Three minutes ago, Rennes vs Straw Hats three main players!

The Chambord Islands, strictly speaking, are not an island, but a large tree that has grown for an unknown number of years, and the tip of the tree grows from the bottom of the sea at a depth of 10,000 meters.

And it is these tree tips, which are inferior to the original body, that make up the world-famous Chambordi Islands!

At this time, outside the auction hall located in Area 1, Luffy the Straw Hat, who will be making a fuss in the New World in the future, confronts Wren with Solon and Sanji.


“Second gear!!”

The first to attack was Luffy

I saw that he was full of heat at this time, his hands stopped behind his body, and the whole person ran forward quickly, because he was a rubber fruit ability, so when running, his arm was instantly stretched long, and then with the help of a strong rebound force, it slammed into Wren’s body.

“Eraser… Bazooka! ”

“It worked! If he wins Luffy’s move, even if he is some kind of ghost sword Wren, he will not have nothing at all! Usopp said excitedly.

But Renly, who was sitting on the side, poured cold water on him.

“Although I don’t want to hit you, but you look at the people of the Rennes Pirates, their faces have not changed at all, if their captain has something, their faces can’t be so calm!” Reilly said.

Usopp turned his head and looked, sure enough, whether it was the ice girl 357 King Esders, or the raw and cute angel girl Icarus just now, there was no emotional change at all at this time!

But maybe because of his gaze, Estes turned his head towards him!

In an instant, seeing the blue eyes of Esders, Usopp felt the threat of death!

“This woman… She won’t be killing me! Wouldn’t it, isn’t it just a look at her, is this going to kill people? Don’t! I’m so young, I don’t want to die! Suddenly, Usopp felt that his life was over.

But the situation is that he will be wrong!

Estes did look at him with murderous eyes, but Estes was not looking at him, but at Reilly, who was sitting behind him.

He just happened to be in the middle of this line of sight!

Reilly scratched his hair with some headache, and said helplessly: “Hehe… It seems to be targeted by troublesome people! ”


In fact, as Renly said, Wren not only did not have anything at all, but easily caught Luffy’s powerful move with only one hand.

Luffy himself and the people watching the play on the side were surprised.

At this time, Solon and Sanji behind Luffy stepped up their speed and rushed over when everyone was stunned.

“Three Blade Flow 108 Troubled Wind!”

“Devil Wind Foot and Shoulder Meat!”

Looking at the two who looked imposing, Wren had no mercy from his subordinates, and they slashed away at a speed that was difficult to see.

“Hanama chop!”

Brush brush brush!

I saw a few knives go down, and the two who were still in place were instantly stabbed, and they fell on the field in blood.

This move, Wren did not use his pupil technique, and at the same time did not use domineering!

This is Wren’s own sword art when he was in Frost Moon Village!

Wren slowly walked to Solon’s side in the terrified eyes of everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates, looking at the seriously injured Solon, Wren said in an indifferent voice, “Didn’t I tell you?” You only have one chance to shoot! ”

After speaking, Wren wanted to get the famous knife in his hand.

At this time, an extended arm stopped Wren.

“Solon! Yamaji!! ”

Luffy looked at the two who fell to the ground, and his eyes turned red in an instant.

“Damn, I’m absolutely going to blast you! And also…… Don’t touch Solon’s stuff! ”

“Impossible, Solon and Sanji turned out to be in an instant… Solon’s bounty is more than 100 million! He is one of the supernovas, why was he defeated so easily! Nami had fallen to the ground in despair at this time, and her consciousness was no longer clear.

The impact of the real (abbf) was too great, so that she couldn’t accept it for a while.

In fact, where does Nami know that there are already four or five so-called supernovae who have suffered losses in the hands of Wren today, and there are not many Solon and Luffy!

Not only Nami, Usopp and Choba, they are all speechless anymore!

At this time, in the face of the powerful Wren, Luffy did not give up, but continued to fight tenaciously.

“Third gear! Bone balloons! ”

“Giants… Boomerang!! ”

“It’s boring!” Looking at what might be Luffy’s strongest blow at the moment, Wren suddenly thought depressedly.

That’s right, Wren’s most immediate thought now is boredom.

Wren originally thought that the fight with the Straw Hat trio would give him a little more pleasure in abusive vegetables. After all, the other party is the three main forces of the famous Straw Hat Pirates, and in Wren’s world, there are countless fans!

Even Wren was once fascinated for a while!

But even Wren didn’t expect that when he really faced the three of them, Wren’s feeling would be boring.

Probably because it is too familiar, so Wren at this time has no pleasure of abusing rookies at all!

Like Kidd and Hawkins, their fruit ability Wren is not very clear, so even if he knows that it will be him who wins in the end, he is still a little looking forward to the process!

Where is it like now, there is no sense of anticipation at all!

“Forget it, I’m tired of playing, it’s time to go back, the matter of ageless surgery is the most important!”

Wren, who felt a little greasy, then closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, a blue light appeared in his pupils.

Straight to the Demon Eye!

“You are also my childhood memories, in return, let you die on top of my strongest pupil technique, you must know that this is the treatment of a naval marshal!”

“Chop !!!”

If it was when he crossed over at the beginning, perhaps out of his former liking, Wren still had mercy with his subordinates, and even wanted to be friends with each other.

But after so many years, the persistence of the past has long been forgotten!

Under Wren’s gaze, the dead line of Luffy’s bone balloon was clearly visible, and Wren only needed to gently swipe along his dead line when his giant arm hit him!!

“Never gone, Monchi D. Luffy! ”

However, just when Luffy, the protagonist of the One Piece world, was about to die, his protagonist aura finally lit up!

Only hearing a “boom”, Luffy’s whole person was kicked to the side by a white figure black, which can be regarded as saving his life!

Wren said with an ugly face: “Renly.” You want to be nosy, don’t you? “_

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