The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 188: : Lord, your vest is off!

The Queen didn’t believe it at all, and was so severe: “There’s a lot of nonsense, the spiritualist fights in the lower realm, how much cultivation level does it take to penetrate the heavens and shake Lingxiao?”

The immortal replied with his hand over his hand: "Qing Tianhou, according to Tianchi, that spiritual power comes from the blood maple forest."

The emperor and queen were taken aback for a moment, and even the immortals in the whole dynasty were whispering and restless.

"Blood Maple Forest? Isn't that the place where the Demon Emperor was sealed more than 3,000 years ago?"

"Yes, it's still sealed by the Ancient God's Soul Dispersion, how can it appear in such a turbulent "turbulence"?"

"Could the seal be broken? The Demon King was born?"

"But if it is really a Demon God, with his hatred of the heavens, he should have entered the High Heaven Hall long ago, so how could he just do evil in the Blood Maple Forest?"

"Could it be true that mortals have this cultivation level?"

"Then it should have risen to an immortal, how could it have not caused thunder disaster?"

The Emperor of Heaven listened to the discussions of all the immortals, his expression became more serious, whether it was a mortal hiding his cultivation base and escaping the thunder robbery private lower realm, or the damage of the seal of the blood maple forest, it is a matter that cannot be underestimated.

"Send someone to the lower realm to find out."


When Feng Ruchu woke up, he was lying in the bedroom of Nanyuan.

Mo Wushuang sat on a soft couch not far away, propped his forehead in one hand, and held the ancient book in the other. On the case, the three-legged tripod was curled with green smoke, and the blue and white porcelain cup next to him was filled with fine tea, the tea was already cold. , But it is still full.

Hearing the movement on the bed, he calmly didn't even lift his eyelids: "Awake?"

"Yeah." Feng Ruchu was not surprised that this man would appear in his bedroom, stretched lazily, and said, "I just didn't sleep well and had a dream."

Mo Wushuang did not respond, and seemed not interested.

Feng Ruchu said again: "Dream that your vest fell off."

Mo Wushuang: ...? ? ? ?

I didn't understand the meaning of "the vest is off", so I listened to Feng Ruchu's small and playful lips lightly opening, and said two words: "mocha."

Mo Wushuang shook the fingertips of the ancient book involuntarily.

He pursed his lips, but did not answer.

Feng Ruchu looked like "You were pierced by me and you were dead", got up from the bed, and said, "Holy Master, you are boring... The glue can't stick to it, so you still pretend to me, "I can't get any melons in the rain"?..."

"Wearing a layer of black'hair' for a while, a cat's head pendant for a while, and a double salary for a while, are you a gourd baby?"

Mo Wushuang really couldn't fully understand the weird words the little girl said, but she saw through her hidden identity.

Since there is no need to continue to pretend, he waved with one hand and changed his original appearance.

Still fluttering in white clothes, immortal appearance, three thousand silver hair untied, and a silver mask on the right face concealed the grace.

"How did you detect it?" He has been pretending very well, even squeezing the air down.

Feng Ruchu blinked and said, "I didn't notice it, I just talked casually, scam you... I didn't expect to scam you!"


Hey... I accidentally fell into her trap!

Seeing Mo Qing's kind of scolding but unable to open his mouth, wanting to punch but unable to lift his hand, Feng Ruchu smiled without fear of death, and said, "Oh, don't always put on a poker face, a little bit angry. Don't should learn more from Yuxiao's head, you see his "sex" personality is very good, and I can also play."

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