The Inner Palace Tale of a Villainess Noble Girl
Side room simultaneous health observation meeting
For Cynos, "the first patient" - the Marquis de Lía Strecia - was an unmistakably powerful beauty.
"You're on the far side of the Doctor General, aren't you, Doctor Cynos?Thank you for your help today. "
Sitting loosely on the sofa, she smiled softly, a woman with golden hair and a slightly exotic look.The presence that overwhelmed us by just sitting there made us think that the Kingdom was the third woman in the sequence.
Cynos thanked deeply as he heartily forgave the small citizen who wanted to fall down.
"Well, welcome, thank you very much.My name is Cynos, and I'm a medical officer.Because of the young people, I know that there are many things that are not well done, but I will do my best, so please tell me what to do, please, no! "
I tried to describe the mouth with guts, but I grabbed it and chewed it big at the end.... I want to go home now and bury it in the garden.
Glamorous laughter descends on Cynos, who can no longer raise his head.
"Fufu, you don't have to be so stiff.I am well aware that this "health observation meeting" was pushed off by some side rooms and could not be refused by the Ministry of the Interior.You'll need to see the crowns carefully without ever seeing a doctor, but you don't have to worry about a side room like mine, especially if you don't want a doctor. "
"Ha... eh?"
"Oh, don't you know Lord Cynos?I hope that the beginning of this commotion lies in the selfishness of some side chambers.The side chambers gathered in the current Imperial Palace are all people who are not concerned about their health, including me, so I don't bother the doctors under the Ministry of the Interior.It seems that the young lady who grew up spoiled feels like she is not cherished unless she regularly sees a doctor, even though she is happy every day. "
It was obvious that the expression of the Marquis of Strecia, which was a disease of the heart, was obvious, and she did not count herself as one of the "ladies who were spoiled and raised".To be honest with the lady of the ancient nobility, Cynos inadvertently forgot his nervousness and blinked his eyes.
"In your words... let me present you to the Princess General of your biological family, who is also famous for the flowers that bloom in the Marquis of Strecia.If so, it seems that a little bit of discomfort was taken care of in the house without being missed. "
"Yes. Now, of course, my position on the Marquis of Strecia remains unshaken.Few people recognized me as the mark of the house, such as my exotic blood, during my uncle's life.I was officially nobleman after your father succeeded to the throne.Instead of being a little upset, until they called me the Marquis de Strecia, they said it was extremely luxurious to go to the doctor with some illness and injuries. "
"I... I apologize for the inconvenience."
"It's okay. Fortunately, my body was strong.Having spent time without the help of a doctor, I never had any particular doubts about the absence of a doctor's visit in the back of the house.--Therefore, I am so sorry to say that I have increased the number of doctors and officials who are busy with this "health observation meeting". "
"Oh, no, it's only natural that you care about the health of your side room as you serve the royal family."
"Thank you for saying that.Although Dr. Cynos is inexperienced, he is also known as a high school grader and a prodigal child, but he does not fail in his efforts to honor his reputation and asks for a future.Madame Magnum has assigned a cooperating side room to an interior physician like me, who wants him to grow up better.Please deepen your learning through this "Health Observatory". "
Sinos' chest trembled unexpectedly.I didn't know that the person in charge of the seemingly incomprehensible "Sleeping Lotus" had such a thankful concern on the back of the palace.
Sinos lowered his head deeper than before.
"What a fearsome...! I will sincerely serve you so that you do not lose the generosity of the people of the rear shrine!"
"Don't overdo it.- Thank you again for your help today, Dr. Cynos. "
The skilful tale of the Marquis de Strecia makes me feel much more calm and motivated than I was when I first walked into the room.Cynos took the medical record out of the bag and took a big breath of the writing instrument into one hand.
Well then, Mr. Sleeping Lotus...
― ― The inquiry named "Health Watch", which began there, proceeded surprisingly smoothly.As long as the patient is cooperative with the doctor, the initial barrier of "getting the patient to trust" does not exist, but even if it is discounted, it is really smooth.While the person declares that he or she is "physically sturdy", all the confirmation items will be "no abnormalities".
