Yu Xiao had to show a sense of incomparable enjoyment after being fucked. He murmured, "It's black near the ink?"

Feng Ruchu nodded and said: "Yeah, stranger! The stranger is black! You say that every time he summons me to Jiuzhongdian, he doesn't know what to keep me for a meal, and he doesn't even have a glass of water. Is it inherited?"

Yu Xiao couldn't bear to look straight.

In the end, Yu Xiao hung up on Mo Wushuang's face as if it was not him but someone else who had complained about Feng Ruchu, and he himself interpreted it as if he was eating and drinking soy sauce. Raining me without a stance, silently took out my own small handmade purse.


"Brother, I think it's better to enter my Cloud Palace Holy Realm as soon as possible."

After leaving the porcelain and residence, the three parted ways.

After Feng Ruchu left, Yu Xiao returned to business and raised her concerns.

He said: "Lotus Pond, the trial field, she'fucked' against Feng Mo'er by controlling her injustice and hostility. It is still not the right way to cultivate the Tao. I am afraid that in time, she will be careless and get into trouble."

Mo Qing looked ahead, and didn't show the slightest worry or hesitation because of his words.

He just said coldly, "I'm here, she won't."

Five words, simple and clear, but decisive.


Baiyun Xianshan, outside the Jiuzhong Hall.

Yu Xiao squatted at the entrance of the steps without an image, looking at the waning moon hanging in the air, and he started to hurt the spring and autumn.


"Ling Bai, you said that my senior brother, since the beginning of Hongmeng, has he ever touched his heart in the past tens of thousands of years? Or has he shown special care and tolerance to any woman?

Ling Bai squatted next to him, holding a piece of radish in his hand, making a creaking sound, and said vaguely: "I haven't seen it...but there are a lot of people who are fascinated by the Lord... used to be in the heavens, now in the world. There are also times."

"By the way, isn't the queen of Xiluan country always enamoured of the Holy Venerable? It's a pity that she never had a chance to see the Holy Venerable, except when she met once when she was sealed a hundred years ago."

"I heard that she has lived for a hundred years for the sake of the Lord, and she didn't look for an immortal couple."

Yu Xiao glanced at Ling Bai: "You are a mythical beast, you don't eat meat, what kind of radish do you nibble on?" Then, he grabbed the radish with one hand and took a bite.

Ling Bai's hungry eyes turned green, staring at the turnip and crying in mourning: "I don't know where I have offended the Lord, he told me not to eat meat for a hundred years..."

Yu Xiao looked at Ling Bai with sympathy and pity, frowned in empathy, and said aggrieved: "Me too. I don't know where I offended my brother. Not only does it prevent me from accepting disciples from now on, but I even grabbed my money bag. ."

Ling Bai said in surprise: "What are you doing to grab your money bag?"

The saint ancestor's appearance as a fairy is not a cannibalistic firework. Where can I get silver bars?

Yu Xiao's past is unbearable to look back: "Feng Ruchu said that the patterns embroidered on my money belt are beautiful... The brother even gave her the money belt bag."

"..." Ling Bai: "Sorrow...sorrow..."

When Yu Xiao talked about Feng Ruchu, his whole body was agitated, as if some joints had been opened up, and he quickly said, "You said, brother, will you be touched by Feng Ruchu...?"

Ling Bai was taken aback, then...

"Hahahahahahaha! How could it be possible! Never possible!"

"Holy Venerable Shou and Tian Qi, who have lived for tens of thousands of years anyway, how can they be tempted by a little girl who has not dried her breasts? This is not an old cow who eats tender grass."

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