The Inner Palace Tale of a Villainess Noble Girl
gossip part 17 - The gathering of the squire
The king, who visited Deanna's room in the morning, had lunch with her and kept talking until evening without getting tired of it. There will be a departure tomorrow, so we weren't there until dinner, but the more incredible it will be from the two of us so far, the longer we will have spent.
The Lord's Day of the Coming Festival is exemplary in facing God with a quiet heart, while at the same time relaxing peacefully with those close to him, such as family and friends, but the interim king "and his wife" will have had an ideal Lord's Day for an unexpected time. - But the king is the only one who thinks so, and the Red Rose seems to have a different idea.
After the king had returned, Deanna had forgotten her dinner and had spoken with the three maids. The contents are generally that the King realized she was not a 'bad girl', that she had been asked to cooperate on it, that she had been asked to be sincere about what she had done so far as a 'red rose', etc. The samurai were astonished, but could not hide their expectations in a situation where the king would unravel his misunderstanding of Deanna and possibly remain on his side. Although Rita alone was rightfully worried that His Majesty the King might have now joined the Lord's 'list of the Unabandoned'.
Finishing the conversation, pinching a slightly late dinner, Deanna went to bed early. Tomorrow's departure seems to be early, because staying up late will be a queue nuisance. In an unexpected raid, and for the resulting inconvenience, Deanna apparently consolidated a policy of compromise at the critical point this time.
And the ladies, who confirmed that the Lord had fallen asleep, went on duty and took a break, as usual -.
"... Hmm, His Majesty the Contemporary found out Deanna wasn't a 'bad girl'. Are you sure, Rita?
"From what I've heard about Deanna. Besides, I was wondering if it would be impossible for us to spend so much time alone, thinking of Deanna as a bad guy. Even when I served lunch, I didn't feel particularly evil."
As usual, Rita was using her breaks to exchange information with Sirius.
When you are in the rear palace, be careful, Sirius, who rarely shows up, but this is a temporary stronghold where you travel, but also where people come in and out. Furthermore, he cared for Rita, who tended to get disturbed off the hook with Deanna, and since joining her, he had tried to look at her face and talk as much as possible.
"When Deanna got ripped off, I wondered what would happen. Try this, you got around well, huh? I can't tell you what His Majesty's intentions are."
"You don't know the details of what words they actually exchanged. Yuri and Luli were hoping that if His Majesty would now be on your side,"
"-... does that work?
Unexpectedly, the voice of a third party sounded on the spot. At the same time as the voice, a shadow that had never existed appears beside the two of them.
"What's up, Ky? Something bothering you, too?
"I mean, are you eavesdropping again"
"Mr. Sirius told me it wasn't going to be a 'steal'. Well, I thought it would be better to keep the Crestors informed."
Kai's words were rarely cut badly. To Sirius and Rita, who silently urges ahead, like a little trouble, he laughs.
"I've been near Deanna's room most of the day."
"A quick story tells us a lot about Deanna and Her Majesty, doesn't it?
"You're within your assumptions. You're watching Deanna, so we're pretty helpful with the search."
"It's quick to understand and helpful.... Could it be that Mr. Sirius was trying to talk to you from me, too?
"A lot of sources would be better determined. Don't take it for granted."
Sirius answering plainly. From day to day, I thought, "Common sense, what's that food?" For the leader of the Dark, who crosses with the face of the Krester family, the thickness of this is a necessity.
Laughing at him like that again, Kai turned the story back a bit.
"Maybe this is something that Sirius and Rita are worried about."
"- Are you saying that His Majesty's realization of Deanna's 'nature' does not necessarily come out auspicious for Deanna?
Behind Sirius, Rita is nodding with a serious look. Kai also shook his neck vertically.
"If you're from the Crestor family, you'd think so."
"Deanna said that anyone who comes into her own nostalgia will never abandon her. I've been wondering since I've talked to Deanna about how she might be more concerned."
"I've always cared about His Majesty the King, but that was only a 'king' view. Himself - if you recognize His Majesty the Juke as an important being, the other person will be outrageous."
"It's Deanna, I think it's a natural worry.... but in the atmosphere I was listening to, I wonder if it still felt like we'd gotten along so well with the king. The air was soothing, but Deanna only behaved as a 'red rose'."
"That's only where they drew the line, you mean?
"It seems certain that the king accidentally saw the vegetables, but that's why he didn't seem to intend to deal with them with the vegetables. He's the other guy, and it's like he's basically going to be a 'red rose' in front of that guy."