The biggest weaknesses of the interview are the tendency to miss out on unconscious illnesses and how much the patient would lie if he or she wanted to hide his or her illness.In order to compensate for this weakness, the Medical Bureau is careful not to miss the discomfort by mixing things that are difficult to lie to the items of the examination, or by performing the examination to make the other person uncomfortable during the examination, but the Marquis de Strecia is correct and healthy (all clear).If there is no catch on the examination item, the complexion and posture are good, the expression is bright, and the gloss of the skin and hair is perfect.She was a lady who was both physically and mentally healthy as a sample.
"Well, finally. Um... 'Do you visit the moon regularly?'"
"Yeah, every month, the girls check it out.If you want more information, ask Mrs. Magnum. "
"I understand. --Yes, that's it."
"Thank you. So, how am I feeling?"
"Thank you very much.Would you be willing to fill out a brief report to the Ministry of the Interior that says, "There is no problem with your physical or mental health?"
"It's a really tough job to have to write not only the medical records, but also such a report.Sure, say hello. "
"Thank you, Lotus."
The health observation of the daughter, the third in the posterior uterine sequence, ended unharmed, and Cynos exhaled a deep breath of relief in his heart.No matter how generous the arrangement was in the back of the house... no, because it was a generous arrangement, if you do something with a shallow experience, it would extend to you as well as your uncle, the Chief Medical Officer.Just because you're favourably accepting your existence, you shouldn't be sweet.
Cynos said he was admonishing himself while clearing his medical records in his bag.
"I finished my health surveillance much earlier than I thought.It seems true that Dr. Cynos is a good doctor. "
"I know what you're saying."
"Please have a cup of tea as a thank you for your meticulous treatment.With your arm, I'm sure your practice will be over much sooner than scheduled.It's okay to take a short break. "
"Ah, no, that's so... awesome"
"I won't be afraid of a cup of tea.- Samantha, get ready. "
To put it bluntly, the maid, who was completely silent until the Marquis of Strecia called her, moved without making a sound, under the command of the LORD.Cynos was complaining about the simple fact that he would be served tea in the "Lotus Room", but the Yusim lady who guided him here kept her by the door and didn't particularly pinch her mouth.
Cynos was afraid to accept, judging that it would be rude not to accept the entertainment here because the lady said nothing.
"So, then... sweeten your words."
"Yes, please, sit down.I'll take it with me. "
"Su, it's too modest to have a seat with a lily.Stand still. "
"I'm the owner of this room, and Dr. Cynos is the guest, so it's only natural that I entertain you."
"But... I don't work for the castle, I'm a civilian."
"I don't know about the others, but I've never identified the person I'm inviting.There's no law that nobles and civilians shouldn't sit in the same seat, so what do you do? "
... there's no alternative to sitting on Cynos.I was afraid, scared, and sitting down, a maid called Samantha pushed the cart ready for a fine tea party.In front of Cynos, who was distracted by the awe, the tea party specifications were quickly set up on the low table.
Soon the Marquis de Strecia held a teacup with a light hand and gracefully drank tea, thinking it was not a cup of tea.
"Yeah, that's Samantha. It's delicious.- Have a seat, Doctor Cynos. "
"Yes... thank you."
I raised the cup respectfully and drank it carefully so as not to make a sound. I don't know the taste of tea.I was recommended to eat "sweets, too" and the following text is the same.
What do you think? Does it suit your mouth?
"Oh, thank you very much."
"Samantha is good at making tea.- Good for you, Samantha. You can praise me outside. "
"It's an honor - but I still have to refine my arms."
"I don't think there's much left to say."
"No. Compared to the red rose, I'm not even close to my feet."
Cynos' throat rang in the name of the infamous side chamber that came out without touching it.As head of the Royal Mission of Elland to the Stanza Empire, Daughter of the Queen's House, Count Diana Crester - she has a bad reputation, at least not one good rumor around Cynos.This "health observation meeting" has even been realized with the words of "Peony" thinking about the side room while "Red Rose" is away.
With a horrible personality that does not regard others as human beings, even in the backyard, and when those who grieved about it tried to expose her evil in the Council of Lords a while ago, they were carelessly scattered by the dark power of the Crester family... I didn't know that the name of the prominent lady, which is rumored in the Ministry of the Interior, would easily pop out here.
