The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 157: : Jiuli Demon Emperor

Feng Ruchu held her chin, sat beside Mo Qing, watching the dim Bai Ling regaining a little bit of life, she couldn't help but spit out: "Why did you say that it is invincible? It was cut on the spot by a golden seal with a mysterious character. It's in two halves, I can't let it go out in the future..."

Xuanzi gold seal.

The four words made Mo Qing's fingertips tremble slightly.

Then, he continued to repair Bai Ling casually.

Feng Ruchu didn't answer when he saw him, and then asked stubbornly: "Also, they all said that the Demon Race of the Blood Maple Forest was sealed by your own hands thousands of years ago. I went in this time and was awakened. Hou Qing, he almost killed him, but fortunately, a red shadow man appeared in time and saved me. Who is the red shadow man and was sealed by you? Do you know him?"

Mo Qing's eyes tightened suddenly.

Between the eyebrows, there was a layer of frost.

The saint has always given people a sense of sacredness that can only be seen from a distance, but not indecent, a little noble, a little lazy, a little indifferent, a little cool, a little cold, a little detached, and no fireworks...

But very rarely, "exposed" such a brutal murderous aura that was almost icy.

Feng Ruchu fully felt this shuddering coldness. She swallowed her saliva and cautiously said: "You really sealed it? Your enemy?"

After a long while, Mo Qing said: "We don't share the enemy of heaven."

This was an understatement, and it seemed that all the coldness had disappeared in an instant, and the heavy six words seemed to be a chattering after dinner.

"He is the ancient demon king, Jiuli."

"Jiu Li?!" Feng Ruchu was obviously startled, and quickly said: "I have heard of him. He is the twelve spirits in the wand of Wuyun Town. When they wanted to put me to death, they said they mentioned it in front of me. Jiuli’s name... said... the breath I said was very similar to him..."

"Mo Qing, tell me, how can I be infected with the breath of the Devil Emperor? The spirit in the town's wand is not silly, is it?"

Although Feng Ruchu's "sexual" son is happy, but his mind is extremely sensitive, especially for the Xuanshu Demon Clan, it can be said that everything is insightful.

From Hong Ying rescued her, to the inexplicable defeat of Hou Qing, and then the twelve spirits wanted to kill her because of the devilish energy, and then to the town magic wand to recognize the lord, especially when Mo Qing was playing the purple phoenix piano just now, he said something 'Exorcising evil nephew, washing the devilish energy'.

These fragmented fragments were linked together, and Feng Ruchu instantly panicked beyond words.

Is there a devil in her body? Or the devil's? But... But why didn't she notice? She is a metaphysician, a slayer, how could she be so devilish without knowing it?

"No." Looking at Feng Ruchu's anxious appearance, Mo Qing's voice was light but extremely firm and replied.

Feng Ruchu's beautiful willow eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and Mo Qing immediately explained with the "sex": "When you exterminated the devil corpses, you were contaminated with the devilish energy on their bodies, and then you met the Jiuli Demon Soul. The demons are regarded as a party, and I use the Purple Phoenix to expel demons for you. This is also the reason."

"So..." Feng Ruchu patted his little heart with one hand, and finally heaved a sigh of relief. As the most rooted and red-haired profound practitioner, the first iron rule of the sect is that you can't associate with evil spirits. Even her own body is covered with devilish energy, it is better to let her hit her head to death, and die early!

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