Sirius and Rita looked at each other and exhaled ho. I was informed that my biggest concern seems to be fine so far, and my shoulder strength naturally falls out.
- But I don't know about the king.
But to that one word that went on and was released, their gaze was naturally nervous. Turning to Kai, he is silencing his expression and just letting his eyes shine a cold, fierce flame.
"... Kai?
"What do you mean?
"Me, to be honest, Deanna, I'm not too worried. As grand as he proclaimed to the king," I want to get out of the rear palace. "
"... oh, that sounds like Deanna"
It's not surprising to punch the real deal that far, but if the roots are honest Deanna, it's no wonder you're saying all that much depending on the flow of the story.
"But the king is. Is that guy really reflecting? I kind of wanted to doubt that."
"What does that mean?
Rita, who doesn't originally have good feelings for the king, quickly devours Kai's words with her hair. Sirius remains a difficult face and awaits the continuation of his words.
"I seem to have a consciousness that I did something wrong. As soon as you found out Deanna wasn't mad about herself, you didn't seem to suspect she'd help, did you, to me?"
- I remember that time, Kai smiled cold at the edge of his lips.
"From now on, I'm going to bump into the fools of the past."
"That's Holla, Your Majesty, not alone."
Deanna's words, which were merely encouragement. Even when asked objectively, the king interpreted it conveniently, which he did not want to perceive as meaning 'I will help'.
"Help me, will you?
'That's all I did, and I did terrible things. Honestly, I didn't think you'd forgive me'
"Why don't you and I start over again?
If it wasn't Deanna, I would have screamed. - Don't be ridiculous.
At least Kai couldn't stay calm.
"I, I only know fragments of how that king has dealt with Deanna before. When I was at the park, I saw the eight wins in person.... are you generally to the point of apologizing and becoming a charlatan?
"There will be no way. It wasn't just that time, Deanna. It was the first day we entered the palace, and it was treated badly!
"Rita, calm down a little"
"You know with Sirius how hard Deanna has struggled with His Majesty's indifference to the rear palace"
All this time, Rita spoke of her previous history of His Majesty the Glorious King.
- I wonder if Deanna visited the room the night she entered the rear palace, it was only to stab the nail at her daughter, who came from the 'Evil Emperor' Crester family, and if Deanna lent her bedroom overnight, who showed him the lack of sleep was extreme at that time, the next morning instead of thanking her, she would start rambling. After that I became obsessed with the love I found for the first time, never thinking about what the situation was like in the rear palace (though that was before), and go to Shayla's room like every night. Furthermore, he held Sheila's hand at a night club where nobles from all over the kingdom gathered...... Etosetra.
Humph, listen to me, I'm afraid of Kai, who's laughing more and more.
"... and I think this far will be forgiven with one apology!?
"I don't think, not at all, not at all, not a single shard. That was the way it was, King, that attitude. Heh."
"Kai...... I don't think so, but I wouldn't go straight to His Majesty's bedroom like that."
"Haha, no way - I wouldn't do that. If that guy dies now, Deanna's hardship will double. If I were to do it, I'd do it right after I died."
"Don't say that kind of dialogue with a smile your eyes aren't laughing"
Sirius sighs deeply. Usually Kai, who is always calm, when it comes to Deanna, the boiling point drops. The Crestor people are not angry about themselves, but the people around them are angry for that matter.
- From earlier, Kai's eyes are still rocking, a cold flame. It's a mixed-up, angry emotion.
"Whatever the joke is. I thought it was suspicious that he knew exactly what he was doing. In the first place, it was the beginning of this absurdity that the king built what a backyard was, wasn't it?
"It seems that the heavy ministers headed by the Ministry of the Interior actually made it"
"Even what your subordinates did, it's more than a plan being made in the king's name. It's not quite natural to see what it looks like on a regular basis? If the king hadn't left the rear palace and faced it directly from the front, he wouldn't have developed into a terrible factional feud so far."
"Yeah, you're absolutely right. Kai, you know exactly what I mean."
Rita, who until now has only recognized Kai as an unreachable person trying to steal his own eyes and get close to Deanna, seems to have issued an ally certification when he sees him close to himself in mood and in the way he grasps the situation, thoroughly taking Deanna's side. The expression is slightly brighter.
Sirius also grinned bitterly at Rita, who seemed happy, while caution turned to Kai.
"Argumentative, but don't try to do everything with just honesty. At the very least, the fact that His Majesty was noticed by 'Deanna' would be a testament to the fact that he did not judge people solely by the rumors and appearance, but was remembered to look, feel and think with his own eyes. Reflections from the past can do as much as you want"
"That 'reflection' will hook you up with the attitude of trying to involve Deanna without question. I don't know how many mistakes I've made, but I can't help but give them a little palm back."