Whether or not you know Cynos' agitation, the Marquis of Strecia laughs joyfully.
"It's good to have a sense of ambition, but there's a limit to everything.Diana's tea technology is a kind of special skill.If ordinary people are to reach that area, they will need a lot of training. "
"After training, I realize that if you can bring out the flavour of tea even half of the red rose, it will be the word.However, as a service to Rhea, I still have to put my goals at the highest level. "
"If you become too competent, I'll be mainly disqualified as a normal person."
"If Liar were ordinary, almost all the girls in the Kingdom of Elland, with the exception of a very small number of people, would be ordinary or below average.Excessive modesty can also lead to disgust, so don't say too much outside. "
"... shouldn't I just call Diana instead of me?"
"In the case of the red rose, even if it is too modest from the perspective of the surroundings because of the environment in which you grew up, it is just a list of facts for you... I don't even hate it."
It's a delicate matter of whether it's a bargain or a loss.
The Marquis de Strecia and the maid who spoke with her voice did not feel a trace of dust, such as fear of the "Red Rose".Their expressions are bright and seem fun to see.
They smiled as if they were naughty looking at each other, realizing that the Cynos in front of them had an incomprehensible expression.I feel like a sister when I look at it like this because I have a similar look.
"Isn't it strange that we should be comfortable talking about Diana -" Dear Red Rose "?"
"Ah! No!"
"Very well, there are many ancient and conservative nobles in the Ministry of the Interior.I can imagine that Diana's reputation as a "red rose school" in the backyard would not be good. "
"Well, that kind of thing...."
Apparently, the Marquis de Strecia is close to "The Red Rose".I tried to deceive you that you don't want to know the fact that such a young lady has a bad reputation, but Cynos seems to be no good at lying and has never been able to deceive the opponent.
Again this time.
"Dr. Cynos is a very honest man.If you're the doctor in charge, you don't have to lie. "
"No, I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize. I know that Diana doesn't like the" Red Rose School "from the Ministry of Home Affairs."
"Well... as long as it's just inside the medical department, it's not that much.The Ministry of the Interior is a proud province that has supported the royal family for a long time, and historic celebrities are moving around. "
"Yes, I hear that Stressia also held important positions in the Ministry of the Interior until her grandfather's time.As far as I'm concerned, it's still the same as it was then. "
Approximately, Raku
"... to tell the truth.I was hoping that the structure of the Ministry of the Interior might have changed a little because I was able to gather so many ladies of emerging nobility in the current Imperial Palace.Was it the Marquis of Bertier? I hear he recruited side rooms from various houses without a faction focus. "
Cynos blinked his eyes.... I've never heard that before, and I'm surprised.
"Really...? The Marquis de Bertier was close to Marquis Landrose and clearly hostile to the Innovators, so I didn't hear him suggest anything like that."
"I just heard it from the people, so I don't really know what it is.... then the presence of a Bertier Housekeeper behind a large number of side chambers is just a rumor. "
"There is no way that I can measure the inner feelings of the nobles.Indeed, the Marquis de Bertier has brought the young lady to the rear chamber.I wonder if the Marquis' temperament would bother to compromise the chances of her favoritism.... No, this is just what I felt when I visited the Marquis. "
"From your point of view, does the Emperor of Bertier seem to want the favor of Her Majesty?"
"Well, yeah, of course. Not just Bertier, but the young ladies and their loved ones are waiting for His Majesty's grace."
That's why I don't like His Majesty the King's favorite "Red Rose," and I guess I'm going to say something worse than necessary - something that I can somehow swallow up in Cynos.In addition, if the factions are different, it is not clear that the Home Office ministers will not only value her, but that they will somehow try to suppress either Your Majesty's favor or the faction's momentum.
If you continue to work for the castle as an Interior Medical Officer, the rumors of the royalty and those close to the royalty will naturally pop into your ears.But thinking about it, Cynos hasn't actually spoken face-to-face with most of the side rooms yet.I have always somehow understood that the Ministry of the Interior is a particularly factional biased place, so I should have thought about the rumors that fly there with a discount of about eight minutes.
Exhausting his courage, Cynos himself spoke to the Marquis de Strecia.
