The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 205: : Are you interested in Jiang Li?

Ci Hang sharply and furiously reprimanded: "Feng Ruchu, why are you here? Who allowed you to appear in my "Medicinal" Wanggu! Get out, get out of me immediately!"

Feng Ruchu pulled out his ears, rolled his eyes and muttered, "You said, why do you guys like to let people go so much? It seems that you're familiar with driving lightly after you have practiced so well."

"As before, don't be unreasonable to the master." Feng Feier took the posture of the eldest sister and educated.

When Feng Ruchu saw Feng Feier, his surprised eyes opened, and the beautiful and smart eyes were only a surprising sheen. She said: "Ah... this is not a country of Nanqiu who jumped into the eight lakes with hatred for the resignation of Prince Nangong. The first beauty?"

"What? The rotten fish and stinky shrimp in your mouth are digested? Is it transformed into fertilizer to continue to nourish your Tianshan snow lotus?"

"But you really had to hug your master's thighs as the duck's neck puckered fiercely. Don't you know that when the Nangong royal family was about to divorce you, your master almost splashed blood on the spot, grabbing the ground with his head, that posture is better than She went to catch-j by herself and was filled with righteous indignation while she was in bed, turning her anger into anger."

The Nangong imperial family had retired from her, and there was a lot of rumors. Until now, the imperial family had never thought of giving up on marrying Feng Ruchu to Nangongyan, let alone being reset to fight.

This has always been the saddest and most humiliating event in Feng Feier's heart.

Only because she is a true lover of Cihang and a Grade 4 "pharmacist", no one dares to poke her spine behind her back.

Who knew that he would meet Feng Ruchu in Wanggu of "Yao", and in front of so many people, he would shake the matter out.

Feng Feier's lotus face, not to mention how embarrassing, how sad and angry. Although Feng Feier can't wait to skin Feng Ruchu for cramps, she always hides her sinister thoughts and emotions very well.

She first bowed slightly to the real person Cihang, and said sensibly: "The master has worked hard for Faye. Faye will not forget this kindness in this life. You must keep it in your heart without reminding your sister."

"It's just that my sister is curious, why did my sister show up here? I don't remember that the master invited you."

"I invited her here." Jiang Li "interrupted".

"Naughty!" Real Ci Hang reprimanded: "Three days later, my "Medicine" Wanggu will fight the pill meeting. Then the Sovereign Lord will come, and you will bring a waste into the valley and hurt Guo Yang. What do you want to do!?"

When Guo Weiyu saw that real Ci Hang seemed to have a rift with Feng Ruchu early, he quickly "interrupted" and said: "Not only that, my cousin even needs her to go in and out of the treasure garden freely, and he gave her the Xuanyuan..."

When Master Ci Hang heard this, his angry hand teased, and Fuchen almost couldn't hold it. She stared at Feng Ruchu's angry eyes like two pig cages, wishing to drown her.

She was furious: "You are something of "sex" Yang Hua, you are not enough to seduce Prince Nangong, and now you still think of harming Jiang Li, don't think you are a goddess of five spiritual roots and dare not move you, if you dare You are half thinking about Jiang Li, this seat is bound to break you into pieces!"

Guo Cheng kept his head down and sighed, thinking to see if True Person Cihang could shame himself and drive Feng Ruchu out.

Who knows, Guo Cheng's eyes lit up when he heard the words "Five Linggen Goddess"!

Feng Ruchu has an arrogant "sex", the least afraid of is to talk to others, and he is always reluctant to scold him.

She picked a black moon grass from the basket, dangled it in her hand, and sneered.

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