The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 120: : Forced promotion

Feng Ruchu made a palm print.

I saw that piece of bone-eating flowers in the sea.

A flame of light flew like a huge flaming phoenix tail, blazing, and roaring out, the entire day was dyed into a sea of ​​flames.

Feng Ruchu was ragged and bruised all over.

The girl who is obviously fifteen or six years old, with a thin body and an ugly yellow face, is now in a sea of ​​flames, but she is like a phoenix reborn from Nirvana, dazzling and respectable.

"That...that is..."

"Fire is the spiritual root, the late Yuan Ying."

"Didn't the second lady have no spiritual roots? How could it be."

"She took Xisui Pill."

"But even if she takes the Xisui Pill, she can only help her to form the pill. I am afraid that even the foundation is not stable, how can it be suddenly."

Yu Kui's hard face was dyed into a dark red that is indefinite. He cursed: "He's "milk" or "milk", what kind of forbidden technique did the second lady use, and forcibly broke through... But... this The consequences of a forced breakthrough..."

The worries and discussions have not yet subsided.

Feng Ruchu's amber pupils suddenly opened, twisting four talisman, mixed with his own blood, and plunged into the turned ground.

And as soon as Fulu put the vine, the phoenix tail flying behind her, with flames scorching, all arrows rushed down, and with the curse of Fulu, it instantly gathered into a half-meter thick, five meters thick. What a long fire dragon, it burned crazily.

"Well ...... ah ah Well Well ...... ...... Wu Wuwu" osteoclasts flowers like burned anxious, sent waves of shrill screams, with roots in the path of the flames struggling to twist up.

It’s a pity that the four fire dragons devoured them madly. In addition to the intricate rhizomes, one vine got into the ground and was brought up by another one. For a while, I wanted to escape or drill. A piece of mess that can be "chaotic" has become a state of restraining and pulling each other.

The screams of the bone-eating flowers gradually weakened, and the burning flames gradually extinguished with the scorching of the vines.

However, in the time of half a stick of incense, hundreds of bone-eating flowers have been burned and there is no residue left, and the thick vines are also broken at the touch.

"Second Miss!" Wang Lu ran over anxiously, and helped Feng Ruchu, who had fallen on one knee, to his feet.

Seeing a strand of blood spilling from the corner of her mouth, her face was pale, sweat was raining, and her breathing was very rapid and difficult.

Wang "Lu" was about to cry guilty: "Second Miss, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I shouldn't touch the things here "randomly", I hurt you, woo..."

Feng Ruchu waved his hand and said dumbly: "Sooner or later, they will be aware of the human touch."

These words are not to comfort her. The sensitivity of the bone eaters to flesh and blood is no less than the coveting of cats on dried fish.

Wang "Lu" helped Feng Ruchu under a tree and looked at the remnant soldiers and weak generals beside her. She took out a pill "medicine" from her treasure bag and distributed it to them, saying; Dan, if you eat it, you can repair the wound and recreate flesh and blood."

After speaking, he looked at Wang Lu, and said, "The blood clotting grass and the bone loosing flower, because one is blood clotting, the other is bloodthirsty, so they are very similar. The difference is that the five petals of the blood clotting grass are round and It's smooth, but the eroded flower is oval, and the petals are surrounded by small sharp if you touch it a little bit, your finger will be cut."

The people of the Ksitigarbha sect who had just experienced a moment of life and death looked at the middle-grade pill "medicine" covered with lines in their hands. In addition to their shock, there was a touch of indescribable touch and sorrow.

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