Nami’s right hand finger, and a huge bubble appeared out of thin air in the sea, enveloping the submarine.

“This… What is this? Is it a bubble? ”

“What’s going on? The submarine was attacked! ”

“There is already sea water leaking in!”

For a while, the people inside the submarine panicked and waited for help to come.

Then not much time later, the warship became a pile of scrap iron at the bottom of the sea because of the leakage of seawater!

“Teacher Zefa, that mermaid is too powerful, it sank one of our submarines with one move, we have to think of a way, otherwise we can only sit and wait!”

In the sea is Nami’s world, a submarine solved with a little magic!

Nami, who can swim around the deep sea, has the advantage, and the navy’s submarine is a huge live target!

And if Zefa does not take any action, he is afraid that the navy’s submarine unit will be destroyed by Nami alone!

In a place like the deep sea, as long as there is a little problem with the submarine 1.5, the penetrating sea water and huge water pressure are the urging charms of the naval soldiers!

A submarine of the Navy for a naval soldier is a huge iron coffin!

“All submarines obey the order, immediately float up!” Zefa’s face did not change, and he seemed to have expected it from himself, and gave the order very calmly.

The battle began in an instant, and under the deep sea, bubbles continued to emerge, and behemoth-like submarines emerged from the sea.

At the same time, the Marshal of the Warring States on a distant island also received news.

“That guy Zefa, he actually acted without permission…”

“Since the war has begun, it can only continue. Tell the three generals to get ready, and tell Ms. Tsuru that the person who can control the tsunami has appeared, and the navy headquarters will be in no danger! ”

“Yes!!!” _

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