Are you close to Red Rose?
"Yes, one of my dear friends who can speak freely.I can't wait to get back from Stanza. "
"Now... rumor has it that Red Rose was sent to Stanza on her own accord."
"... there are still rumors like that in the Ministry of the Interior.This is outrageous. Until the end, Diana expressed her unequivocal opposition to a circular from the outer chamber telling her to take the head of the national embassy out of the side room.On top of that, if someone had to go, it would be our shield if we didn't have to put someone else in such danger. "
"Oh no...."
"I'm sure Diana will be told a lot by the Ministry of the Interior.Perhaps he knows that.But, Dr. Cynos. If you're ever in a situation where Diana's life is in danger, I want you to face her without being confused by her reputation.Don't let uncertain rumors fool you, the life-threatening doctors, into sorting your lives. "
With a strong and noble light in her eyes and only words in peace, the Marquis de Strecia tells her harshly.She wisely realizes that the Ministry of the Interior is in danger of changing the treatment of the side chambers depending on her parental status and not even providing satisfactory medical care.
... it was a "deception" that Cynos at the bottom also felt thinly.He, who was not a liar, could not say "such a thing is impossible" even with his mouth alone.
"... yes, I will do my best for as long as I can."
Having received the best response she could return to Cynos today, she simply smiles brightly and quietly drinks tea.I felt like I was seeing everything I wasn't talking about, and Cynos just silently drank the liquid from the teacup.
Thank you so much for your meal.
Did you get some rest?
"Yes, thank you."
"Well, that's good - where will we go next?"
"Eh, eh..."
Asked and hurriedly removed the allocation table from the bag.The next "patient" is definitely...
"Countess Sangri, it's you."
"You must be Annabella-sama.Very quiet and warm.I'm sure you'll help make it easier for Dr. Sinos. "
"... thank you so much."
Once again, I chewed on the care of the rear palace - and one question arose.
"Um, Lily, may I ask you one question?"
"Of course, what is it?"
"Baroness Crockett is here in the side room I'm in charge of.Does Mr. Crockett also have a favorable side room for the Internal Affairs Officer? "
"Yeah, that's what I heard.What's wrong with that? "
"No... Actually, the Chief Medical Officer has unconfirmed information that Baroness Crockett tends to get sick.I'm sorry if I couldn't do it despite my ill health and told you that I don't mind if I'm not experienced. "
"Well... I heard a little while ago from Mrs. Magnum that the kitchen chief was thinking of offering her something because some of them didn't eat very well because they had a bad gastrointestinal cold.Maybe it was Crockett. "
"Well, if that's the case, then it's too much for me....."
"Don't panic, it's just something I heard a while ago.If you were aware of Dr. Cynos' health observation, Mr. Crockett would have determined that there was nothing wrong with you personally.Even if you only observe healthy people, it doesn't deepen your learning, and if Crockett is cooperative, why don't you take this as an experience and face it? "
The Marquis de Strecia nodded lost in her words.After all, it is not possible to correct the allocation table from now on.
"Good evening, Mr. Stressia. Thank you for your time."
"No, this was a really meaningful time to talk to you.--Best regards, "
Ha, yes!
After being escorted by the Marquis de Strecia, who sat on the sofa until the end, Cynos finally left "The Lotus Room" behind.
I think it was because I was nervous at the beginning, but then the three rooms calmed down to a certain extent, and I think I was able to get through the "health observation" like a doctor.To give you an unexpected glimpse, the Countess of Sunglai was surprisingly curious and often asked questions during the doctor's interview about her work, and it took some time after "The Lotus Room".The remaining two side rooms were originally only cooperative with the interior physician if there were no health concerns, and ended peacefully with no major problems.
(Now, finally, Crockett...)
As she was tense and tight, Youxim stopped halfway down the corridor.I stopped following her with some confusion.
"... um, Miss Yusim, is something wrong?"
"No, it's not a big deal.--Excuse me, I'll show you around. "
Encouraged to cross the corridor. I saw the door before turning the corner.
(... eh?)
A man in a uniform who could be seen from a distance as an internal affairs officer stands in front of the door guided by Chief Magnum.I thought it might be someone from senpai, but as I got closer, Cynos' expression became steeper.
