The Inner Palace Tale of a Villainess Noble Girl
gossip part 24 - Gathering of Competent Officials
Rhino Tandor.
He is the eldest son of the present Earl of Tandor and brother of the side chamber Sofia. Not so much called ancient ginseng, but rare for the long-held Earl family there, the Tandor Earl family is an innovator who both acknowledge themselves. Both Count Tandor and his successor, Rhino, claim prestige in their ancient conservative aristocratic counterparts that active association with the exotic is the deciding factor in developing the future kingdom.
If this was just your mouth, you'd end up laughing at me with your nose. But, as they put it, their involvement as Counts in dealings with exotic countries made them a dependent presence on domestic traders, reinforcing their influence in the Royal Palace. The fact that the Count Tandor family currently holds a key position in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is also recognized for its merits.
However, as Keith personally, I didn't think I would voluntarily engage with Rhino. That's not from a personality problem...
"'We should interact with the exotic more flourishing in the subjects of the Kingdom of Elland. This country must more greedily absorb better new technologies and knowledge. It is foolish to be imprisoned by old clichés forever and miss opportunities for growth. Isn't it the way we should take to abandon old cultures, the legacies of the past, incorporate new exotic winds and reborn from country to country' … The polar theory is superb here, too."
"Auxiliary, what do you read... oh, is that Rhino Tandor's statement"
A few days ago, Deanna at the rear palace contacted me through Mia. The outburst of 'Red Rose Extremists' in the rear palace - behind it, it seems, is Sofia's brother, Rhino.
From the case of the former chief woman, Sarah Maris, the outer chamber somehow continues its system of cooperation with Deanna and the Crestor family. I had originally stuck with the Crestors, but most importantly, Mia, the new Claude's sister in the outer palace room, took Deanna's side as the "Between the Red Roses" lady. Mia, a woman, is in a convenient position to get out of the rear palace with one simple application form, yet she doesn't seem particularly unnatural when she enters or exits the outer palace where her body works. Until now, the rear palace, which was an exchange across the Crestor family, became much more familiar with Mia's presence. Inevitably, they also see the hard part to get their hands on and ask, "Can I help you if you want? It becomes a stream."
In Deanna, who is trapped in the basic rear palace, it is difficult to find out who is outside the rear palace, even if movement within the rear palace can be explored. Until now, the Crestors seemed to have the shortage in their hands, but if you mean to the extent of washing people who work in the Royal Palace on a daily basis, we can do it ourselves. Because all the information in the outer chamber is gathered in the outer chamber, which is an auxiliary institution of the three provinces. - Naturally, so is Rhino.
One of the things Keith is reading right now is the "info" that drifted into the outer palace room. It is a 'Statement of Opinion on National Politics', submitted by Rhino Tandor to the Ministry of the Interior.
Casio, an ancient stock in the outer chamber, peered in from behind the paper in Keith's hand, obliquely reading the contents and smiling bitterly.
"I'm glad Orion isn't here. If that artwork idiot reads the" throw away the old "part, he's sure to go wild."
"It doesn't have to be Orion, though I don't feel pleasant. Don't be so arrogant and self-righteous."
"Well, part of what I'm saying, I don't even know. It seems a little too extreme or radical."
Although he is an official working for the Royal Palace, Casio was born a civilian. A new breeze blowing into the kingdom is in a position to be felt familiar because relatives are millionaires who have made wealth out of dealings with exotic countries.
Casio says one thing as he cleverly cups with his thin fingers.
"It is true that interaction with exotic countries brings many benefits to the country. The kingdom's economic and technological power has leapt dramatically in the last half century."
"Right. That's for sure."
"But, because if you say that everything new is superior and everything old is harmful, that's not true. Some of the traditions, cultures and customs only in the Kingdom of Elland want to cherish. In the first place, it's not the kind of event that makes it superior or inferior to something new. - You mean, assistant?
Casio, a long-time associate, apparently felt Keith was in a secretly unpleasant mood behind his sober expression. Asked with teary eyes, he smiled unknowingly.
"I guess Rhino Tandor can write so many confident sentences because he doesn't think so"
"People who tend to be novel look down on something that's been around for some time, right? Not only do I look down, but I hate fur, or even hate when it's terrible. It's a bit of a mental structure that I don't understand."
"You don't know what those hands think with me. My family is also recognized for its achievements in interacting with exotic countries and has been awarded the title."
"Excellence in technology and knowledge coming from exotic countries and the fact that the traditions and cultures of the kingdom have been built over a long period of time, so sometimes harm also arises, is quite another matter."
