The Insane and Good-For-Nothing Madam

Chapter 607: Someone will bear the mistakes you made

When mentioning the past when she was a teenager, Xuan'er was also full of tears, and she muttered: "I don't want the world or wealth. Will you give up your ambition and stop your killing for me?"

"..." Jiuli was silent for a long time, frowning deeper and deeper.

Xuan'er waited and watched quietly. For a few seconds, it seemed as if she had experienced a long and indefinite darkness. In the end, she could not see the slightest struggle or hesitation in his eyes, but Full of doubts and impatience.

Xuan'er lowered her eyes and whispered, "You won't, I know."

Following her words, Jiuli seemed to explain: "...If I let go now, what I face will be the end of a dead body... I cut the grass without removing the roots, and the spring breeze blows again... Since it is over. The death hatred is that you die and I will not tolerate it."


That day, Jiuli left these words and disappeared in the lake pavilion.

On the same day, Xuan'er noticed that there were a lot of black-armored soldiers surrounding the Huxin Pavilion. As long as she had changed, it would immediately reach Jiuli's ears.

She is under house arrest!

"If I want to leave, no one can stop this world." Xuan'er said when she saw Jiuli at this time.

From the day when Jiuli broke up with her, he knew that she could no longer stay by his side willingly, so he had been psychologically prepared for her fierce reaction.

He calmly said: "I know I can't stop it, but someone can."

At this time, a little court lady made tea and walked over. Jiuli waved his hand, a red light flashed, and only heard the sound of "pop...", the best teacup was broken and the floor was covered with blood. The court lady screamed. One hand was cut off just like that.

"If you make a mistake, someone will be punished for you." Jiuli said half of his chin was splashed with blood, he said coolly.

Xuan'er was stunned for half a second, completely surprised by Jiuli’s sudden warning. It was not until she heard the maid’s scream that she suddenly recovered and rushed to the maid’s side and took out a hemostatic pill for her. Take it.

"She is only twelve years old, what is wrong with her!" Xuan'er roared.

"Don't say twelve, even if I am two years old, I will kill without mercy." Jiuli made no secret of his bloodthirsty.

After that, he glanced at Xuan'er and saw her trembling with anger. Jiuli stepped forward and squatted in front of her, saying: "Stay by my side obediently, they will be safe, otherwise, I will not Knowing what I will do when I get crazy."

Xuan'er clenched her fist fiercely, gritted her teeth and said, "You are simply not a human being."

Jiuli chuckled his lips and smiled: "In your heart, I've been like this a long time ago. If you kill one less person or kill another person, you can't change it, right? If that's the case, it's better to let me kill sex."

"Xuan'er..." Jiuli looked at her deeply, and for a moment, there was a deep feeling of affection: "Instead of letting you go for ten years, hiding in a place I can't find anymore, I would rather you hate me."

Xuan'er was extremely angry, and slapped his backhand on his face. He was already in a desperate situation and threatened her with life!

"Get out! I don't want to see you, I don't want to see you for a moment!" Xuan'er roared hysterically.

Jiuli turned his face to the side, his handsome white chin left a shallow scratch.

Raising his hand and stroking the corner of his cracked mouth, he snorted from his nose, but he could not see any anger or displeasure.


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