The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 128: : Exactly advance

What's wrong?

Why did Reiki suddenly riot?

She has to try to suppress it.

Use your mind?

Or use Fulu?

In the nightmare, Feng Ruchu couldn't open her eyes at all, but in her subconscious mind she tried to suppress the aura in a non-stop way, but she was getting more and more backlashed. After a while, she felt a layer of cold sweat burst out of her body.

"Qiyun dantian, spirit takes six channels."

"You are going to be promoted."

"Don't use your thoughts to suppress the confrontation, otherwise you will go crazy."

"Try to use the way of entraining qi to draw the spiritual energy into the six channels and gather the dantian."

In my ear, a calm but somewhat indifferent voice sounded slowly, as if I had heard it somewhere.

Feng Ruchu wanted to open his eyes to see clearly, but couldn't wake up.

Who is this person? How could it appear in her nightmare?

Is he instructing how to advance?

She knows him?

There was a lot of confusion and doubt in Feng Ruchu's subconscious mind, but for some reason, the voice was like a curse, giving her irresistible belief.

Sit cross-legged and regain your luck.

Half a stick of incense time.

Only felt that the dantian "bang..." exploded, and the lotus dantian bloomed slightly, lingering in the five faint "colors", after stabilizing, they rushed into the six channels again.

She was promoted!

Really became the consecrated spiritual master!

The physique after promotion is the weakest time, so when many spirit wizards are about to promote, they will choose to retreat, otherwise they will become crazy if they are a little careless.

Feng Ruchu still fell into a nightmare and couldn't wake up.

In the dimness, I only felt a white fuzzy figure squatting beside her, constantly conveying spiritual energy for her, and steady cultivation.

Until the hot air in her body gradually dissipated...


Early the next morning.

The group left the cave early.

Feng Mo'er belonged to the kind of existence who stopped paying attention to Feng Ruchu all the time, wishing that she could take out many of her white hairs to ridicule for a while.

Therefore, when she saw a fluffy ornament on her waist, Feng Mo'er couldn't help but squinted and said: "Feng Ruchu, what is hanging on your waist? Black" "Looking" "Mao" ball? It seems that there weren't there last night, right? Why did I have more of this stuff after a rest night?"

Hearing this, Feng Ruchu looked down, and sure enough, the familiar black "hair" ball was obediently attached to his waist.

Bamboo? When did it come? She didn't notice it? !

Feng Mo'er saw through the surprise and "confusion" in her eyes, and continued: "Could it be something invisible? Let this lady explore..."

"Feng Mo'er, don't touch it!" Feng Ruchu warned sharply, but it was too late.

Feng Mo'er's demon claws have been stretched out, and the moment he was about to catch the black "hair" ball, suddenly the "hair" ball broke free from Feng Ruchu's waist and turned into a black "color" petite The shadow rushed to Feng Mo'er's arm like a ghost.

Only heard a scream of "Ah...".

Feng Mo'er's hands were as white as jade, and they were scratched with five blood stains. They were heavy and deep, and the skin was open and fleshy.

The black shadow fell to the ground lightly, and it was actually a chubby black cat.

It seemed that he didn't have any awareness of doing something wrong. He was sitting next to Feng Ruchu, using his pink tongue to "lick" his own claws that were scraped with flesh and blood.

"Beast, you bastard, how dare you hurt me! I, I have to take your skin and make cat meat soup today!" Feng Mo'er was furious and melted into several ice balls,'Bang Bang Bang Bang...' He smashed it in the direction of the black cat, so he hated not to blow it to pieces.

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