- Yes. Even if Keith doesn't like Rhino and occasionally sees his face in an innovative socialist, here's exactly why he doesn't get involved deeply by doing about greeting. I'm intoxicated by the excellent aspects of the exotic, and I don't feel like I can get along with Rhino, who even belittles his country's history.
Keith, as an official, also understands twelve things about the world changing with the times and the importance of changing the way the country works as the world changes. It is certainly foolish to be imprisoned by old habits and clichés and stubbornly reject them when they need to be changed.
But. Because why, 'all that is old is evil'? They accuse even ancient buildings and works of art of being "outdated" simply because they are old. Without even thinking about how honorable they are to convey past history.
"Nevertheless," Casio groaned, surfacing Keith, who was sinking into the abyss of thought.
"If you're the owner of such a radical idea, the impotence of putting a horizontal spear in the men's forbidden rear palace is also, well, likely. Let my sister attack" The Petite Princess, "and what does Rhino want to do after all?
"In due course, isn't it where we want to strengthen the power of the Tandor family at home and push forward the aggressive diplomacy that we claim by making Sophia the 'righteous queen' katana?
As I say, but also part of Keith's intuition, complains of discomfort. - Something, not to be blatant.
Casio seemed the same, drinking tea, cleverly twisting his neck.
There, there was a flashing, light noise - the youngest roommate, Claude, making a face from between collisions.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Keith, I have a piece of paperwork... Oh, did Mr. Keith have it?"
"Oh, you mean this' statement '?
Keith wonders as he puts it up and shows it. The roommates should not be aware of the existence of this' statement 'because they only pulled out of the bundle of paper that was being delivered first thing this morning that seemed to have something to do with Rhino. There was no difficulty, so I didn't convey it.
How is Claude aware of the existence of documents that he has not even seen? Keith's doubts seemed to pass to Claude, who was young but well-researched, and he laughs a little.
"That 'statement', it belongs to Rhino Tandor, right? He wrote indispensably on the first of the month and submitted it to the Ministry of the Interior."
"Statement of Opinion on National Politics," I simply call it a "Statement" because it is long enough that anyone who is aristocratic can submit it to the State under the pretext that they can give an opinion on politics. The general point of contact on internal affairs is the Ministry of the Interior, so naturally the place of submission is also the Ministry of the Interior.
Speaking of why the 'statement', which should have been submitted to the Ministry of the Interior, is turning to the outer chamber. By way of example, the contents of the "Statement" are easily summarized and recorded, other than because the "Miscellaneous Series for Everyone" is descending into the outer chamber. - That means that no matter what you say about the 'statement', it's only a name, and the great one above doesn't see the content.
Apparently, Claude was, at some point, a 'statement' clerk, and his eyes on the writing in Keith's hands contained pity.
"Every month today, I didn't see Lord Rhino's 'statement' that was bound to come down, so I thought I'd talk to you just in case. It's got Lord Rhino's name on it. There's no way that Keith can't see it."
"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't tell you.... but not indispensable every month, is it?
"Yes, every month is indispensable, 'Abandon the old culture, incorporate the new technology of the exotic, the kingdom, reborn -!' With content."
"That's... that's no different this month"
"Well, so I'll wrap it up"
Claude, about to return to his seat, stops and twists his neck.
"But for hating old things, you're a disciplined man, aren't you?"
"By discipline, do you mean Rhino Tandor?
Claude agreed to Casio's inquiry.
"I've been compiling the contents of the 'statement' ever since I walked into the outer palace room. Never had an inquiry about that record, which means that 'statements' weren't read by anyone up there in the first place, and the system itself is shape-shifting, right? But in history class, when the kingdom wasn't that big yet, I learned that the opinions of the nobles were reaching the king as they were, and that there was a 'statement' as a remnant of that time."
"Yeah, you're right."
"If you don't like the old culture, you're supposed to hate even the 'statement' of the old remnants. Because this is the only system that allows me to give my opinion to the state as an individual, I use it even though I don't like it. I don't think you can do it without a disciplined personality."
Claude laughed as troubled, adding that he seemed to have set the exact date for filing the 'statement'.
"There's apparently no doubt that Lord Rhino is chewing one on the noise in the rear palace. Honestly, I'm more uncomfortable. I don't know him directly, but from what I can tell through the Statement, I didn't think of him as someone who could come up with such a sleazy hand."
"… auxiliary"
- That's right.
Claude's discomfort is what Casio and Keith also had. It's just doubtful that all three of the chambermen in the outer palace will remember the evil that lies behind them.
"There is no doubt that Rhino is involved. But not like him - when it comes to"
"The possibility arises that Lord Rhino himself is being instigated by someone…"
"Because if you are a radical disciplined ideologist, even if you never come up with malice on your own, if you are verbally incited to evil, you will execute it before you learn to question it. As an executor, the odds of being caught in the dark seem high."
