The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 212: : Alarming Yaowanggu

"Feng Ruchu, you slut, my Guo family looks at Young Master Jiang's face, and has tolerated you three and four times, but you don't know what is good or bad. You are getting tougher. Now even my son..."

"I... even if my Guo Cheng exhausts the entire Guo family, I will smash you into pieces!"

Guo Cheng was really annoyed. His eyes were staring and he couldn't wait to protrude, his eyes were bloodshot, and he gritted his teeth. If it weren't for him to remember that he was a human being, he could not wait to rush forward and crush Feng Ruchu into Tunjin's belly.

Feng Ruchu stood in the middle of the rainy courtyard without changing her "color", the cold ice blade in her hand was glowing with a cold light, dripping with blood, amidst the swaying bonfire, she wore a quiet white dress fluttering in the wind, The cuffs and hem of the skirt were all scarlet, and even half of his white jade face was splashed with blood.

It's like Manjusawa in hell.

Beautiful, but gloomy.

"I'm getting harder, huh..." Feng Ruchu sneered: "From Taniguchi, you coveted my defensive artifact, to Gu Zhongguo Weiyu framed me for stealing and started doing it with me. I chopped off a finger of him, and the small punishment and the big admonition not to you Don't worry, you guys would dare to "drug" me in my room?"

"Cut off his lifeblood and let the Guo family cut off your children and grandchildren. That is because of Jiang Li's face. Otherwise, do you think you can still live and let me throw it in front of you! ?"

"You are spitting blood, how can I give you "medicine" if my son wants a woman!" Guo Mu angrily scolded.

The surrounding people who ate melons also started to whisper in response to Guo's mother.

"That's right, the Guo family is also the first family in Xiyang anyway. How can someone give me "medicine" if there is no woman?"

"That's it, I don't think this little girl is special, but a low-level spiritualist in the fusion stage, but she looks a little more beautiful. It is impossible to let Young Master Guo give her "medicine", right?"

"I heard that this woman was brought in by the young master. She lives in the Xuanyuan. In the afternoon, she had a fight with Miss Biao."

"Do you think it's possible that she wanted to compete with Miss Biao for the young master's wife, so the two had a suspicion, so they framed Young Master Guo and dealt him cruelly? In order to avenge Miss Biao? "

"It's possible, very likely."

Zhenren Ci Hang once had a cousin who married Guo Cheng’s younger brother. Later, Ci Hang was conspired to save her. The cousin over there sacrificed herself to save her. Within two years, Guo Cheng’s brother also died, leaving only A Guo Weiyu without a father or mother.

Really Ci Hang expressed his gratitude to his cousin Grace, so he took Guo Weiyu to Wanggu "Yao" and raised him with him, and he deliberately waited for her to grow up in the future and promised Jiang Li as his wife.

According to this relationship, the Guo family and "Yao" Wanggu are in-laws, while Guo Weiyu is the niece of True Man Cihang.

Therefore, the big guy naturally spoke to the Guo family, and included Feng Ruchu, a little-known, powerless, and background-less Feng Ruchu among the ranks of unpredictable intentions.

When Zhenren Cihang heard the news, his whole person was almost puffed up with smoke, and he appointed more than 20 spiritualists who had been trained to rush to the Light Rain Academy.

Seeing Guo's mother crying and almost fainted, Guo Yang was lying dying in a pool of blood.

Feng Ruchu, the instigator, stood in the middle of the courtyard proudly, holding the dagger that stabbed Guo Yang in his hand, and said without shame, "Guo Yang is dirty." ’

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