The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 339: : Lord, borrow some money

For the first time, Feng Ruchu discovered that relying on the face also has the benefits of relying on the face. At least when she played, she brought her own bgm, which was huge. If she hadn’t come through her soul, she almost suspected that Feng Feier had taken the female script at this moment. exist.

However, what she was more interested in was the last person who said, ‘it’s your code. ’

Feng Ruchu squatted by the ring, grabbed a young man who was serving tea, and asked, "Hey, brother, let me know something. What did that person say just now are overwhelming?"

The young man naturally knew that Feng Ruchu was Jiang Li’s distinguished guest, and respectfully said: “Ms. Feng knows something. Every time we fight the pill meeting, these family princes are boring, and they will be optimistic about themselves at the beginning of each round of grade fighting pill. The alchemist places a bet."

When Feng Ruchu snapped his fingers, he understood: "Gather-Crowd-Gamble-Bo-Well!"

Xiao Si froze, this...

Feng Ruchu immediately said: "Where to bet, I will go too!"

Xiao Si: "...outside the square, turn left."

Seeing that Feng Ruchu was about to jump off the ring with her skirt, the young man hurriedly said, "Girl, where are you going?"

Feng Ruchuxin Avenue: "Go bet! How can you miss such a good opportunity to get rich?"

Xiao Si:...

This is the first time I saw contestants participate in betting.

"Well... the game will start before half a time, and the rule of the Dan Dou competition is that once you step onto the ring, you can't take a step out of the ring unless you abandon the game."

Feng Ruchu blurted out, "What if it's urgency?"

Xiao Si:...

Stuttered: "'Urine'...that...the one who can stand in the least is a third-grade "pharmacist", so the cultivation base..."

The implication: It's easy to hold a "urine".

Feng Ruchu's gaze couldn't help turning to the moonlight gauze curtain on the high platform.

Involuntarily slandered in his heart: How much did you have to hold back the sage of Mo Qing? Kidney deficiency? ...

"Girl?" Seeing Feng Ruchu's tangled and worried expression, the young man couldn't help calling out.

Feng Ruchu waved his hand, which made him retreat.

Hey... I'm very worried about not letting myself bet to make money!

After pondering for a while, she secretly tore off a light yellow cloth strip from the skirt, pinched it a few times, and squeezed it into a butterfly enough to fake it, and drew a few more on it. With the pen talisman, the butterfly cloth strips danced to the high platform and floated into the moonlight yarn.

"Holy Lord? Dear Lord Lord?"

"What's the matter?"

With a bang, Mo Qing knew that Feng Ruchu had used Butterfly to communicate with him.

The butterfly made of skirt cloth strips saw that the two of them could talk normally, and when they were happy, they landed on his shoulders, and also brought a layer of gray stains from the "medicine" furnace.

The holy master, who is so obsessed with cleanliness that Virgo, did not take the initiative to sweep the cloth strips on the ground. Instead, he pretended to be dead and stuck it on his white robe, and pulled his shoulders with a pair of wings. Lean on your face.

Butterfly said at the beginning: "Well, do you have any silver in your body?"

Mo Qing: "..."

Butterfly Chu: "Do me a favor... Turn left outside the square and place a bet for me... I'll win this bet."

Mo Qing: " can't rest assured? Do you still want to take part in the gambling?"

The butterfly drooped its wings and said, "I am not poor! The poor can't even afford new clothes..."

"Furthermore, you can see that when the "pharmacists" appeared on the stage, there were so many support groups from relatives and friends. I just asked, Feng Feier's bet was reduced to one hundred thousand taels, even that Qianzhi was eighty. Eight thousand and two thousand, but I didn't even have a fan support group. I was very worried at first, and it has seriously affected my next round of performance."

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