"If so, the next thing to do…"
"-Faithful to the basics, wash Rhino Tandor's friendship,"
The three people, who were concentrating, were surprised not to notice the signs behind them and were suddenly called out. Claude and others literally jumped up.
Looking back, big man like a bear, now you're lying about nobility or something, right? The manager of the room stood.
Like a child whose mischief has succeeded, he grins slightly.
"Damn, if you think you're taking a rare, slow break. Take a break."
"I'm not working, so I'll take a break."
"Yours, that's a pretentious meeting of chatter. Instead, it's something that everyone in the room should share."
"... will that happen"
At first, Keith was just bumping into each other by himself, but it certainly might not have looked like a break at the time the three got together.
Keith takes up the 'statement' he had, and the manager gets a headache and scratches.
"Ooh. It's like he was born to be a pawn, Rhino Tandor."
"Do you think so, too, Chief?"
"Well, if it's simple and pure."
"Is it pure?
"Even though I'm wrong, I can believe one thought so far. It has to be pure."
But in a mild tone, with a heavy worry on his eyes, the manager continued.
"Be a conservative. Be an innovator. It's dangerous for a guy who blindly believes in one-sided ideas. Simple minutes are easy to manipulate and I don't know pure minutes of hesitation. If they tell me I need to give up my life, I'll die without thinking about keeping me safe."
"Deanna's story tells me your sister has a similar vibe."
"Uh, that sounds like it. Uncle Tandor himself rarely bends what he believed once. In his case, that leads to trust from the people"
A pure heart, it's not just bad. Keith also knows how comfortable his uncluttered mind is.
Though I'm not likely to like Rhino because of the differences in doctrinal claims. I also know that I'm not the bad guy from the roots.
"- I hope Rhino stops before I do something irrevocable"
"In order to stop it, we have to expose it."
"Chief, assistant. Rhino Tandor has pulled out the work he's involved in in the outer court."
"You're working fast, Casio!
"If you praise, praise Claude. Because the" statement "that doesn't pay off is pathetic, so he kept an eye on Rhino's movements and remembered me."
Praised by Casio, Claude's cheeks stained red with a bunch of paper. The promising newcomers of the future are humble without putting excellence on their noses, and the outer chambers secretly thank Mia for developing talent that is difficult.
Three people look through the mountainous material that Claude brings: the room manager, Keith, and Casio.
- The first thing I noticed was Casio.
"Chief, Rhino doesn't have a position in the Royal Palace yet, does he?
"Ah. He's the heir to the Count Tandor family. You won't have to bother doing another job from now on to take over the position of father one day"
"I heard that the eldest son, who plans to take over his parental position, as an assistant beside his father, is a stone to learn to work little by little. So it's not surprising otherwise that foreign ministry-related documents are coming down in Rhino's name..."
What Casio has at his disposal is a document with a stamp from the Ministry of the Interior on it. If the room manager and Keith, who I was told and noticed, confirmed, that would be quite a few.
"Sure, that's weird, huh?
"Oh? But this paperwork, there's no Rhino's name anywhere. In which neighborhood did you decide to be Rhino related?
Claude, who was asked by Keith, pointed to some of the documents indicated. - At the end of the line, the letter at the end of the letter is stretched and bounced long.
"As you can see from the 'statement', Lord Rhino has this habit of stretching and bouncing the last letter of the paragraph for a long time. It's a habit I don't see much else, and it's characteristic, so even if I don't have a name, I know this was written by Lord Rhino. Perhaps your friend who works for the Home Office or someone else helped you with your job?
At the same time as Claude's words are finished, the room manager stands up.
"Keith. Home Office paperwork, who's the author?
"There are many bearers - remarkably, Oleg Magentis."
"Magentis... are you sure it's the Count's house?
"Ah. It's a stable neutral house.... but I don't really hear the name Oleg."
"Count Magentis should have had two sons. Is that the second son?"
Around where personal information even comes up so far with one name, it's horrible that it's an aristocratic society. Personal information confidentiality (privacy), etc.
Claude black-and-white his eyes to seniors whose atmosphere suddenly changed.
"And what happened all of a sudden?
"Claude, who started working and is shallow in the sun, can't help but know. The paperwork to be prepared in the outer house, no matter which province it belongs to, will have to bear the name of everyone involved."
"The assistant is right. If it's a document that understands Rhino's habits, it must be Rhino who wrote it, naturally? No matter how much you help, it's obvious fraud alone, such as a document that doesn't mention the name of the person who wrote it and only leaves the name of the person in charge."
