The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 152: : Tsundere's brother

"Hey, wake up so soon? I'll go and see." Yu Xiao closed the folding fan in her hand and got up to go to Xiyuan, but as soon as she took a step, she felt a chilly breath behind her head.

He turned around suspiciously, and saw Mo Qing's indifferent glance at him, then picked up the cup casually and took a leisurely sip of tea.

Yu Xiao's left eyebrow jumped, and tentatively asked, "Senior brother, why don't you go over and take a look? How can I say that it is the master recognized by the wand of Wuyun Town."

Mo Qing didn't respond immediately, but took a sip of tea with an indifferent and cold expression, then put down the tea cup and replied lightly: "Trouble."

But still got up, a flash, no trace.


"Girl, you finally woke up, meow..." The little girl ignored the sage and head standing behind her, as well as the six real men and the Southern Emperor. As soon as she entered the bedroom, she threw herself into Feng Ruchu's arms. Inside, her head kept arching in her arms.

Feng Ruchu had just woke up, her mind was still a little fuzzy, the black male cat in her mind turned into the appearance of the white man, she subconsciously pushed the little girl outside.

The little girl panicked as soon as she saw her move, blinking wet eyes, looking at her innocently and pitifully, and said: "Girl, I am Zhuer? Do you not recognize me? Or don't you want it? Meow? Girl, you can’t don’t want me. If you don’t want me, I will be a wild cat..."

"Zhu'er is not unfaithful, it's not that he doesn't protect the Lord. Zhu'er also wants to follow the girl to the Blood Maple Forest, but halfway through the journey, I don't know which **** was "fascinated" by him. On the haystack...the cat is almost scared to death...meow..."

Zhu'er cried heartbreakingly. It was obviously a wild cat discarded by a cruel owner. In spite of the image, he changed from a little maid to a half-human chubby cat, rolling on the ground, and the bamboo on his head. Ye Du rolled off two pieces and fell to Mo Qing's feet.

Yu Xiao couldn't bear to look straight, holding a fist, covering her lips and coughing: "Well, Xiaozhu, you are also the spiritual pet of the Yungong Holy Realm anyway, worry about the image of Yungong?"

As soon as Xiaozhu heard this, a sharp spirit bounced from the ground, his short and thick hind legs glared to the ground, and jumped to Feng Ruchu's side, and the two front paws were placed in a stance of honesty and straight. The cat's chest, with the cat's head up, sits upright in a straight manner

"Ci Hang, how is Feng Ruchu's body now?" Yu Xiao asked, returning to the subject.

Because of Feng Feier’s relationship, Zhenren Cihang dislikes Feng Ruchu very much. In addition, Xuan Bing’s attitude towards her is so good that it is incomprehensible. Ci Hang is even more hostile and dissatisfied with Feng Ruchu. Up.

But as Yu Xiao's disciple, the master has orders, no matter how big she is, she dare not refuse.

So, telling the truth: “Return to Master, Feng Ruchu’s internal injuries were caused by the acknowledgment of the Lord by the magic rod. After all, the magic wand of Wuyun Town is an ancient artifact, and it is guarded by twenty spirits. It will inevitably be backlashed. Fortunately, the Holy Venerable made a timely move and gifted the spirit pill, which protected her heart, so as not to be burned by the six veins of the divine power.

The empress dowager came out of Cihangzong, she was a sixth-rank refining "pharmaceutical" master in the sky continent, and a seventh-rank psychic master, she helped the Southern Emperor to the throne at a young age and listened to politics until the Southern Emperor had a unique role Ability, retired to the harem, concentrated on practicing.

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