The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 365: : Someone makes trouble

Instead, as soon as the voice fell, trouble came!

Just listen to a group of people outside the door chirping to find fault.

"Will your Sky Profound Pavilion'medicine' be fake?"

"What can a fifth-grade "pharmaceutical" master do? If she is not deliberate, why not enter the "medicine" Wanggu?"

"All sorts of warlocks, I think there is no guarantee at all for this kind of small shop. We are all spiritists. The elixir is especially important. If you take a sick person, it doesn't matter. If the spiritual veins you eat are damaged, or you lose your "life", then the gain is not worth the loss."

"Yes, yes, I heard that this shopkeeper can produce several kinds of pills in one pot, and among them there are poison pills that even real person Cihang can't solve. If she wants to harm someone, how can we escape? ."

"It makes sense. When the time comes, we have collected money and killed our lives. The shop will be closed and no such person will be found. We will have nowhere to find revenge."

"It's gone, it's all gone, let's wait for the invitation of the porcelain house."

Wang Yu looked at them, saying what you said, and what they said seemed to be justified, and even drove the surrounding atmosphere, and followed them to tell the wrong thing about the Tianxuan Pavilion.

Wang Yu quickly explained: "Don't leave, the big guy, just listen to me, listen to me, our pill "medicine" is absolutely authentic and reliable. If you leave it, you pay ten... I promise you!"

"What kind of thing are you, what do you use to guarantee?... Or, ask the little girl next to you to come out to guarantee the guarantee? Uncle still..." The man with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks looked "kinky"-dirty looking at Wang Lu.

However, before he finished speaking the foul language, suddenly a sharp golden light flashed, directly on his mouth, and flew him over.

The sharp-mouthed monkey cheek man fell heavily into the pile of people, with a few teeth missing, his mouth was full of blood, and he got up with strength and yelled: "Which one is desperate, dare to attack me? Grandpa is an axe! "

Feng Ruchu appeared at the door dressed in a light "color" shirt, and a golden light appeared in his palm that could not be recovered in the future.

Looking condescendingly at the man with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks: "If you dare to say anything disrespectful outside my Tianxuan Pavilion, I will throw you into the hut and eat shit!"

"Fuck you..." He still wanted to scold.

At this time, the real Ksitigarbha rushed out in a hurry, slapped Wang Yu on the back of the head, and said angrily: "You useless fellow, or are you not from my Ksitigarbha? This hooligan dare to humiliate your sister, Are you just standing and watching? Without a knife, he goes straight to the palace and becomes a eunuch, and waits for Feng Mai to help you teach?"

"Go, look for the face and call me, he dare to fight back and try." Ji Zang Zhenjin kicked Wang Yu's ass.

Wang Yu:...

The man had been beaten by Feng Ruchu in a terrible way. His nose and mouth kept bleeding out. Wang Yu was upright and honest. He was often bullied by the Guo family before, and he could bear it.

At this time, facing a person who was ‘speaking badly’, and his face was full of blood, he really couldn’t bear it.

So, he swallowed his saliva and said: "Master's order cannot be violated..."

As he said, he slapped his hand and slapped it twice.

No one dared to discuss anything with this trick.

Several people who were picking things shrank their heads, and just about to leave, suddenly their feet were cold, and they were frozen by the ice.

"I brought a wave of rhythm outside my door, stirred the muddy water and wanted to leave? Is it because there is no one in the Sky Profound Pavilion, so I can bully it at will?" Feng Ruchu held the hockey puck.

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