The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 141: : Zhuer, do you have a crush on the Lord?

He opened his eyes vaguely, and saw that the white-clothed, ethereal figure, already with one hand behind him, had left the bedroom alone.

On the plaque of the sleeping hall, dragons and phoenixes are engraved with three characters.



"Feng Ruchu, the qi returned to his dantian, calm and concentrated."

"You are entangled by the nightmare, and if you don't break through, you will be crazy!"

A familiar voice came from her ears, her body was straightened, her back shook, and a powerful spiritual energy entered her body, forcibly breaking through the nightmare barrier.


When Feng Ruchu woke up again, it was already the next morning.

Zhuer turned into a slap-sized chubby cat, curled up into a black "hair" ball, nestled beside her to sleep peacefully, making a cat's exclusive purr sound.

The fire in front of him went out, with a faint white "color" smoke, and he did not know when he was covered with a white "color" robe.

He stretched out his hand habitually, scratched the black cat's chin, and tugged his beard again.

When the black cat was vigilant, he blew "hair" and scratched her with a paw. In the end, I saw Feng Ruchu's smiling face that was close to it, and suddenly his expression changed and moved back a bit.

The black cat suddenly retracted its sharp paws, so that she would not be stained with five bright red ketchup on her skinny hands.

"Yeah, it's so fierce. You used to be happily rolling on the ground when the branch poked your tail, but now you scratch your chin, but you are not happy?" Feng Ruchu rubbed his chin with one hand, and said "confused". Do you say that cats like being beaten up most?"

The black cat didn't meow, but trembled his beard, and there were some unspeakable depression and embarrassment in the green glass eyes. Feng Ruchu squeezed his robe: "Where did it come from?"

The black cat whispered: "Change..."

"Yeah, you can still change things in the air...Come here, give my sister some silver bills to improve my life, you know my sister is the poorest, and she used to sleep in thatched huts." Feng Ruchu picked up a small piece of paper. The branch will poke the cat's chin again.

The black cat’s soft paws moved a step back, and looked at her with a look of “sorrowful misfortune, anger and indisputableness”: "Do you think I can change what I think? I can only turn the original Things..."

Feng Ruchu nodded clearly, this is a mobile treasure chest!

"Wrong?!..." Feng Ruchu suddenly said, "Why do you have a man's robe?"

I picked it up and smelled it, and there was a faint buckwheat fragrance on it, almost inaudible.

"Stolen from the Ninefold Hall?..."

After that, she felt as if she had discovered a new world, clutching her outer robe and leaning against the black cat suddenly: "Zhu'er, you are a little female cat, and you steal the outer robe of stranger? ...You wouldn't be..."

The black cat stared.

Just listen to Feng Ruchu saying: "Let's have a crush on him?!"

"You're talking nonsense!" The black cat's tail stood up, and the "hairy" was blown up like a hedgehog under attack.

"Oh, let me just say it casually, what kind of tail are you wagging at me! Put it down, put it down, hurry up..." Feng Ruchu stretched out his hand to stroke the root of her tail.

Unexpectedly, the black cat seemed to have eaten a firecracker. He bounced up and hit the back of her hand with a few paws at the speed of the Tmall Meteor Fist.

"You, don't touch, stay away from, you haven't bathed in two days..."

Feng Ruchu:...

Do you think she is dirty? !

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