The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 344: : Dad who will never get

"..." Feng Ruchu looked stunned, pointed at the tip of his nose, and said, "When did I become a disciple of "Medicine" Wanggu? Why don't I know?"

The elder stroked his beard and stood on the side of the high platform, looking at Feng Ruchu condescendingly, with a proud and benevolent tone, and said: "Seeing that your talent is acceptable, this elder will make an exception to allow you to be the king of medicine. Gu, send it in my name and be my outer disciple."

Feng Ruchu looked embarrassed, she really didn't like this fox, fake tiger, and deceitful lord...

With a sneer, he unceremoniously went back: "It's a pity...this girl really doesn't like your'exception'!"

"You!" The elder was anxious and wanted to say something, but Yu Xiao sighed impatiently, and said: "Okay, people can't enter the "medicine" Wanggu, that is their freedom, and they are forced to buy and sell. Nothing?"

The elder stunned, he immediately shut up, blushing with an old face, and stepped aside.

"Xiaoyu, you understand!" Feng Ruchu cast a wink at Yu Xiao without evasiveness.

The shocked Yu Xiao almost staggered down from the high platform, and his heart was pounding.


"Milk" "Milk", what are you talking about? I didn't hear it!


At the end of the battle pill conference, Feng Ruchu obtained the qualification of a five-rank alchemist certified by Wanggu of "Pharmaceutical". The "Pharmaceutical" master's ID card is a wooden sign with the engraved'Medical' on the front and a'on the back. Fives'.

Dongluan was defeated and the first "Pharmaceutical" master died in the ring. Although Yao Feifan was angry, after all, Queen Fan was about to hold her feet. When she left, she said, "Since the state of life and death has been established, Dongluan people, Don’t use this to record hatred and revenge.' casually left the square surrounded by the maidservants.

As for Jin Wuming, he originally wanted to leave, but Feng Ruchu vomited blood on the spot with a sentence.

She said: "Hey, Sect Master Jin Gang, when the Pill Fighting Conference just started, I seemed to listen to what you said... ‘If I can get into the top three, you call me...’"

Jin Wuming shouted angrily: "Feng Ruchu!"

Feng Ruchu pretended to step back, patted her small chest, and was not sincere at all.

He sighed, "After all...I am the father you will never get!"

King Wuming:...

He almost blew himself up on the spot!

And the Lord of the Lord, who did not eat the fireworks and was rare in a century, after disappearing with a curtain, he appeared in a white but appropriately dressed mortal appearance at the corner of the square.

"Hey...Brother, have you seen my purse? It contains ten million taels of silver bills. Why is this missing?"

Mo Wushuang ignored him, but silently looked at the direction of the bet.

Yu Xiao "touched" and "touched" his cuffs, and took out his belt again, muttering to himself, wondering: "Weird, there was still a pill when it was clear, why would it be gone? I still want to use it tomorrow. Buy some pill "medicine" at the auction of Ciheju. Firstly, to support the business of "medicine" Wanggu, but also to give some of my disciples and grandchildren a little welfare...Why don't you say that the money is gone?"

At this moment, Feng Ruchu made a big jump and rushed over, slapped a paw on Yu Xiao's shoulder, and said with a grin, "Why are you two here?...Could it be that you sneaked up to place a bet? Who was it? Is it me? Is it me?"

Yu Xiao dodged sideways, avoiding the'intimate contact' with her aunt's'milk' and'milk'. There was a moment of disgust on her mouth, and said, "What kind of bet is this kind of evil habit that can only be contaminated by ordinary people. , How could it be possible for otherworldly saints like me and my brother..."

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