The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 259: : Feng Ruchu promoted

With that, a golden light flashed in his hand and struck Feng Ruchu.

Feng Zheng is also a gold-based spiritualist, and the coercion is naturally strong. Feng Ruchu is not willing to underestimate the enemy, while summoning a floating light defense, while twisting the characters into a symbol to face Feng Zheng.

But at this moment, a yellowish figure flashed behind him out of thin air, and he screamed: "Bitch, you even attacked daddy and took my sword!"

Feeling that Jian Guang was "forced", Feng Ruchu struck a backhand with a talisman.

The fire talisman with powerful spiritual power directly burned the person in front of him. He only heard the scream of "Ah...", the person had been beaten out without even getting close to Feng Ruchu, with a bang... It hit the wall and spurted blood out with two puffs.

Feng Ruchu cleaned up Feng Mo'er, but it was too late to turn around to resist Feng Zheng's spiritual power.

Gang Qi was immediately hit on the side of the dantian, so pain that she almost couldn't stand firmly, staggering back two steps.

"Mo'er!" Feng Feier rushed anxiously, checked Feng Mo'er's injuries, looked at Feng Ruchu angrily, and reprimanded: "Somehow she is your sister, you are so cruel!"

Feng Ruchu bent over slightly and sneered: "She killed me for what she deserved. I killed her for this cruelty?...Double!"

Dantian hurts, and my heart hurts.

As if torn apart, he wanted to rush out.

Yao Feihua waved one hand and ordered: "Go, tie her up. This person is related to the Demon Race, and you must not be merciless."

The two maids responded and walked over.

However, he has not yet approached Feng Ruchu's step forward.

Suddenly, a powerful aura burst out from her body, and the five colors of white, green, black, red and yellow flashed past, and the night sky was rendered bright and colorful.

The two maids screamed ‘Ah...’.

He was actually knocked out by those five lusters, and hit Yao Feihua's feet in a daze.

The doctor next to him stepped forward to check his pulse, his eyes were startled, and he shook his head and said: "Report to the queen, both of them have broken their veins and died on the spot."

How can it be! Although she is a maid, she is in the late Yuan Ying stage and is still a demigod. How could she be injured by a wounded Feng Ruchu...

"Look, look, she is going to break through!" Fire Phoenix exclaimed.

I saw Feng Ruchu's Dantian Qi blooming with the fantasy of a five-color lotus, and the endless aura gathered into a huge vortex and poured into it, dispersing to the six channels.

At this time, although she was injured, her face was pale, and the corners of her lips were bloody, but she was surrounded by layers of aura, full of five layers of aura.




Three times in a row, they exploded from Feng Ruchu.

The fire Phoenix's shocked mouth couldn't close, and he was attentive for fear of missing the slightest detail.

She murmured: "The late stage of the's the early stage of the heartbeat...Oh my God, the middle stage, the late stage...the golden core! I see her golden core! Look at it, golden light, purple gas... …She actually broke through the late Jindan stage! She reached the real-life level!"

"It's incredible, it's incredible!"

"I have lived for nearly two hundred years... a full two hundred years... I have never seen anyone who can rise to the three realms in an instant... What kind of spiritual vein has grown against this girl!? "

Being slapped by Feng Zheng not only did not damage her heart pulse, but completely aroused her latent aura.

Not to mention the surprise of the Fire Phoenix, even the pretentious Protoss, Yao Extraordinary, and the superior Duobao Divine Sovereign, can't help "showing" incredible shock and incomprehension.

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