"This is Dr. Sinos. Will you be next in the order of Baroness Crockett?"
"Yes, ma'am.Who is wearing the doctor's clothes over there?I know you from the medical department, but I've never met you. "
In front of Cynos, asking with a sharp expression, a strange man dressed as a medical officer, not Chief Magnum, broke his face.A calm, lovely smile.
"You're an interior physician, right?My name is Viocell and I am a colleague of yours as of today.I have been a doctor for a long time in a private clinic. "
"Ho, this date...?"
That's what I remember. Shortly before the story of this "health observation meeting," a notification was received from the Medical Bureau that a new medical officer would be assigned.The chief medical officer and deputy chief medical officer talked about whether there was a need to increase the number of royalties now that the prospect of increasing them was low.
Immediately afterwards, the news of the "Health Watch" arrived, and the medical department was in a mess and completely forgotten about accepting new recruits... maybe the assignment date was today.
"Dr. Viocell was introduced by the Prime Minister to the Royal Palace as a person who could be an immediate force in the medical department.A clerk from the outer chamber, who was struggling to get through, found the place where there was no one in the medical department and showed me to the back chamber.Since you came, I wanted to show you to the room of Baroness Crockett who was still in front of the observation.... "
"Oh, no, if this is the person who was in charge, I'll help you."
"That's right!"
When the Chancellor summoned him with immediate force, his strength and stature were undoubtedly higher than that of Cynos.I forgot to welcome such a person, but there is no way I can imitate a patient to be a low-end Cynos.- Not to mention the fact that Baroness Crockett was the one who cared about the medical superintendent saying, "Be polite."
"Nice to meet you. My name is Cynos.I have received the last seat of a medical officer, but I am a young man who has no record as a doctor... and I would like to help Viocell's examination as an assistant and spread his knowledge. "
Looking puzzled, Viocell turned her eyes to Chief Magnum and decided that she should be the main player because she nodded.I smiled and accepted.
"Now, with all due respect, I'll take care of Crockett.--Thank you very much. "
As she became accustomed to things, Viocell followed the chief's lead and entered the open door.He didn't even pretend to be under pressure at the rear of the palace, which was a strange impression that the Chancellor had found him.
"Excuse me, Mr. Crockett.Dr. Viocell is here. "
The bedroom is probably where Madam Magnum spoke.... I wonder if the story of her illness is true.
"Please come through."
A brighter voice than I thought came from the bedroom.After Dr. Viocell entered, a slender woman sat on a bed in a bright room with open curtains.
"Please forgive me for welcoming you here.Until recently, I was unwell and the maids still won't allow me to walk. "
"There is no disillusionment. It is our job to help the side chambers to spend their days anxiously.Please, make yourself comfortable. "
As I was told, Baroness Crockett was a very helpful person to the Home Doctor.Help Viocell be a gentle healing system, or the inquiry begins and proceeds.Without hiding anything about my illness a while ago, he told me about a slight fever, nausea, loss of appetite, and typical symptoms of a gastrointestinal cold.
"At first, if I despised it as soon as it healed, it would be unexpectedly prolonged... and it would hit my friends who worried me too much, so I did something that was not very popular.If you think about it now, you should have asked the doctor honestly and without hesitation.After all, I was found to be in poor health, and I caused trouble to the kitchen chief... but thanks to his dedication to help with the stomach and intestinal cold, I was able to get well. "
I see. --By the way, do you have a proper circle of the moon? "
"Yes, I'm a little late because of the cold.Mrs. Magnum keeps a detailed record. "
"Okay, I'll check back later."
After completing the examination and reviewing the medical record (medical record), Viocell checked several items with his finger and then turned again towards Baroness Crockett.
"Dear Crockett, I understand that your gastrointestinal cold has completely healed, but may I check your physical condition with a palpation just in case?It's also said that a cold is the most dangerous to heal. "
"Yes... should I sit back in the chair?"
"Don't worry about it. - Dr. Cynos, I need a stethoscope."
While Cynos was in a hurry to remove the stethoscope, Viocell touched the face and neck of Baroness Crockett with his undisputed hands, providing accurate inspection and palpation.After carefully taking his wrist pulse, he heard the body sound of Baroness Crockett on a stethoscope offered by Cynos.
