The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 203: : Cut his arm

Angrily said: "Senior guest? Huh... just because she is your Young Master Jiang's guest, can you humiliate my Guo family like this? Even in front of everyone, cut my son's finger with a knife?"

"Young Master Jiang, don't forget, in terms of seniority, I am your elder, and we are a family. You have embarrassed me over and over again for an unknown outsider, you..."

Jiang Li glanced at Guo Yang.

He was sitting on Guo Weiyu's wooden couch, surrounded by several maidservants. He was hurriedly giving him "medicine" for a while, and then bandaging him.

The root of the index finger was cut off, and even though he had applied Zhixue San, it still kept bleeding out.

The whole person seems to be dizzy with pain, his face is pale and cold sweat is flowing.

Jiang Li retracted his gaze and looked sideways at Xiang Fengruchu: "Girl Feng, what is going on?"

Feng Ruchu pursed his lips and said, "He deserves to die."

"Feng, you..." Guo Cheng was furious, raising his sword to kill him.

Jiang Li waved his hand and a red light flashed, slamming him several meters away.

"Say it." Jiang Li looked at the maids who were serving Feng Ruchu, a touch of impatientness was already evident between his eyebrows and eyes.

The two little girls looked at each other for a moment, and one of the older ones stood up, and tremblingly explained the whole matter.

"Miss Feng wanted to leave several times, but she was stopped by Miss Cousin, and then they started fighting..."

"Finally, Miss Feng's veil was knocked off. When Young Master Guo saw that Miss Feng was so "sexy", he... just... expressed a few words... He wanted to bring Miss Feng back to Guo's house..."

"As for Young Master Guo's big hands...maybe it is because Miss Feng looked at Young Master Guo a little irregular, so she was impulsive..."

The maid had said very tactfully.

But when Guo Yang heard this, he jumped up from the wooden couch in excitement, ignoring half of his fingers, and rushed up cursingly.

"You're so bloody, when did Laozi behave badly to her? I just want to "touch" or "touch" her face. What's wrong?"

"Don't talk about a little mage in the fusion stage, in my Xiyang territory, a master in the out-of-aperture stage, as long as my young master Guo gives an order, who can't rush to drill on my bed?"

"It's her blessing that I can see her."

"Besides, women are beautiful, isn't it just for men to play..."


Before he finished his words, a heart-piercing scream resounded through the entire "Medicine" Wanggu.

Guo Yang pointed at Feng Ruchu's hand, which was chopped off by a dark red blade in the blink of an eye, splashing blood on the spot.

Originally, there was only one severed finger lost in the soil, but now, his arm is alive, and the blood vessels under the fleshy skin are still beating suddenly, hot and bloody.

Guo Yang fell a few steps back after being chopped by the sharp blade, and finally he was supported from behind by the rushing mother Guo, before he barely stood firm.

"Yang'er..." Mother Guo screamed, her face turned pale, and she tremblingly said: "You bear it, mother will call the doctor, then the doctor..."

"Doctor, where's the doctor! Where are all the doctors in Wanggu'medicine'? Come and see my son, come and save my son!"

"Medicine" Wanggu is everywhere and there are "medicine" doctors everywhere, but it is their young master who can do it, and no one dares to make a strong point in this section.

"Kill them out of the "Medicine" Wanggu. From now on, without my instructions, no one from the Xiyang Guo family is allowed to step into my "Medicine" Wanggu!"

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