The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 185: : Are you afraid of the resurgence of her and me?

The phantom beneath Hong Ying's shallowness seemed to tremble slightly during this astonished pause.

Feng Ruchu looked at him several times with shocked eyes. After a long while, he took a breath of cold air, and his voice trembled slightly: "...Devil Emperor!"

"...The Demon King?" Hong Ying's tone seemed to have some indescribable self-deprecation and loss, and he sighed long and heavy: "Three thousand and I are still like this after all...I know you. You forgot about me..."

This is strange, as if there should be some ties between them.

Feng Ruchu was puzzled and asked: "What makes you know me, but I forgot you, should I remember you? You are a demon king, and I..."


It is a pity that the Demon Emperor only said one word.

Mo Wushuang suddenly swept over with a blank blade, completely interrupting the Demon Emperor's next words.

At the same time, the buckwheat on the fingertips floated with a light pink "color" light, hitting Feng Ruchu's forehead, the next second, she rolled her eyelids and passed out.

Mo Wushuang wrapped her in his arms with one hand, turned slightly to the side, and blocked her firmly within his body, blocking the Demon Emperor's gaze, even if it was his breath.

"Moqing, are you so afraid that she will remember the past? Afraid that she will rekindle the old relationship with me?" The Demon King's voice exuded lazy ridicule.

Mo Qing raised her eyes slightly, her eyes and voice were icy and impersonal: "Old love? You are referring to the old love, you have deceived her, deceived her, used her, betrayed her, even if you die. she was……?"

With these words, the fierce Demon Sovereign suddenly became fierce and roared fiercely; "What do you know! What we said, we must live and die together! If it weren't for you, if it wasn't for you to use her to deal with me, why should I be sealed in? Three thousand years in the blood maple forest! Why did she almost disappear!"

"Since you guys don't let me live, I have to drag her to die with me!"

"With her by my side, the emperor is willing to fall forever."

The hand dropped to his side, uncontrollably clenched into a fist.

Mo Qing lowered his eyes and looked at Feng Ruchu, who fell asleep on his shoulders. The dirty face of the little girl couldn't hide her delicate and lovely face, as if it overlapped a thousand years ago.

After a long while, he said: "Never again." The voice, some unspeakable low and trembling, unspeakable pain.

The Demon Emperor raised an eyebrow and chuckled: "Naturally, you will not repeat the same mistakes you made three thousand years ago, and you will watch her die with me for the sake of your so-called Three Realms safety and defense of the Three Realms..."

"Otherwise, why would you risk the world, forcibly leave her a ray of soul soaked in the emperor's devilish energy, establish a capital for her, and send her into reincarnation?"

"I even don't hesitate to ruin my tens of thousands of years of cultivation, break my own heavenly way, and wait for her reincarnation in this world."

"Vast Sky..."

"Bang!..." A loud noise interrupted the Demon Emperor's endless chatter.

Mo Qing was dressed in white clothes, and the silver "color" hollow mask that covered half of his face exuded a chilling cold light. The deep eyes under the mask rarely set off a cold surging, and the silver on his left wrist The bell rustled.

Countless pieces of buckwheat swept the strong spirit towards the direction of the demon emperor.

The stone statues, beams and pillars, broken beams and roof, the entire ruined temple collapsed instantly with the powerful vibrato, flying sand and rocks.

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