The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 335: : Who said I was eliminated?

Feng Ruchu sneered: "Worry about me? Since I'm worried that I can be distracted, why don't I use a hint of aura to suppress my furnace when the flames are just getting started? Your worry is just talking about it, or you just turned off the fire. Don't dare to admit that I'm overwhelmed, so I hurriedly bind me to give you back?"

Feng Feier's face was pierced, and her face became more and more ugly, but she pretended to look like a weak Liu Fufeng, biting her lip with tears, and she looked pitiful and innocent.

Feng Ruchu sneered and said, "It's useless to cry. The Canglan Continent always respects the strong. If you fail, you have failed. No matter how many excuses and reasons you find, you won't be able to cry out a fifth-grade alchemist certification."

"Feng Feier, you are eliminated!"

"Heh..." A sneer, abruptly heard, Yao Feifei's Danfeng eyes exuded a little bit of unkindness, and sneered: "Feng Ruchu... a powerful Canglan Continent is respected, a fusion spirit wizard, actually Dare to speak so boldly in front of the Lord, the head, the six real people, and the heroes in the world."

"Feng Feier has failed, but she has survived until the final pill becomes successful. If it weren't for your influence, her qualifications as a fifth-grade "medicine" master would have passed."

"Not only do you not feel guilty, but you are still in trouble here."

"Don't look at who made the alchemy to the fryer just now, as if you had failed."

Feng Ruchu smiled: "Who said I failed!?"

With that said, he took a branch from the side and rummaged it a few times among the messy "medicine" **** and furnace shards, and saw several litchi-sized pills of "medicine" scattered in it.

The "medicine" **** and shards all over the ground, along with the heavy smoke billowing just now, the big guy's attention was all on the fryer, and no one paid attention to the residue on the ground.

At this time, I was provoked by Feng Ru. The entire square was plunged into a panic of shock.

"That...that is the finished pill "medicine"!?"

"How could it be possible that it was fryered just now, how could it be possible to produce a finished pill "medicine"~!?"

"One, two... God, three! There are actually three Qi Gathering Pills!"

Following the discussion of the big guys, even the real people on the high platform could not conceal their surprise and curiosity, and stepped onto the ring one after another.

The invigilator picked up the "medicine" in the slag, placed it on the special tray, and handed it to Ci Hang.

"Three finished products, one on top and one hit."

Several real people took a sigh of relief one after another, all of them "exposed" unbelievable, and "confused" expressions.

Jin Wu fate to death and didn’t believe everything he saw before him, and he stubbornly refused: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Looking at the entire Canglan Continent, there is no "medicine" master who can make a finished pill in the fryer. "Medicine" must be cheating!"

Feng Ruchu rolled his eyes and said unceremoniously: "You can't mean I can't? This Canglan Continent doesn't have a five-system spiritual root yet!"

Jin Wuming suddenly lost his words.

"Girl, how did you manage to get the finished pill "medicine" after the fryer? You also got three pills at a time? If the fryer can produce the finished product, then with your skill, you should be able to control the fire completely. How come there is a situation where the fire fryer is going to hit?" Fire Phoenix was full of doubts.

"I said, someone moved their hands and feet on my alchemy furnace..." Feng Ruchu took up a pinch of the furnace pot residue and sent it to the fire phoenix, and said: "Smell, what's the special smell?"

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