The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 280: : Fengze was injured

Feng Ruchu was lying on the bed, against the roof, puzzled: "Why did you want to go down the mountain suddenly? When I was leaving, I told him that he must never leave the Holy Land of Yungong. How could he? Don't listen?"

Zhu'er was washing his paws while meowing in a meow voice: "It seems that something has happened, meow... The young master suddenly asked me to go back to the prime minister's mansion for him the day before, to see if everyone in the family is okay. After I passed, I found out There were many "pharmacists" in the prime minister's mansion, and even the real person Ci Hang was shocked. After inquiring, he realized that it was Master Fengze who was injured by the demon clan and was "unconscious"."

Feng Ruchu was startled, and suddenly sat up from the bed, and subconsciously asked, "Fengze was injured? Did you tell Nianchu about this?"

Zhu'er nodded, her chubby chin drooping on the ground, and said innocently: "Yes, I'll just say it when I come back. After I learned about it, the young master was worried about breaking down and was busy going down the mountain. Fortunately, I stopped him several times. Come down."

No wonder Feng Nianchu insisted on going down the mountain, and then was taken away by the demons. It turned out that Fengze was secretly doing a ghost!

It was a bitter trick, laid a trap to let Nianchu jump in, and then cooperated with the demon emperor to take Nianchu abducted to the blood maple forest, but he picked a clean, lying in the prime minister's mansion to pretend to be his patient.

Good method and good thought.

It seems that Fengze had also contributed to the demonization of Nianchu!

I feel that Nianchu is demonized, and he is the same kind of person. If her identity is exposed in the future, for her own brother's sake, will she not kill him?

Zhu'er didn't know that Fengze was a matter of the demons, but felt that as soon as he finished speaking, Feng Ruchu's face instantly became gloomy, and even his usual jokes and playful eyes rose to the top. The murderousness of the yin bird.

Zhu'er jumped up quickly and said, "Girl, you..." Feng Ruchu walked directly out, and Zhu'er stepped on four legs to chase, and explained incoherently: "Where are you going, girl? This is the middle of the night... The Lord said, You are not allowed to go to the Blood Maple Forest... I have already lost sight of Young Master Nianchu. In case I am going to lose you, the Lord will stew cat meat and eat..."

"Girl, you really can't blame me, it's not that I can't stop the young master, but he put cat grass in my dried fish, which made me jump up and down all day, so I fell asleep at night."

"You really can't blame meow...meow..."


Prime Minister's House.

The main hall is brightly lit.

After two days and two nights of treatment, Fengze finally woke up.

It's just that his face is still pale, and even his breath is not visible.

At this time, Master Cihang took the pulse, breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "The body is no longer a serious problem, but it still needs a good health care. After a while, it will be restored to normal."

Liu Shuxian sat aside and wiped her tears, feeling distressed: "Ze'er, you said you were too bold to break into the devil's cave by yourself. Thanks to you, it's okay this time. How do you live?..."

The Queen Mother sat on the main seat, with a kindly comforting expression: "Mrs. Feng, Feng Ze went to Jiaxian with Bodhi Sect this time to destroy a demon stronghold and rescued tens of thousands of people. You have made contributions to Sheji. You should feel for him. Pride is."

Liu Shuxian nodded again and again: "Yes, what the Queen Mother said." After that, she looked at Feng Ze lovingly, and sighed: "I don't know how you got through the days when you were trapped in the devil's cave. Mother just thought about it. , I feel scared."

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