“What is this!?”

“Is it a stone giant, how can it be so big, bigger than our naval giant vice admiral!”

Sengoku looked solemnly at the stone giant summoned by Wren, “Abominable! Is this an ability of his eyes? ”

Until now, the progress of the Navy has not been very smooth, and there are so many dead and wounded, only to force out one of Wren’s abilities!

In fact, where did the Warring States know that Wren’s pupil technique is only the tip of the iceberg until now!

“It’s just a stone man, dare to appear in front of me, die!” John Jaindo the Giant, Lieutenant General raised the large knife in his hand, like a stone giant slashing through.


Very easily, the big knife cut the stone giant in half like cutting tofu!

“Hahaha!! I thought it was amazing, it turned out to be useless! Lieutenant General John Jaindo said contemptuously: “Ghost Sword Wren, are you doing this~?” ”

Only then did he hear the voice of another giant lieutenant general, Rakva-er.

“John Giandor – Lieutenant General be careful!”



It’s just that this reminder came a little nightly, and I saw a huge fist hit Lieutenant General John Jaindo’s head, and he was stunned all of a sudden!

“What’s going on?” Lieutenant General John Jaindo Giant was somewhat incredulous.

When he opened his eyes, the stone giant who turned out to be cut in half by him had actually returned to his original state!

Not only that, this stone giant fought very strongly, and with his own characteristics of not being afraid of injury, he defeated the remaining four giant lieutenant generals in three strokes and two strokes!

One by one, they look miserable!

At this time, Wren, who was under the stone giants, also showed a cruel smile to those giants.

This smile made those giant lieutenant generals look terrified!

“Golden Wheel Rebirth Explosion !!!”


In the void, an invisible ripple spread out the navy looking up on the ice, and faintly saw the air wave.

The air became dense, suffocated, and oxygen seemed to be pumped clean.

The invisible pressure shrouded everyone present, and the navy looked inexplicable, and in this atmosphere, he swallowed his saliva nervously.

They have already felt the terrifying breath, dangerous and deep!

“What’s that?”

Finally, there was a naval cry in horror.

There are many things and phenomena that human beings cannot understand, and what is happening in the field at this moment is completely incomprehensible to those present.

I saw that from Wren’s hand, it seemed to hold a huge golden long sword, and this golden sword was like an artifact, full of majesty and sacredness.

At this time, Wren’s eyes were light, his eyes were indifferent, and, like a god, his pressed hands seemed to contain majestic power, and suddenly pressed down.

After the billowing waves of air began in all directions, they burst out, like a huge mountain pressing down.


The ice was shaking wildly, as if it was terrifying. The vast pressure was fiercely pressed down, and in just a moment, thousands of navies were directly crushed to the ground, trembling madly with their muscles, as if they were afraid of this terrible coercion.

I saw Wren swing the golden long sword, and instantly cut the entire battlefield in half!


After three breaths, a series of explosions were heard, and the ice began to break in a large area. The navy within a radius of a thousand meters was like a harvested straw, falling to the ground in rows and unable to move its whole body.

They struggled to raise their heads, trying to see what was in the sky.

But under this terrifying pressure, it was impossible to raise his head.

Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion: The ultimate move of the reincarnation eye to control repulsion, in the Hokage World, the people of Otsuki once relied on this move to cut the moon in half with a sword!

“What kind of power does that man hold!”

John Jaindo Giant Lieutenant General roared angrily, and the huge weapon in his hand swung with it.

The fierce wind surged and descended with this overwhelming pressure.

Just listening to the sound of “Dang”, his huge long knife was cut in half, not only that, but his hand holding the knife… Also broken!


The golden long sword raged on the ice, and the ground centered on the Heavenly Dao at this moment began to shatter in all directions, and the rolling waves of air carried the screams of the navy, rolling towards the periphery.

This range is extremely grand, covering a radius of thousands of meters, and directly sweeping a large number of navies into the air.

0 Ask for flowers…

The extremely violent, extremely terrifying blow caused the general-level officers in the back row of the battlefield to contract their pupils in an instant.


The ice block with a thickness of tens of meters could not withstand this majestic repulsion at this moment, and the collapse was directly pressed in the center, forming a concave area, and a large amount of seawater began to surge out.

The entire ice field was cut in half in an instant!

“Is this your power? Ghost Sword Wren! ”

Wren looking at the sky, and the desperate naval soldiers below. The heart of the Warring States is heartache.


“Everyone, go and stop the Ghost Sword Wren, the situation is already chaotic and must be stabilized!”


Sengoku said in a deep voice.

With a word, he made more than a dozen lieutenant generals who had long been impatient suddenly get up and disappear.

In the battlefield, the five huge giant lieutenant generals were considered wasted.

Wren’s puppet stone giant and his Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion allowed them to see what the power of the gods was, and in the face of such power, they could no longer raise the power to fight!

So now only the vice admiral of the headquarters of the Navy can make a shot!

It’s just that……


Just as Vice Admiral Mole of the Navy Headquarters slashed towards Wren with a knife, a figure appeared in front of Wren and blocked the knife for him.

Vice Admiral Mole’s swordsmanship was extremely terrifying, and even those huge sea kings were just a thing that could be killed in front of him.

However, his sword skills were solidly blocked in front of this person, and more importantly, in the face of this person in front of him, Lieutenant General Mole could not cut down.

“Zefa-sensei! You…… Are you really not able to wake up? Lieutenant General Mole said bitterly.

That’s right, this one who blocked the Vice Admiral Mole was the former Admiral “Black Fist” Zefa!

Under the control of Wren’s reincarnation eye, Zefa appeared in front of many navies and blocked the attack of Vice Admiral Mole for Wren.

Zefa’s face was indifferent, and he looked up at his former student.

“Die, Wren, what have you done to our Zefa teacher!”

The lieutenant general of the mole was furious and brandished his weapon.

“Shinra Tenzhengren!” _

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