The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 333: : Doudan Conference (1)

True person Cihang has always loved Guo Weiyu. After all, she has been raised by her side since she was a child, and her parents have saved her life.

True person Cihang was not willing to really blame her.

Stooped, helped Guo Weiyu up, and sighed: "Okay, how can I not know your filial piety... It's just the holy will that is unpredictable. Although Guo Yang has been punished, will the Lord's anger be implicated on you? I can’t guarantee that if the Lord insists on asking you and Guo’s family, I’m afraid my aunt won’t be able to keep you."

Guo Weiyu's tears were falling, and he murmured: "The saint ancestor, that he... will he really anger me? You are the real Cihang... In this "medicine" Wanggu, don't the Lord need to care about you? face?"

Ci Hang gave a bitter smile, shook his head, but did not dare to be disrespectful, and said: "My face? If the Lord really cares about this, he will not crush Guo Yang's soul in front of me... He is My uncle is correct, but he is also the only saint who crosses the robbery in this Canglan Continent..."

"You have to know, the true gentleman fits together, don't be insulted."

"What's more, it's a saint who crosses the robbery?"

"In front of him, use this kind of indiscriminate means."

"No wonder he gets angry."

When the spiritualist breaks through the combined state, the Yang God, Yuan Ying, Yin God, and Deity are combined into one.

Consummation of merit has entered the rules of heaven.

Therefore, this is the reason why the true person of the six combined realms in Canglan Continent is highly respected.

Guo Weiyu was paralyzed, tearing his eyes: "Then, what should I do?"

Master Ci Hang pondered for a moment, and said, "Tomorrow morning, I will send someone to take you back to Xiyang to avoid the limelight for a while, and when this is over, the Holy Venerable will be relieved, and then I will take you back."

Guo Weiyu bit his lip, seeming reluctant, but when he thought that it would be the Doudan Conference two days later, and Feng Ruchu would look up and look down, in case the woman grabbed her and held on to it again. I'm not so lucky.

So, he nodded and agreed.


In the Canglan Continent, like Feng Ruchu, those who practiced first- and second-grade pill "medicine" were actually not a minority. Almost every family had to worship one or two low-level "medicine" masters.

However, a graded "pharmacist" needs to pass the pill-fighting meeting held every five years by the Ci Hangzong to get from the wild to the right. ’

For the "Pharmaceutical" masters, it is in front of the people of the world and obtained the authority certification; for the Ci Hangzong, it can also recruit more high-grade "Pharmaceutical" masters and join the "Medicinal" King Valley.

In every bold meeting, apart from inviting the participating "pharmacists", royal families, families, and sects from all over the world are also invited... The invitation letter is eloquent, either rich or precious, and nothing is not. There are people with faces in the land of Lan.

In addition to ensuring fairness, justice and openness, after the alchemy is over, there will be a round of auctions to auction off the pill "medicine" refined by the "medicine" master.

It can be said to serve multiple purposes.


The venue for the alchemy meeting was set up on a huge square in the center of the "Medicine" King Valley.

In the center is a square arena, which can accommodate hundreds of "medicine" masters to work together.

On the opposite side of the ring, there is a comfortable and gorgeous red sandalwood hollow golden velvet throne for two people to sit on. In front of the throne is a pear-wood table, and a cup of top-quality tea is overflowing with fragrance. Dingqing smoke lingers, it can be seen that the extreme attention.

Next to the throne, on the left are the positions of Yu Xiao and the real figures of the six great sects; on the right are the royal families of various countries. For example, the noble empress of the Eastern Luan Kingdom, Yao Huan, is the first on the right, and Nangong Yan is Crown Prince Nanqiu was among them.

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