The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 170: : Nangong Yan is not as good as pigs and dogs

"Feng Ruchu, what do you mean!?" It was Nangong Yan who spoke.

Although he admits that he has the five elements of spiritual roots for the present, the charming Feng Ruchu has such a slight affection, and he can accept her to marry him, and is even willing to obey the queen mother's will and promise her the position of princess.

But Feng Feier is after all a woman she has liked for many years, gentle, sensible, and considerate.

For the sake of myself, even at the mercy of "suicide", the noble one just wanted to accompany him.

Therefore, when Nangong Yan saw Feng Feier whirling with tears in her eyes, she knelt on the ground with all her grievances and asked for the identity of a maid.

However, Feng Ruchu looked sarcasm, cold-blooded and ruthless sitting in the chair and watching with cold eyes.

An anger in Nangong Yan's heart burst out uncontrollably.

I feel that this woman is so vicious and domineering!

Feng Ruchu was very satisfied with Nangong Yan's disgust with her in her eyes, but she was angry. She should have said, "Let her wash her feet?! Didn't she cry and cry and beg to enter the Prince's Mansion to be a foot-washing maid? Then I will She has fulfilled her wish with great compassion..."

"However, as the prince's concubine, the future queen, it is not too much to call a handmaid to wash feet?"

"You!" Nangong Yan regarded Feng Feier as the white moonlight in her heart, and she couldn't bear to call him. How could he let Feng Ruchu call him?

He immediately became furious: "Asshole, when did the prince say you want to make you a concubine!"

Feng Ruchu had a dark face, extremely solemn, and said angrily: "Nangong Yan, you can say it again if you have the ability!"

After all, Nangong Yan is a noble attitude. She was so excited by her that her voice became louder: "What about it, it is rare for you to be the prince! You are also the prince, and the future queen, Feng Ruchu, I will tell you that the prince is married. If a pig marries a dog, you will never marry such a rude and defiant vicious woman!"


A clear and loud sound.

Feng Ruchu slapped on the table and stood up neatly: "Okay! Good point!"

"Queen dowager, emperor, saint, dear people, what you heard just now is truly true, Nan Gongyan, the prince of Nanqiu State, is in front of everyone and said that even if he marries a pig and a dog, he will not marry me!"

"If in the future the Prince Nangong or the Nanqiu royal family entangle me again."

"Then you Nangong Yan is not as good as a pig and a dog!"



This flipping made almost everyone stunned and caught off guard.

Especially Nangong Yan, who still kept her blue veins bulging, was so angry that she opened a pair of dead fish eyes, and she was immediately speechless by her "routine".

"I..." After reacting, I realized that from the beginning of the fight, Feng Ruchu was "forcing" himself to "reject" the marriage ceremony.

Feng Ruchu raised his eyebrows at Nangong Yan, with a triumphant expression on his face: "Prince Nangong, don't you, me, in front of the Lord, you disciples and grandchildren can't speak and believe. You lost your master. And the face of Jin Gangzong."

As he said, he cast a flying eye at the stranger who was sitting on the side: "Right, Lord Saint!"

Mo Qing helped his forehead and sighed helplessly.

Cunning little thing.

But what is good.

Seeing the people in this hall blushing and having nothing to refute, Feng Ruchu was proud.

The tail was raised, the chin was raised, and there was no humble attitude. He smiled and said, "If there are no other orders, I will leave first!"

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