The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 134: : Toast and not eat fine wine

"So are we!"

"And I!"

Many of those who stood up were blessed by Feng Ruchu when he was a demon corpse.

Yida and Gu Shan, as the leaders of the two cases, have never backed down.

Feng Ze walked over, took Feng Ruchu's hand, patted it softly, and said, "Ruchu, brother accompany you."

Once Feng Ruchu entered the battle, his blood was extremely passionate, but his heart was immediately warmed by Feng Ze's irrelevant words.

Seeing that so many people had chosen Feng Ruchu’s camp, Feng Feier looked at Nangong Yan after hesitating and entangled, and said: "His Royal Highness, you are the crown prince of a country. You are not allowed to take any risks. Besides, everyone is still burdened. The burden of re-sealing the enchantment can't be folded here."

"Or, you take a few children and leave first, I'm here to help as much as ever."

Feng Feier speaks nicely, and only she herself knows that if the Warcraft is really aggressive, she will pretend to be seriously injured, take the opportunity to escape, and make peace with Nangong Yan.

Nangong Yan felt that Feng Feier's remark made sense, and he held her hand tightly, with tenderness and worry on his face: "Mayfair, be careful, safety is important."

After that, he glanced at Feng Ruchu again, opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but after hesitating for a while, he didn't say much.

The Beast watched them "force" and "force" to talk for a while, and had no patience. With a big grasp, Feng Mo'er was thrown out.

Feng Mo'er was shocked so far, her internal organs were about to shatter with the magical pressure on her chest, and she slammed into a big tree with a ‘bang...’, breaking the trunk.

Feng Feier rushed up quickly and dragged her to safety for a sip of "medicine".

The limbs and claws of the beast were dancing wildly, and the eyes were as bright and poisonous as lanterns, and the pointed ears were also erected. The black monsters scattered with his dancing, and a pair of black was added. The wings of Lulu instantly stirred a sea of ​​flowers and wind, flying sand and rocks.

"Yan! It turned out to be Jian!" Feng Ze exclaimed.

The shaved people were suddenly shocked.

No one thought that the ancient fierce beast was sealed in this sea of ​​bone-etching flowers in the blood maple forest!

"The seat that I actually knew, it would be considered deadly to understand!" As he said, a pair of wings danced wildly, the black misty mouth was like a whirlpool, and a lightning storm rushed towards everyone.

The devilish energy instantly adsorbed the disciple of the Xuanbing Sect standing on the outermost layer, and he was about to be swallowed gold.

Suddenly a white light flashed, and the floating light silk wrapped the hands of the two of them. Feng Ruchu immediately drew a blood talisman, "Bang Bang..." twice into the roar's mouth.

"Woo...!" No matter how powerful Yan is, it is also a monster. The Xuanmen blood talisman is its nemesis. After the black mist shrank by half a foot, the lantern-like pupils were glowing with ghostly insidiousness, and roared: "Bitch, I think you are worthy of you, so I have to spend weekends with you. If you toast and not eat fine wine, then I will take your first sacrifice!"

As soon as the psychics saw Yan, they rushed down at them furiously, "Boom boom..." It was a fireball, a hockey puck, a sword, and a golden light.

Feng Ruchu generally "fuck" Fu Guangling to save people, while throwing blood talisman to block its attack.

But this ancient monster's body had a layer of scales on its back, like a layer of armor with a strong shield, no magical weapon seemed to cause substantial damage to it.

After several battles, Jian was unscathed, but the disciples of the five major sects were already injured.

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