Elsa, who had just boarded the boat, heard Tsunade’s “bold words”, and her jaw was about to fall out in surprise!

Doesn’t she know the identity of the other party?

Why would such arrogant words come out!

And just now Zefa and her big battle, Tsunade must have seen how strong and confident she was to say such a thing!

Not only Elsa, but even Estes and Kagura and the others looked at each other, they looked at each other, and then they all looked at Wren.

When everyone’s eyes came over, Wren’s expression was solemn, and he looked at Tsunade’s back without speaking.

“Wren, Tsunade, she… Is her strength that strong? Elsa came over and asked with concern.

The other women looked at Wren at this time, and the same meaning.

They really can’t imagine that in addition to the mountain peak, they are very tall, a little like to drink, and they like to gamble but always lose

When Wren heard this, he took a deep breath, and then said in a leisurely tone: “As far as I know, Tsunade she has this strength, you guys just watch!” ”

As soon as these words fell, all the women couldn’t help but exclaim, all looking shocked.

Especially Esders, her gaze towards Tsunade was full of desire to fight.357 If it weren’t for the current enemy, I was afraid that she would immediately raise her sword and kill it now.

“Could it be that Tsunade is a master beyond what we imagine?!”


“Hey, do you hear that? That woman, she could actually defeat Zefa-sensei with one move! ”

“yes, don’t laugh at me!”

“Are the current pirates so arrogant?”

When Tsunade raised her finger and uttered this shocking sentence, it was immediately ridiculed by many naval soldiers.

Who is Zefa?

He is the teacher of today’s three major generals, the teacher of most of today’s high-ranking naval generals, he is a former admiral of the Navy, and he is a comrade-in-arms who has fought side by side with Marshal of the Warring States and naval hero Karp for thirty years.

In the face of such old qualifications, even the white-bearded man who claims to be the strongest man in the world did not dare to say such a thing, and as a result, a woman who spoke out loudly said such a Haikou!

If those world-famous pirates spoke like this, the naval soldiers present would only be afraid that it would be humiliating, but it was just ridiculous for an unknown woman to say such a thing in front of Zefa.

“Oh? It seems that I have not been active on the sea for so many years, but people underestimate me, little girl, you can try! Zefa said with a chuckle.

However, although Zefa said this, he was more defensive.

In this world, because there is such a thing as the Devil Fruit, it is not strange to have those Devil Fruits that can kill people who are stronger than themselves within a single move.

Therefore, Zefa was on guard at this time that Tsunade would be some strange Devil Fruit ability, and the color of his body had gradually turned black, which was Zefa’s armed color domineering covering the whole sign.

The black wrist Zefa only shows that his domineering is powerful, not that the qi can only be attached to the hand.

As everyone knows, when Zefa’s actions were in the eyes of Tsunade, her heart laughed happily.



Unlike Elsa and Zefa, Tsunade stepped on the surface of the water, and his voice was different from Elsa’s, which also made Zefa guess what kind of ability Tsunade was.

As Tsunade’s acceleration became faster and faster, I saw that she came to Zefa at a very fast speed, and then kicked towards him.

“Huh? Hand-to-hand combat? Or kick skills? Does it seem to be a hand-to-hand combat ability? ”

Thinking of this, Zefa couldn’t help but show a smug smile, and for Tsunade’s kick, he raised his smashing prosthesis to block the front.

“No matter what kind of ability you are, as long as you touch the sea lou stone, you will become powerless, and you will…”


Suddenly, when Tsunade’s kick hit Zefa’s smashing prosthesis (abbf), I saw Zefa’s whole person being bombarded by a huge force, and his smashing prosthesis was even shattered by Tsunade’s kick!

And he himself was kicked into the deep sea!

“Keeping foot!!!”

What kind of power is this?

When Zefa was kicked and flew out, there was a sonic boom, the smashing prosthesis made of sea lou stone became shattered, a large number of splashes erupted on the sea level, and at the same time, some fish in the sea were all killed by the aftershock, and the stomach was white and floated!

As for Zefa… I don’t know if I live or die!

Just like Tsunade said, with just one move, she solved Zefa, a former admiral of the Navy!

“Zefa-sensei! Zefa-sensei! ”

“This… This is not true, I must be dreaming, how can Zefa-sensei really be solved by a pirate’s move? ”

“Hurry up and save Teacher Zefa, what are you doing stunned!”


Just as the naval soldiers panicked at Zefa’s sudden defeat, everyone on board was equally surprised.

Especially Estes and Elsa have mixed feelings.

Elsa knew very well that in the face of such a violent blow, even if she wore the most defensive Vajra armor, it was futile!

Tsunade’s strength is beyond her imagination!

“Wren, what kind of person have you summoned, does such a human really exist?” Kagura looked at Tsunade below, his eyes flickering, and he had a different kind of mind in his heart.

Kagura can be sure that in the face of such a blow, not to mention her, even Naraku will be beaten to pieces, and no enchantment will work!

“Maybe…” Kagura looked at Tsunade, thinking to himself that he must have a good relationship with her in the future.

Hearing Kagura’s words, Wren smiled when he heard this, and said, “This is Tsunade’s strength, she is the most powerful Hermine, and her strange power can personally destroy an island or a country!” ”

Strange power!

This is Tsunade’s ability to defeat Zefa with one move, a powerful ability exclusive to Tsunade!

Even in the Hokage World, no one dared to take a strange punch from Tsunade-hime-sama!

And as a ninja, Tsunade is not the kind of person who is arrogant when he has strength!

The reason why she deliberately said what seemed arrogant at the time was to let Zefa take the initiative to take her attack.

Because Zefa definitely did not believe that he would be defeated with one move, he was confident that he had improved his defense and would definitely be able to withstand Tsunade’s attack.


This is Yang Mo, and it is also Tsunade’s psychological tactic!

After passing the previous battle between Elsa and Zefa, Tsunade has mastered Zefa’s tricks and his personality traits!

It can only be said that Zefa will be defeated by Tsunade’s move, completely because the battle information is unclear and Tsunade’s mental calculation is unintentional.

However, since Zefa lost, then Tsunade naturally stepped on him and rose! _

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