"Yeah, but there's quite a bit of that, isn't there? With the signature and the text inside, obviously the handwriting is different or something..."
"Ah. Probably a modus operandi done by a fool who wants to push a job on a convenient person and single-handedly. - In short, Oleg would also mean someone with a strong ambition in that hand."
"Second son, ambitious.... That's suspicious"
Essentially, in the first-born kingdom of Elland, there have long been instances in which the second son attempted to take the seat of succession or to emerge above the first-born son of the mark. I don't even know the opinion itself that it's not fair for my oldest son to take everything just because he was born first.
Keith is probably not the only one who wants to tell you to be square if you want to get rid of your cunning brother.
"... Shall we look into it? Connect Oleg with Rhino."
"My guess is it's worth looking into."
"I'd also like to know how you two are doing in the social world. Can you ask the Crestors?"
"You're gonna be okay. I'll write to you."
"Tell everyone in the room to look carefully at Rhino and Oleg. I was wondering if the investigation in the Royal Palace would suffice."
If that's the case, it's a quick story. All rise quickly and move out each.
The outer chamber is full of the power characteristic of those who have found what they should be aiming for. - The door was opened untouched.
"Excuse me while you're busy"
Coming in was Alford, head of the King's Kingsguard Knights. With a reputation for his air reading skills, he noticed the indoor vibrancy at a glance, leaning his neck.
Speak to Keith, who happens to be nearby.
"Is something wrong? It doesn't seem like a bad thing."
"Yeah, with an important clue. Alford, what's wrong?
At present, Alford, who refrains as the side of only one king, devotes himself to the king, morning, day and night, which is the separation between public and private. He himself rarely goes out to the outer chamber alone.
To Keith's doubts, Alford grinned lightly.
"My life follows, but with His Majesty's intentions. They want the outer chamber to know as soon as possible."
"... what is it?
From Alford's rhetoric, I assume something is going to happen. Faces that were indoors also seem to be paying attention to the conversation between the two without stopping their work hands.
Without waiting so long, words fell from Alford's mouth.
"His Majesty wants to hold a" feast of stargazing "in the garden of the rear palace, using the middle of the stars and moon as a guide to comfort the boredom of the side rooms and convey the gratitude of the day. If, at the word of Her Majesty, Chief Magnome has already worked out a plan, but only wants to make it inner circle, informal, and therefore requires various procedures in the outer chamber, I would also like the outer chamber to help. - The point is, His Majesty and the side room are the only ones who want to eat in the garden at the end of the year."
The words didn't come out. If you look at the room manager reflexively, he's also surprised with his pompous mouth open. Keith secretly lowered his chest, saying he wasn't the only one.
"... what kind of change of heart?
"I get it. Don't try to know, stay unknown, push forward when you feel like you know. - I've sacrificed so much mourning."
Abstract Alford's words, but in concrete form, reached Keith's, roommates' breasts.
- Right. Has the king noticed?
That the rear palace opened for him, abandoned by him, made it a hell of a place.
That the girl, who, knowing nothing, couldn't resist the waves of the world and became a 'red rose', became the hope of those who suffer at the bottom of hell. Reaching out to those who suffer, and thus upholding not only the rear house, but also the peace of the kingdom.
And to that girl, every trick he himself has done. - Did he find out everything?
I've talked to Juke directly, Keith, so I know. Right now, Juke is probably the most painful time he's ever lived. It should also be hard to breathe knowing the sin of ignorance and knowing that there is an uncompensable past.
... Still, Juke decided. From suffering, don't run away. Face your sins.
Keith's lips have an unmistakable grin. Slowly, he closed his eyes.
"What I don't know, if you notice. You have to start by knowing."
"... can you help me?
"Well, we're busy too."
As I say, I turn to the roommates. 'What do you do?' And just ask with your gaze.
To his inquiry, first and foremost, the manager's bitter laughter returned.
"Keith, don't annoy Lord Commander."
"That's right, assistant. Bad personality."
I went on to get mad at Casio, too. Behind his glasses, Keith soothes his eyes.
"... right?
"Thank you, thank you"
"Tell Your Majesty, please. - We welcome the king who knows ignorance as a sin and has set foot ahead,"
Deep and dark, the king in the abyss of suffering. About one person, affirming him like that, watching him, I'm sure he won't be punished.
Having heard Keith's words, Alford moistened his eyes and just lowered his head deeply. Dropping him off after the room quietly, Keith looks back at the roommates.
"Come on, you're going to be busy. In addition to Rhino and Oleg's investigation, we're going to be able to help with the Stargazing Feast."
Everyone on the spot did feel that the time that had stopped had moved -.
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