Is Juke simply shameless, or shameless - or unconsciously, the arrogance of the 'king' turned up?
In any case, I guess the response of the Crestors will change from time to time, depending on what he intends to do with Deanna.
"Well, I suppose Deanna's gonna help the king, huh? 'Cause that kid is a' Red Rose, 'and the happiness of Deanna's loved ones is far from being a good king. But come on, that's actually something Deanna definitely has to do, isn't it?
"Well, it's originally a house where the Crestors have nothing to do with home affairs or foreign affairs, and they don't stand out and get involved. They're not well arranged in the documents, but that's what's happened in years of custom. This time Deanna entered the palace, it was difficult and inevitable to use that 'custom' as a shield."
"Then what's wrong with Deanna? Isn't this a good situation for the Crestors?
"If Deanna really said, 'I don't like it anymore,' I think Master Dualis would let you pull it up at any time, huh? Master Dualis can't move because Deanna is staying in the rear palace of her own accord."
"Is my daughter's will a priority? Sounds like you're in charge."
Dualis has never stopped what the kids said they wanted to do for a long time. I have an education policy that I don't know if it's sweet or tough to make me do what I want to do and then let myself do it.
"The only thing the king can actually tell you about what he thinks Deana is. As far as I'm concerned, he doesn't really depend on the convenience of Deanna, which is why I'm so worried."
"As competent as Deanna is, she doesn't want status while fully understanding her position, and she probably won't be able to get a sideroom head in favor of the king's" pet princess. "
"Hmm. Sure... too convenient for a king, huh? I hope it's a cooperative relationship, but we have to be careful not to let Deanna rely on it unilaterally."
Neither Sirius, nor Kai, nor perhaps Rita, think that the king is just a weak man. A human being who is just really weak does not try to face his own weakness.
But still, people are weak creatures. Easily flushed, I lose sight of even my own mind, with a few things.
With Deanna on her side, there's no place for a king to put his mistakes on Deanna, and a guarantee that he won't use them and crush them.
"- That's hard. Whether His Majesty's change is auspicious or vicious"
"I'm going to stand around, as much as I can, so as not to make it 'vicious'. I don't think it's better for the king to know that I still exist, so I can't be too flashy."
"Right. At least until we can identify His Majesty the King, you stay out of it. Keep it for a peek at best."
"Yeah, I will"
Rita tilted her neck a little to the meeting between the "Dark" leader and the covert boy.
"... to Master Alford, what will you do?
"... you mean me?
"Yeah, well."
Kai and Sirius looked at each other again.
"That guy, he's hard, he's in a position."
"If I say only standing position, it's entirely on your side. You know us to a certain extent."
Currently in the outer palace, only humans know that the 'darkness' of the Crestor family resides in the rear palace enough with one finger, including Alford. If you know the Crestor family and are not close enough, you will not reveal the 'darkness'.
- But.
"Yeah, Rita. Let's not say it yet."
"Can't you trust him?
"It's not, I knew it was a matter of position. For so far, Mr. Alford is just on the side of one absolute king. I'm a total trespasser, even if I can keep my mouth shut when it comes to the Crestors. It's pathetic to keep it a secret."
Alford cannot betray His Majesty the King. That's not because he's the King's Kingsguard Knights Commander, but because he himself cares about the King and wants to be the king's support as a subordinate, from the bottom of his heart.
Even now, between the Crestors and the King, he would feel uncomfortable, and we should not let him carry any more secrets.
"... surprised. Well, you're watching."
"You mean Mr. Alford?
"Though not only.... Well, I get it. I'll keep my mouth shut about you for a while."
"Yeah, thanks, Rita"
Rita's words showed far away that the exchange of information with Alford, which had been interrupted for some time, would resume, and Kai noticed that too, but he did not touch it there. Kai, who often scratches the field around with light nori, can read about as much air as he shouldn't let tea in.
"- Well, it's time for me to take turns."
"There's gonna be more 'darkness' on the way home, right?
"Naturally. I can't wait for that to happen twice."
Immediately after the raid, Sirius, who flew orders everywhere and rearranged the itinerary for the rest of the family's inspection to allocate a sufficient number of people to the Deanna escort, is just as used to emergencies.
"Bye, Rita. Get some rest."
"Well, Deanna has me."
To the owners of such rare wisdom eyes, Rita was in fact expected to have barely slept for the past two days.
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