The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 150: : The artifact recognizes the master

Fingertips were stained with blood from between the foreheads and spotted on the spirit bodies of the twelve spirits. She coldly ordered: "The scepter has been taken by the sage. You will continue to suppress the spring eye when the sage returns. Walk the way, punish the demons!"


No one knows what happened just now.

Like a queen of the war, he was blocked outside the barrier.

From the disappearance of the five "colors" to Feng Ruchu waking up, then subduing the magic scepter, suppressing the devilish energy, a series of processes, as if quietly happening in an illusion and quietly ending, as if a world away.

Until Jiuyouquanyan was suppressed again, the frightening demonic energy of the people in the air disappeared, and the divine power from the ancient spirits dissipated.

The psychic who was resisted, only then woke up from the rest of his life.

"What happened just now?"

"What about the spirit in the scepter? Didn't it have to go to Feng's waste and death place? Why did it suddenly disappear?"

"Why was Jiuyouquan re-sealed?"

"What is the five'colors' in the sky just now? How can there be such a powerful force? How do I think it seems to have penetrated into Feng Ruchu's body?" "And then, what happened?"

The spiritualists started talking in a rush.

"Where is Feng Ruchu? Is she dead!?" Feng Mo'er cared most about Feng Ruchu's life and death, so she asked without thinking.

Yu Kui was the first to rush over and helped Feng Ruchu, who had fallen on the ground "unconscious", touched her nose, and after a heavy breath of relief, he turned and stared at Feng Mo. Er, scolded: "You are dead! Miss Feng Er has a big life, and she has high abilities. No matter what bull, ghost, or snake **** you encounter, she will naturally turn into luck."

Nangong Yan also followed, and after taking a look at Feng Ruchu, whose face was full of blood, he walked to Jiuyouquan, explored it with spiritual power, and muttered to himself, "Where is the divine tool?" Why is it gone!?"

Yida stared at the gold "color" hollow bracelet that appeared out of nowhere on Feng Ruchu's wrist, and looked at a gossip mirror hanging on the small gold chain below, he said solemnly: "The artifact, I have already recognized her as the master."

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! Feng Ruchu is a trash, how could the divine tool recognize her as the master!" Feng Mo'er suddenly exploded, and his dirty and dirty face became distorted with extreme anger.

Feng Feier's eyes were startled, and she was also unbelievable, but her tone was softer: "Senior Brother Yi, can you read it wrong? Feng... Ruchu, how could she conquer the artifact? The spirit in the artifact, no Keep saying what kind of demons she is, do you want to put her to death?"

"Could it be possible that in the enchantment level just now, a foreign race "intervened" to wipe out the ancient spirits? That's why the divine tool recognized the master?"

Feng Feier deliberately emphasized the words ‘Demon Race, Foreign Race’, and between the lines suspected that Feng Ruchu colluded with the Demon Race, seized the artifact and killed the guardian spirit.

"Feng Fei'er, don't you spit people here, the second lady has saved you and the water and fire several times. If she really colludes with the demons, she should watch you stand by while you are killing the devil, and it is your turn. Do you doubt and doubt that here?" Yu Kui unceremoniously went back.

Wang Yu also continued: "That's right, you are 80% jealous of our second lady getting the artifact, and you are not reconciled!"

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