"... I see. It's almost healed, but it's still incomplete.Your stomach and bowel movements remain weak.It is possible to prescribe medicine, but would you like some? "
"Ah, um... please."
I was afraid.
Nodding gently, Viocell writes a prescription in her medical record.It appears to be a widely distributed herb intended to stop nausea and improve appetite.
"That concludes the health observation.In a brief report to the Ministry of the Interior, we are going to say, "I have a loss of appetite due to a prolonged gastrointestinal cold, but my condition is recovering, and there is generally no problem."
"Yes, I'm fine... thank you, Dr. Viocell."
"No, of course not. I did my job as a doctor.If you feel sick again in the future, please don't put up with it and call us properly. "
In response to Viocell's call, Baroness Crockett leaned ashamed and said yes.... Sinos, who was supposed to have entered the room as an assistant, didn't appear except to give him a stethoscope.
(After all, those who have been working on the front lines are different from the atmosphere they create.....)
Cynos couldn't have had such a smooth palpation or had Baroness Crockett trust her.Although it is a theory of results, I honestly think it is really good that Viocell made it in time.
Keep watching Viocell say his resignation and follow him out of the room.
As soon as he left the room, Cynos stretched his spine in surprise at the loud voice echoing in the hallway.In front of the room, a large group of veterans of the Medical Bureau gathered below the Chief Medical Officer.
"Yes, Doctor...? How's it going?"
"Did you see Baroness Crockett?"
"What? Ah, no..."
"─ Yeah, you were on the scene well.I was impressed by the enthusiasm of young people. "
Viocell stepped forward to protect Cynos from the surgeon's momentum.With a smile on his face, he confronts the chief medical officer.
"You're Dr. Jolton, sir.My name is Viocell and I was assigned to the Medical Bureau today.I've heard a lot about Jolton from his mentor, Dreamy Mill. "
"Ha, eh... do you think it's Dory Mill!?"
"When I was young, my mentor said he looked after Mr. Jolton a lot... and asked me to say hello to him when he heard that I had been promoted to Internal Affairs."
Very rarely, every time Viocell spins a word, Dr. Jolton's complexion changes dramatically from red to blue.With a very ordinary greeting, Cynos secretly leaned his neck, not knowing why the Chief Medical Officer was so wounded.
The chief medical officer, who had lost his words for a while, eventually shook his neck wide.
"I'm not talking about Dreamy Mill right now.Baroness Crockett.― ― Cynos, where's the medical record!?
Ha, yes!
As he was told, Cynos handed over the medical records to the chief medical officer.The chief medical officer who looked inside raised his eyebrows.
"It's been a long time since you wrote it...?"
"I'm sorry, Doctor.I filled in the medical record (medical record).But Dr. Sinos has also checked, so there's no mistake. "
Really, Cynos?
"Yes, Doctor. Dr. Viocell is right."
After carefully checking the medical records (medical records) from top to bottom, the chief medical officer exhaled deeply.
"Hmm... you've been really meticulously examined.Not only for questioning, but also for palpation, pulse examination, and auscultation.It's basic, but it's amazing. "
"I hope this is a good learning experience for Dr. Cynos.I want young people to grow up more and more. "
Yeah, that's right.
The Chief Medical Officer's waist was pulled against the smelly viocell.The medical record (medical record) was closed and returned to Cynos, while the chief medical officer looked around.
"... if you're done, let's go back to the waiting room.If you keep the hallway blocked forever, it will be a nuisance to the rear palace. "
Thank you for your concern, Doctor.
It was Madam Magnum who dropped Viocell off in the hallway that propelled his words with a cold smile.The doctors in the hallway move like this so that they can follow her gaze.
Cynos also kept pace from the back.
(I wonder... something catches me)
I should have finished the job without any problems.
Somehow, there's a weird bad sitting feeling behind it, like something really big is stupid.
(... no, I don't think so.)
With a slight discomfort, Cynos left the posterior palace behind.
- It was not long before he learned that the medical officer in charge of Baroness Nasha Crockett was described as "Cynos" at the "side room simultaneous health observation meeting" and became a "fortress" to protect her from the backing and perfection of her work.
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