The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 356: : Guo Family Miemen (2)

"Guo Cheng, do you remember me? My fiancee was humiliated to death by your son. I can't wait to cramp you day and night!"

The Guo family relied on the relationship of Ci Hangzong to cover the sky in Xiyang, doing all the bad things, already angry and complaining.

It's just that the Guo family's roots are too deep, and the head of the family is a monk in the Yuan Ying period, and he has raised a group of guest officials.

Now I heard that Guo Weiyu was driven out of the "Medicine" Wanggu, Guo Yang was beheaded by the Holy Lord, and the Guo family completely offended Young Master Jiang Li.

Under the leadership of Wang Yu, the big guy responded and decided to encircle and suppress Guo's house tonight.

Guo Chenghong looked at Wang Yu and sneered at Feng Ruchu: "Do you really think that these mobs can shake my Guo family? It's like an idiot that shakes the tree, and people talk about dreams!?"

"In terms of cultivation level, they really can't fight it, but they have me..." Feng Ruchu took out the "medicine" bag from his arms, threw it to Wang Yu, and said, "Send it down."

Wang Yu opened it and saw that it was actually a third-rank advanced pill!

Allows the spiritualist to increase his cultivation base by one level within an hour.

Although it is not a permanent advancement like Xisui Pill, when facing a powerful enemy, this pill "medicine" is enough to reverse the situation.

Wang Yu's people swallowed the pill "medicine" without thinking about it, and in an instant, all the cultivators' cultivation base increased greatly, and the coercion was unleashed.

The comprehensive strength is enough to compete with Brother Guo Family.

Guo Yang panicked for a moment, and said, "Go on, come on, kill one person, bounty a hundred taels, kill Feng as ever, bounty ten thousand... kill me!"

It is said that there must be a fierce husband under the heavy money, and the Guo family brothers are eager to rush forward.

Feng Ruchu suddenly yelled: "Kill Guo Yang and Guo Weiyu, each person will have a fourth-grade pill "medicine"! No matter friends or foes!"

After speaking, the thugs took a while, and dozens of fourth-grade pill "medicine" flew towards Wang Yu's camp behind him.

The big guy had been taken aback by her third-rank advanced pill before, and when he heard the fourth-rank pill "medicine", he subconsciously thought she was bragging.

After all, the fourth-grade pill "medicine" can hardly be refined by Wanggu's refining "medicine". Even if there is, it can only be seen at the auction house of Ciheju.

Is this little girl crazy? So bragging not to draft.

Unexpectedly, she waved her hand and spilled so many pill "medicine", among them there were top grades!

Wang Yu deserves to be Feng Ruchu’s confidant. Knowing the meaning of her move, she immediately replied: "Girl Feng is the leader of the "Medicine" Wanggu Doudan Conference, certified as a sixth-grade "pharmaceutical" master, and all monks present, as long as they can kill Guo Yang. With Guo Weiyu, Miss Feng must have a great reward!"

Money is like dung, but pill "medicine" can be met but not sought.

When Guo Cheng heard Feng Ruchu's words, his instinct was chilled. As expected, in the next second, the cultivators of the Guo family immediately turned to each other, and attacked Guo Cheng without saying a word.

This situation caught Guo Cheng off guard, but after all, he was a monk in the late Nascent Soul Stage. Compared with his own Ke Qing, his cultivation was not a bit stronger. The golden light flashed, and the sharp blade flew directly in the front row. He was a monk, but he was unharmed. .

"Girl, do you want our people to rush forward?" Wang Yu asked in a low voice.

"No need." Feng Ruchu returned.

Squinting at the Guo family monk, the people in the back row saw Guo Cheng's cultivation level, and they were worried about whether they would become the front wave dying on the beach. They all showed an expression of hesitation.

Feng Ruchu immediately said again: "If you take the first level of Guo Yang, you will be rewarded with a six-tier pill!"

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