The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 190: : Official X is the most terrible

"It's just that what I can't figure out is, why did you faint me in the illusion? Brother vest?" Feng Ruchu asked again.

Mo Qing quickly accepted and understood the new name of'Brother Vest', he said: "The deity is worried about fighting against the Demon King. The powerful spiritual power will shock you on the spot, so first seal your spiritual knowledge. ."

Feng Ruchu:...

The official X is terrible!

It's so serious and righteous.

She doesn't want face as a rookie? ! Will he be pricked again and again by this great god? !

Forget it, can't beat him! Pretended not to hear.

Feng Ruchu exerted his strong Aq spirit, shielded the unfamiliar pretence, and said: "But listening to the tone of the Demon King, he seems to know me, it is impossible to be like this..."

Feng Ruchu bit her lip, and almost took off her waistcoat inadvertently. Fortunately, she responded quickly and immediately repaired it: "Could it be that my handicapped picture, when I was mentally disabled, did I have any intersection with that Demon Emperor?"

"No." Mo Qing replied decisively.


"What the Demon Sovereign is best at is to create something out of nothing, so as to'confuse' people's hearts."

"For example, dreams, illusions, make you feel the same, thinking that those illusions have happened in the past."

"Don't be "confused" by him, otherwise, it will be "swinging" with agility at light, and madness at the heavy."

Mo Qing said three sentences in a row, with a serious tone and a solemn expression. It seemed that the words of the Demon King'bewitching people's hearts' had particularly aroused his attention and tension.

Feng Ruchu remembered that when he met Hou Qing, he fell into a nightmare in the cave. The little girl and boy seen in the dry well, also hung on the plaque of the'Ninefold Hall', facing the unconscious'Xuan'er' who was spitting out the teacher uncle'……

Could it be that these were all illusions that were caused by being too close to Jiuyouquan and being invaded by the Demon Emperor?


"Lord, Lord, spare your life!!"

In the devilish blood maple forest, the bright red maple leaves dance wildly in the black wind.

The devilish energy around the black-clothed man was like a flood that opened the gate, uncontrollably dispersed, gradually "showing" pale faces, the corners of the bloodless mouth, and a puff of blood.

He was slapped on the maple trunk with a palm and fell heavily.

Dare not luck, dare not heal.

Instead, while clutching his heart that was about to be shattered, he knelt on the ground in fear and begged for mercy.

The Demon Sovereign's red light made a loud noise, and his eyes exploded in the black mist, obviously moving in anger.

"You have eaten Xiongxin Leopard's courage, how dare you to intercept Feng Ruchu!"

The cold sound like a knife slashed into the ears of the man in black, and he was so frightened that he immediately squatted on the ground, kowtowing to admit his mistake: "The subordinate did not dare, the subordinate did not intercept her. Capture the wand of Wuyun Town, help the Lord break the seal and return to the world!"

"For me? Huh..." The Demon Emperor snorted coldly, as if looking down at the ants: "If the emperor wants to have the wand of Wuyun Town, he only needs to move his fingers, and it is up to you to make an opinion? Strange feelings?"

"Fortunately, Feng Ruchu is safe, otherwise, the emperor will surely let your soul fly away!"

In the end, another red light slammed into the black man's chest and flew him directly.

The man in black was beaten with three souls and seven souls unstable, and his meridians were almost broken. He just wanted to kneel down again to beg for mercy, and a pill was thrown at his feet.

"If it wasn't for your value, the emperor would have sacrificed you to my soul-burning cauldron!"

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