The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 210: : Guo Yang prescribes medicine

"And Jiang Li will stop thinking of Feng Ruchu and accept me again."

"At that time, there will be a goddess behind you, the entire prime minister's mansion, Fengze Fengfeier, and my "medicine" Wanggu."

"Don't say it's in the realm of Xiyang, even the entire Canglan Continent, the Guo family is the first family that no one dares to mess with."

After listening to this, Guo Yang finally put away the attitude he had just strongly rejected, but he hesitated, he said: "Then... Then, Jiang Li and Nangong Yan, will they kill me?"

Guo Weiyu waved his hand and immediately arrived: "Absolutely not! My sister promises you! With real Cihang, she will definitely protect you!"

"Besides, when you and Feng Ru’s new-born rice cook mature rice, what's the use of them even if they kill you? Feng Ruchu is not a member of our Guo family? At that time, let the uncle go to Fengfu to hire him. The sedan chair greeted her into the mansion, which also gave her a lot of face."

"Feng Fei'er is right, woman, if she really has a skin-to-kin relationship with any man, in this life, she can only admit her fate, otherwise, who else does she expect to ask her to be a stubborn willow? "

While talking, Guo Weiyu took out a porcelain bottle, handed it to Guo Yang, and said: "The "medicine" in it is not "color" and tasteless. You just need to open the bottle and drip from Feng Ruchu's roof. Two drops, less than half a stick of incense, I promise she will follow you."

"When the time comes, I will help you remove all the people from the Profound Court in advance, and no one will interfere with you."

Guo Yang held the bottle tightly.

Bitch, dare to break his finger? !

Let her taste the taste of crying for mercy under him tonight!


Feng Ruchu studied the pill recipe, and didn't feel a little sleepy until the age was over.

She just took off her coat and was about to rest, but at this moment, she heard the sound of tiles coming from the eaves. The sound was extremely small. If it hadn’t been for her to take Xisui Pill, she would not be sensitive or even not sensitive. Will detect it.

Feng Ruchu pretended to continue to undress and untie, while following the bronze mirror on the table, he looked towards the roof.

Sure enough, a tile was lifted up, and a face on the roof looked like a thief, and he looked inside. Seeing Feng Ruchu standing by the bed, wearing only a snow-white shirt, he was about to go to bed. Carefully took out a "medicine" bottle, and poured two drops of "medicine" water into the room along the gap.

Catch-thief-take-booty, catch-"rape"-catch-double.

Feng Ruchu didn't stun the snake, but chose to lie on the bed, shut down his five senses, and pretended to be "lost".

Sure enough, after half a cup of tea, there was a few more rustling tiles on the roof, and then the person who ordered the "medicine" finally jumped into the bedroom.

"Little bitch, it fell into my hands. You have the ability to get up and cut me like the day..."

"The most disgusting thing about this young master is that you have such a small hooves that you look upright and have no one in your eyes."

"After waiting tonight, this young master wants to see if you are still hard, huh, let you kneel at the feet of this young master!"

It was Guo Yang! ?

Oh, he was chopped off in the afternoon and his arm was still not stopped, how dare he break into her Xuanyuan to "medicine"?

Guo Yang insulted and saw Feng Ruchu lying there motionless, even with his eyes closed, but the beautiful face and delicate skin were still "fascinating" Guo Yang, especially wearing only a thin middle. Dressed, she can faintly see the graceful curves under her clothes, which are slowly rising and falling following her light breathing...

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